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ng cavscout

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Everything posted by ng cavscout

  1. keep mentioning beer and I will start to cry... but only good beer, like PBR or Schlitz
  2. I do however have a 10 year old boy, they tend to have the same eating habits as dogs...
  3. When picturing the battle of the intellectual giants that this skirmish between Seanachai and Boo Radley must of been, I have visions of two headgear wearing lack wits fighting over the last Ring Ding at the Special Olympics picnic for runners up. I got a curious package from Australia. It is "Vegemite". I haven't tasted it yet, but I did smell it. It has the odor of sadness mixed with old gym socks.... It frightens me
  4. When torturing Arabic children I prefer to use a Black and Decker cordless drill. It is quiet, so you can savor the screams, and it is made in America so we can perpetuate our capitalistic domination of all people of color.
  5. Speaking of pricetags. I was talking with a civilian mechanic at a base north of Baghdad, he is a contractor with one of the major service providers over here. He is a line mechanic in a HMMWV service and support center, he will earning approximately $130,000 this year. Contrast that with a TCN (third country national) truck driver, in one of the convoys we escort every day. He is from usually Pakistan, Egypt, or India. He makes on average $600 a month. There are huge waiting lists for those jobs as well. Some of these men were university professors back in their home countries, but came here to drive trucks in Iraq.... And no, I am not naive enough to think they are doing it because of love for the US, or for love of the Iraqi people. The simple fact is that that equals about 3 times what a well paid truck driver in Egypt can expect to make in a month. I am very grateful to of been born American.
  6. You have very discerning taste, MiLady. Your fraternization with Dorosh notwithstanding. </font>
  7. ummm, I don't think that is his puppet, unless he uses a life size puppet of Dalem.... Well, I guess they get bored during those long, cold, dark Minnesota winters...
  8. Why didn't we get to see a picture of her instead of you two mugs?</font>
  9. very nearly, he was mighty complimentary to the good lady Stuka, nothing I couldn't handle mind, with the aid of a bullwhip and a cattle prod.... although I do believe he was knawing the tyres of the Humvee as they dragged him back to base.... </font>
  10. well, duh, of course it does, unless you have had radioactive waste spread on it by mindless automatons like myself. Here, let me rise from my chair made from Arabic childrens skulls to show you how we do it.
  11. Hi mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought I would take time out from my busy day of child murdering and spreading radioactive waste to say that. insidious equipment???????????
  12. I recently had a US halftrack killed by an MG-42 frontally at about 300 meters. Thanks Mr Peng
  13. I am the ugly one with the huge round head, and the glasses. Stuka is the one that looks like he is wearing a cape, but that is actually just the Qatari gentleman standing behind him. The lovely Lydia is taking the picture.
  14. hey Hey HEY HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!! How about some vaseline next time Joe Shaw? Well, since none of the rest of you tossers can seem to string more than 2 syllables together, let me try and sum this up for the illustrious Justicar. Point f5 - rleete made first call for liegeship of young Stoat. Point ~ - Seanachai made second call but is senior Olde One and therefore, in my not so humble opinion, holds droit du seigneur. Point (and laugh) - The young Juanito made a very valid and well thought out (cute and touching wasn't it?) argument that I, surprisingly, find myself in agreement with, to whit, that Seanachai should be awarded liegeship of young stoat. Sir 37mm is off raving again, not making much sense, but then really, what more would you expect? So I think we shall have to remove his voting authority. He can be in charge of Sweeping Out The Office After The Halloween Party. He should be able to handle that. As a consolation prize to the esteemed rleete, I recommend that Seanachai sing him a song, and that rleete receive first right of refusal on new squires, negating droit du seigneur (at least from Seanachai but not Berli or Mr Peng), until he finds one to his liking. So Let It Be Written, So Let It Be Done at least till the Justicar over rides me.... [ February 18, 2006, 11:44 PM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
  15. Do you mean to tell me there is Porn on the internet? Considering the pasting young Stoat is giving me in our hideously unbalanced scenario called Parroy Forest, I say we toss him to SturmSebber along with a bottle of Crisco. On second thought, why inflict that on SturmSebber, lets let Seanachai have him, that is fitting punishment for both of them.
