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Everything posted by Lanzfeld

  1. That is a good point NOX. In CMSF I am way more sensitive to my casulties then a WWII setting.
  2. LOL!!!!! He is the one standing in the crowd that you DO NOT want to shine a black light on!!!
  3. I also believe WWII makes for a better game because it is not so much "one shot one kill" like the modern setting. I just seem to have more drama in the WWII setting.
  4. Progressive fires wasone of the GREAT things about CMBO/BB/AK. They would be making a mistake not to bring it back IMHO.
  5. May ask what site you are all talking about? As a CM fan from the start, I don't want to walk into an ambush you know...
  6. Stacking rocks and hiding behind boulders are two different things. But yes....splinters are bad.
  7. I could live with a lower poly count version of this cover that didnt look so perfect. I would love to try to drive out a dug in defender in this terrain. Think about it...3 foot high rocks that could withstand even tank rounds. Boulders.
  8. Cool moments? I am sure all of you have seen this before but I just noticed today: Reloading PKM up close and personal...they lift the top open!!!! LOVE IT!!! (mg-42 will be coooool....no chance of barrel changing...I guess a little too detailed). Sounds when rounds hit the marshes. Kerplunk splash!!! Details are great!
  9. A little of topic but... Can you imagine how "light" the rifle teams firepower is going to feel and look in CM:N after seeing all the M-4's ripping from a whole platoon in CM:SF?!?!?
  10. Bows and arrows too!!! ...and Cubans!!!
  11. Interesting... 12 guage shotguns, 30.06, AR-15's, captured AK's, lever action 30-30's Wolverines!!!
  12. More testing... AT-3B advertised setup is 5 minutes. Actual with regular crew is 5 minutes. AT-4C advertised setup is 2 minutes and actual is same. 1:55 to be exact. SPG-9 is off. Advertised setup is 90 seconds. Actual is 40 seconds. Again "Packing Up" times are strange as the AT-3 and 4 teams need no packing up time after deploying. Bug???
  13. Okay, I just did some testing. These tests were against buildings which should not effect setup times but maybe aiming times??? AT-13 advertised setup is 90 seconds. Both vets and conscripts set it up and went into aiming at about 40 to 45 seconds. Both aimed for about 10 to 15 seconds before shooting. AT-14 advertised setup is 90 seconds. Both vets and conscripts set it up as advertised about 90 seconds. Aiming for both, again, took about 10 to 15 seconds. So it seems that the AT-13 info screen needs new data because crews went from stopping to shooting in about 50 seconds. Like I said, setup was about 40 to 45 seconds. I saw no difference in setup times with crew experience but it MAY have taken the conscripts 3 seconds longer while aiming. Not too sure but I did notice that conscript shots failed to hit target building more. Again...I am not sure. Packing up seems to be a little bit broken? When my AT-13's were deployed and I hit the deploy button again to packup it took the advertised time of 20 seconds. All is well. BUT....if I just quick my boys then they DO NOT PACK UP at all and just move. After they get to new spot then they deploy again. Is this a cheat to avoid packing up delays??? Same with the AT-14 guys. No packup is needed. They just pickup and run. BTW... Same reloading "bug" as with rpg's. If you want the team to shoot then run the AT guys stays behind to finish reloading first. DEAD GUY!
  14. Thank you Other Means. It effects javelins yes but my real worry is the super lightweight stuff like the RPG-7 and the (soon) bazooka where you know people, in some cercumstances, would shoot and run.
  15. Sorry I do not have a save. This is VERY easy to replicate in any test scenario. Just area fire on a building for 5 or 10 seconds followed by a fast move. You will see you everyone run away except your RPG guy as he is busy reloading.
  16. Yes, and the hero that runs in to do buddy aid (and to grab the most important AT asset) usually gets ventilated in the same manor. Triple bummer.
  17. Crap...I was concerned that it was brought up before because if it has and they didnt fix it then it is probably hard to fix. Bummer.... double bummer for the zooks, PIATs, and schrecks. It will be like a little extra handicapp for AT squads.
  18. I have noticed this little AI "quirk" for quite some time and I wanted to bring it to the spotlight for the next patch. I play WEGO but the problem is still there in RT as well. Also, it does not matter if squad is conscript or elite. Now on to the problem... I often use my RPG (7 or 29) teams to do hit and run or ambush tactics on enemy tanks. My prefered technique in WEGO is to set a target with a 5 second pause then put a "fast" movement away from the position into some cover. The idea is to make a quick aimed shot and then haul ass outa there before the inevitable hail of counterfire hits home. The 5 seconds is often enough for a shot but sometime I allow 10 seconds if the RPG guy is not lined up. Anyway... the shot occurs and everyone takes off as planned except for the RPG shooter. He is still planted in the same spot as he was before reloading his weapon. He usually dies there. Sometimes you get REALLY lucky and he shoots EXACTLY as the 5 seconds is up (about 1 in 20) then he will run first and reload later. This seems to be a quirk that only happens, as I said, if the round leaves the barrel the instant the fast command is triggered. If he has a half second left before running he will start the reload process while his squadmates flee. As you know, the reloading process can take 5 to 10 seconds. Dead Guy!!! I suggest a tweak in the next patch that cures this little frustration by having any troop that is issued a "fast" command stop reloading and RUN. As soon as he gets to the next waypoint that is not a "fast" waypoint he can take the time to reload. This would seem to be a more realistic way of executing a "pop shot" with a RPG or, in the very exciting future, a bazooka, PIAT, or schreck. I am not a programmer but I would hope that this would'nt be too hard to tweak. I really hope it is not because such a little fix would really make a huge difference in reality IMHO. Maybe a fix could be if a unit has a "fast" command in the next 5 seconds they will not reload??? So...Shoot---->Run---->Reload! Thanks for listening BFC and thanks for the patches! Lanzfeld
  19. Another great video!! LOVE the russian accent mixed with the music!!!
  20. My guess is the AT-13. Duel warhead and the vid was showing some bunker shots maybe to advertise the thermobaric warhead that is an option?
  21. I just tested Iron mode. You see all your units when no unit is selected.
  22. By "lose contact" do you mean C2? I think the only difference between iron and elite is friendly spotting. I may not understand this 100% though...
  23. isnt that the diference between "iron" and "elite"?
  24. Again... Ambush triggered. Also...I do know that this tactic is used IRL . Steve has told us the reason behind not splitting Red and I was just repeating it. Battlefront has done the homework. Who knows...maybe they will change it. My Blue ambushes all the time. I make little battles where Blue is quite outnumbered.
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