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Everything posted by Moonslayer

  1. I suspected that might be the case... thanks for the confirmation. *Note to self: Use both brain cells next time you see a patch*
  2. I updated SC2 to v1.01 before I exported any of my modded files and can no longer open them. I figure the easiest way round this would be to download v1.00 again and export the files. Unless there is an easier way to do this? As for the above instructions, they do not apply to me yet... I will find out if I can follow them after I have rescued my mods
  3. Seems I should have read this thread before I patched my games... all my mod files are now useless it seems :/ Is there any way to rescue this situation without creating another version 1.00 SC2?
  4. It could be my system but this game takes far too long to process a turn for the AI. I played it for 2 hours last night and it was stil only October '39! I gave up playng and went back to the original game version... sorry!
  5. 1) (9) is the build limit. If soft limits are being used then every unit above nine costs you increasingly more... as will replacements for damage taken by those units. The 4 refers to the number of months required to build/train that unit type. Assuming you have that option in operation. 2) Soft build limits are universal. 3) Never tried that one but it may work if you use the hard build limits option. 4) The effects only affect the occupying country (the country ID for russian winter event is '4' which is the value given to the ussr. Hence, any non soviet (or soviet ally) unit will be affected). 5) As far as I can tell, Free units do not count towards soft limits as they are not actually the same as the country they 'defect' to. They keep their national identity to some extent. [ May 21, 2006, 03:27 AM: Message edited by: Moonslayer ]
  6. I'm a big 3D fan but these are good enough to make me change my mind for at least a game or two. G'job!
  7. Nothing stopping a quick alteration of the scripts though... I have certainly done this in my mod
  8. I have almost finished the europe map with an extended africa (South to Lake Victoria)... this is being designed by me as a '39 mod... but it would be easy enough to modify it for the Italian invasion of Abbasynia. When I am done I will put the map up for all to use.
  9. Have you tried to script these things yourself? I have started to modify the 'partizans' unit to become destroyers. So far so good but I have put that mod on hold until I have finished scripting my expanded '39 campaign. I would like to include destroyers, however, so if you get done with a mod I would love to see it
  10. Panzerkiel I have had the same issue myself but had put it down to my slow processor... it's only 500MHz. Could this be the problem?
  11. Fantomas they are superb! I feel inspired to try some Napoleonic mods myself... but I MUST finish my Africa WWII mod first
  12. This would explain why I haven't seen any of the differentiated scripts I have written/modified. Cheers for the continued work on these problems HC.
  13. Historically the Americans landed at several spots simultaneously(ish)... why not script it as two landings with seperate units earmarked?
  14. According to the manual: #CUSTOM_BITMAPS= 0 If you set this to 1 then you will be able to use custom bitmaps. You will need to create a Bitmaps subdirectory within your custom campaign directory for your customized items. The game will then use these customized items instead of the default bitmaps. A warning message will let you know if you have done something wrong when attempting to load a campaign set for custom bitmaps. Maybe you have forgotten to do this? Or you could listen to the man himself and ignore a slow-typing-nobody like me
  15. You should be able to reactivate the captured country as an ally of the conquerer via a script. I must admit I haven't tried this myself but the setting up of Vichy sounds similar... you would just take it one step further and align the 'new' nation with the other side.
  16. I tried to do the same as you for Libya and Albania and had the same problem. My guess is that it is because Italy is not an activated country to begin with... hence it cannot have troops in any country other than it's own (unlike UK in Egypt). As for the French possessions they work fine. The only thing you may have missed is to set France as their allied parent? Otherwise they work perfectly. This suggests that Italy not being 100% activated is indeed the root problem with Libya and Albania. I guess you could get round the problem by having your campaign start after Italy's entry into the war. [ May 01, 2006, 03:24 AM: Message edited by: Moonslayer ]
  17. I have included Slovakia as an allied nation in the '39 campaign and it works fine... the devil is in the detail realy... ensure you have set everything up correctly in the editor. If you are still having problems then please let me know what, exactly, you have alterred and I may be able to help a little more.
  18. I have the higher res functions but after a couple of plays I have settled on the lowest resolution... you can see much more of the detail that way. The higher resolutions are just too high imho. The lowest setting is perfect.
  19. Corps are useful for garrison duties, shoring up defensive lines, supporting armour for encirclement manuevers, to sacrifice so more expensive units can escape etc etc. Armies are the hammer to the corps' anvil
  20. I love them.... they are a must have for my axis forces! They are much better now that their movement has improved.
  21. The idea sounds appealling at first but I can see things getting mighty predictable game after game. Personally I like random... it adds an edge of excitement and simulates the real situation much more closely imho. Good work on the calculations... but I find the spread of possible completion times far too restrictive to my liking. I prefer the current method.
  22. It seems that the game always crashes for me after I have reloaded a saved game (full version). The game does not crash immediately... it always occurs during the first AI turn after the reload. So far this has happened 6 times out of 6! Anyone have any ideas what I could do?
  23. Have you tried setting the annexation script to occur a turn or two after Vichy Syria has been set up? That way you are neither trying to annex a major nation nor are you annexing a non-existant country.
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