  16. I think I may of found my own large thuggish henchman. One of the specialists in my platoon was with me on the R&R in Doha Qatar. We had signed up for a Dhow cruise, where we were going to be permitted to swim in the ocean, eat a traditional Arabic meal cooked on board, and get a general tour of the harbor area. Now keep in mind, this story is much funnier if you know exactly where Qatar is located, so google it and look at a map if you have to. I will wait. ok, everyone ready? So, this fellow, I will call him Juanito, because he hates it, is standing next to me. Juanito is about 6'4", maybe 230-250 Lbs. I say to him "I hope there are no sharks out there", Juanito turns to me, with a look of utter disdain, as if to say by expression alone, "what a dumb ass you are", and says "It's the Mediterranean , of course there are sharks". I almost fell in the water and drowned from laughing so hard. Boo, you may have some competition!
  17. alrighty then. I am back from a lovely 4 day R&R in Doha Qatar, where I got to eat real food, look at pretty Air Force officers in bikini's, swim in the Persian Gulf, and meet Stuka and his lovely lady. A great time was had by all, we ate some delicious Arabic food that she picked out. Stuka is the second Pool member I have met so far. I caught up on the thread, finally, it is amazing how little you lot can use to fill up 6 pages of forum. Joe Shaw, what is the status of the FISA investigation? After a thorough reading of the latest postings, I recommend neither rleete nor Seanachai be given liegeship of young Stoat. I say give him to OGSF. Why? you ask, Why not? I respond. Seanachai, your description of playing with Small Emma brought a tear to my eye. My daughter reportedly asks my wife "miss Daddy?" when my wife seems sad. My wife responded to my daughter "Yes, do you miss Daddy?", to which my daughter responded "yes". I, of course, have missed all of her conversational development. That makes me quite sad. I have come to the conclusion that War is an occupation for young single men.
  18. just an aside here, but I think an excellent quest for the next Serf, be he or she Stoat, or some other small defenseless mammal, would be a compilation of all previous Peng threads, for posteritys sake.
  19. ummm, hey, that sounds like work and stuff. I don't remember signing up for that! I put it to my fellow members of the committee that first of all, Committee is, I am fairly sure, spelled correctly, and for this, I feel that the Justicar deserves a round of heart felt applause. Hear Hear Secondly, Seanachai, great persona of the Cesspool though he may be, was unaware of the greatness of the magic moving picture and sound producing box (otherwise known to parties of the 7th part as a Televison Set) series called Firefly. Verily, he was unaware of this, as referenced by himself in a thread started in a rather slipshod and hesitant manner by Seanachai himself, until it was brought to his attention by none other than his fellow Minnesoteannie, Dalem. I ask you fellow panel members, is a person, and I do use that term loosely, who would permit such a cultural phenomenon to pass by unwatched, unworshipped, unknown even, someone that we need cultivating (just like a farmer he is) and stroking (down SturmSebber), and grooming (like a clan of chimps the Minnesotans are when you get them together) the next generation of Pool inhabitants? I realize that this goes beyond the purview of the panel, to whit, the proper interpretation and implementation of Pool rules, ethics, guidlines, gridlines, and bylaws, but it does speak to Seanachai's fitness as a liege. I await your rebuttals, comments, complaints, or actually, any sign that you lot actually type coherent messages rather than just randomly bang keys on the keyboard because you like the clackety clackey sound.
  20. Well, they are a wonderful contribution to world cuisine, if not a great help to my waistline...
  21. Also, after seeing "Wolf Creek", I am even more uncomfortable around the boyos from Down Under. I think I would rather turn my back on SturmSebber. Hey, do Belgians actually eat Belgian waffles? or is that just an American dish we tried to give some class to by giving it a European name?
  22. Hey, that guy cooked my omelet this morning. Don't waste that bile Mace, you Aussies probably spread it on your toast or something. Joe Shaw, you are right, I should have some sensitivity. Alright, as a Knight of the house of Rune, I shall volunteer to sit in judgement of this case. I shall put my natural distaste for Seanachai, as a native of Minestrone, aside. I shall forget the grave diser... disser... wrong done to me by rleete by never actually sending me the Ginger Mead I was promised so long ago. (I was just so excited because I thought he said Ginger Lynn, imagine my chagrin...) I do hereby vow, on my honor as a Kanigget of the great House of Rune to give unbiased, weighty and true judgement to the arguments tendered by both parties, (hereafter referred to as the parties of the Yth and 948576th parts).
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