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Everything posted by benpark

  1. Rivers are an absolute must. It would be ill advised to release the WWII game without them. The code might be tough, but better sweat spilled than blood in the reviews and slings and barbs in the forums. D-Day landings are fine to leave out by me. Just call the game something like "Inland Overlord" or "Salt-Free St. Lo".
  2. Are multi-story buildings going to be in the add on? Any urban buildings or settings like Stalingrad, Budapest or Berlin?
  3. The AI seems more responsive, both in terms of fighting back on defense and in moving forward in offense to my eye. I'm basing this on the remake of "Chance Encounter" thus far.
  4. Sick of modern conflict myself. Back to WWII or pre.
  5. I'd also like to know if multi-story buildings will be in the add-on.
  6. The translation on that page is chock full of great stuff: "The most interesting, in my view, innovation, "skirmish" it is "multiplayer in a nozzle. That is, you can now arrange a beef battle with seven computer opponents. The "all against all" look particularly joyful quire, where, in an otherwise, I personally sometimes lacked in completely serious and severe "second world"."
  7. benpark

    new video

    It's a huge plus for single player.
  8. "Multiplayer game may include AI controlled units" Can a multiplayer game be turned into a quasi-quick battle for single play if one side can be set for AI? For ex. Start a MP game, set one side to "human" the opposition for "AI" and have at it.
  9. Mac's can run XP under Bootcamp. I am running SCWaW on a MacbookPro this way, much faster than my PC does.
  10. I'm agreed with Nachinus. A quick battle generator would also be up there.
  11. I had one last night, put I put it down to the fact that I was playing on my aging PC desktop. The game seized up, and I had to restart.
  12. BFC-really well done on 1.03!! Dan, freaking amazing changes on the terrain! It's a vast leap over already fantastic looking textures. Pure art. My hat is off to you. GOOD JOB ALL 'ROUND!!
  13. If you guys are tasting what you are hearing, it's time to ease that pipe on down.
  14. benpark

    Dev blogs

    Thank you, good man!
  15. benpark

    Dev blogs

    Random battle selections are pretty much a must for this next addition's success. Could some kind soul that speaks Russian try to relate that to the devs on their forum?
  16. The modern combat setting of CMSF has been vaguely interesting to me and it's been nice to see the new engine at work (most of the time ), but I'm hoping for one more modern module, then work on the WW2 stuff starting.
  17. This is a great little scenario. I'm glad to have an infantry only one to play. Nicely done. One problem so far-I'm taking brutal fire through the high wall closest to the US forces start point. Not the designers fault, it's part of the whaky LOS as is until 1.03 (hopefully) fixes it.
  18. Yes, please allow optional insanity inducing musical throbbings.
  19. On board mortars are a more immediate support firepower than off-board artillery. I'd like them in game, certainly for the WWII iterations.
  20. I would buy it, but the odds are highly stacked that it's not going to happen.
  21. The main problem is the removal of the selection for which game type is desired (enemy attack, defend, meeting engagement etc). How is the gamer to know what plan the scenario designer has set from the UI as is now without opening each of these in the editor? The QB is the weak link in the game as it stands for me as is. This is due primarily to the above problem. Although the title of this post says that it's not about "random map ranting", the main issues are tied to just that problem. QB's should really also have the above choice selection back, as well as the ability to load a specific file from a folder/map to be used. Forget the force selection arguments, this is where the heart of the problem with the QB's lies. The enforced randomization of the maps is obviously aimed at MP map balance, but it kills the single player QB with the above problems.
  22. I thrive on great editors. This one is the best of the best. That said, a few wants: I've noticed a few others are having some trouble with placing units in the fantastic editor and having them not show up where they expect them in game testing. For example, placing a squad in a 3rd story building and finding them on the ground near the building. I'd like the ability to specify where the units are placed in a precise manner, like the good old "lock" of CM past. Taking into consideration how great multiple AI plans are, I would also like to have 2-3 multiple AI setup zones that would be randomly chosen so that the player would in effect be facing not only a new AI plan, but an entirely unknown battlefield situation from the start. Or am I just not aware this is in yet...
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