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ng cavscout

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Everything posted by ng cavscout

  1. Hello all, I am heading back for 2 weeks at the old homestead in the morning. I won't be posting much for a while, not that I have been in here much lately anyway. Glad to see that Rune is posting again. About time this joint got some class, and I can't keep the tone of the place up by myself. Nidan1 I will send you that setup when I return from leave. I will also post some pics of the new baby who is due on the 20th. To all of those I am currently getting beaten by in CM games, my rate of return will be slow for a couple of weeks. Not that it matters to Seanachai who has owed me a turn for over a week... [ March 15, 2006, 08:21 AM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
  2. Jack Johnson singing "Times Like These", Anne Nalick singing "Wreck Of The Day", Pink Floyd singing "Wish You Were Here" and finally, The Drive By Truckers singing "Outfit". That last song has some of the neatest little nuggets in it I have ever heard, if you ever get the chance, listen to it. OUTFIT You want to grow up to paint houses like me, a trailer in my yard till you're 23 You want to be old after 42 years, keep dropping the hammer and grinding the gears Well, I used to go out in a Mustang, a 302 Mach One in green. Me and your Mama made you in the back and I sold it to buy her a ring. And I learned not to say much of nothing and I figured you already know but in case you don’t or maybe forgot, I’ll lay it out real nice and slow Don’t call what your wearing an outfit. Don’t ever say your car is broke. Don’t worry about losing your accent, a Southern Man tells better jokes. Have fun but stay clear of the needle. Call home on your sister’s birthday. Don’t tell them you’re bigger than Jesus, don’t give it away. Six months in a St. Florian foundry, they call it Industrial Park. Then hospital maintenance and Tech School just to memorize Frigidaire parts. But I got to missing your Mama and I got to missing you too. So I went back to painting for my old man and I guess that’s what I’ll always do So don’t try to change who you are boy, and don’t try to be who you ain’t. And don’t let me catch you in Kendale with a bucket of wealthy-man’s paint. Don’t call what your wearing an outfit. Don’t ever say your car is broke. Don’t sing with a fake British accent. Don’t act like your family’s a joke. Have fun, but stay clear of the needle, call home on your sister’s birthday. Don’t tell them you’re bigger than Jesus, Don’t give it away. Don’t give it away. And I consider myself invited to your little shin-dig. Hey, almost forgot, one more song "Life In A Northern Town" by Dream Academy. [ March 13, 2006, 01:23 PM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
  3. What is up with your wives??????? Or maybe it is just that I am about to go home after an 8 month absence..... Anyway, y'all need to work that out, it just isn't healthy.
  4. Get serious ... at BEST your wife will give you a PBJ. Joe </font>
  5. In all seriousness, Speedy is a Prince among men. I got a box today from Millicent Australia. Speedy had mentioned sending some Tim Tam's, and I was envisioning a few chocolate cakes coming in the mail. Speedy sent a box about 12" by 18" by 6" with 16 boxes of Tim Tams. Someone asked a few weeks ago what Tim Tams were. Let me answer you, a little bit of heaven rolled up with a double cleavage shot from Mae West/Catherine Bell and a touch of how Abbott would feel after shooting a 36 point buck. Tim Tams are so freaking good. They make up for Sting getting all weird. Thank you Speedy, you kick ass. After I get back from leave, I will try and find something to send you, a souvenir or something. I gave a Tim Tam to the resident health nut in my tent. His theory on nutrition is the better it tastes, the worse it is for you. He took a bite, started chewing and stated " oh man, this isn't good for me". After meeting Stuka's Lady, and trying Tim Tam's, and finding out that Vegemite, in small quantities, makes your toast taste a little like beer, well, I am starting to think that Australia is a pretty good place after all. Seanachai pull your thumb out mate, you don't know what you are talking about. No worries though! I think I have to change my sig... [ March 05, 2006, 05:56 AM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
  6. Never best to irritate Berli, unless you want extended (ie eternal) free bed and board down where he manages. *points down to the ground* He does offer mate's rates however, and the torment and suffering is second to none. </font>
  7. Not me you silly little little Minnestroneannie. I am a high and mighty Kanigget. Start with someone just about your level. Hmmm, Stoat comes to mind, he is small and relatively mindless (much like you), well, besides smacking me around like a prison bitch who sashays around in daisy duke shorts and waxes his bikini line for a carton of Newports in the last scenario we played, but never mind that. Challenge him with some wit and panache, then come back and try someone a bit more senior, such as myself. [ March 04, 2006, 10:48 AM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
  8. First of all, try reading the rules and challenge someone, instead of coming in here all timid with hat in hand like a wide eyed orphan waif asking for some more gruel. On the other hand, as you are from Minnesota, maybe the words are a bit big for you so try this : Challenge someone like you have testicles without actually talking about your testicles. On the gripping hand, this thread was started by 37mm so you really can't be blamed for not knowing what is going on..... I am actually amazed that this one made it this long without being closed down.
  9. I actually tried the vegemite the other day. It tasted a little like taking the foam from beer and spreading it across your toast. not too bad, but nothing I would walk across hot coals for either.
  10. Keep him away from your cats, he seems to have a strange... desire? for cats. We were missing 3 by the time I was able to trick him into leaving my house. I never did thank him for that... [ March 04, 2006, 03:21 AM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
  11. I rather enjoy Kipling. White mans burden and all that, what? I should be able to get turns out tonight, finally got a breather, things have gotten "interesting" around here lately. Seanachai, I wouldn't of expected you to use "gamey" reinforcements, I am so disappointed..... Hardly Gnomish of you at all now is it? Stiff upper lip and all that! 37mm, Never Apologize, that is the way. Hmmpfh, next thing, they will want you to give up the Empire, hardly proper, what? Sun never sets and all that rot. I still haven't tried the Vegemite... It frightens me, did I mention that it smells like sadness?
  12. alright then, I got a package from Mr. Peng today, and after having the bomb sniffing dogs check it out, I opened it, and what did my wondering eyes behold? two excellent movies, Zulu Dawn and 300 Spartans razors for my Mach 3 a book by Terry Pratchett(like I can read..) soap (trying to tell me something there?) and wonder of all wonders, girl scout cookies. I guess there is a bit of humanity in the old fellow anyway, or more likely, his better half took mercy on a poor soldier... cough, cough hey, today was rough, our internet went out for almost 30 minutes!!!
  13. I have become bored with my existence, and therefore no longer participate in it until it improves. </font>
  14. Where can I find the AAR's for Tiger Valley?
  15. Well, I might have a Pabst laying around I can give you you big lug, come here and give me a hug...
  16. everything..... Seriously, it is like the culmination of Western Civilization. What other society, and I mean all of the West here, is so comfortable, so rich, so secure, that it can afford to demonize its heros, and wallow in self loathing? I sometimes believe the penultimate achievement of the West is the ability to enjoy nothing more than the guilt associated with being a member of the richest, safest, most powerful culture in the history of humankind. Either that or internet porn. [ February 24, 2006, 02:18 AM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
  17. As a student at the University of Washington, I like to know a little bit more about what you meant by that. </font>
  18. just because you are jealous, that's all. Do you people even send teams to the winter Olympics? I am sure you have your share of enebriated Ozzies painted blue waving your flag yelling "Aww-Stray-leah" over and over again at the summer Olympics, or maybe that is just an American practice.
  19. I wish I'd thrown you to the pit bulls with my own hands. You are excused from defending Civilization until you can prove that you know what the hell it is! </font>
  20. I wish I'd thrown you to the pit bulls with my own hands. You are excused from defending Civilization until you can prove that you know what the hell it is! </font>
  21. hmm, took the "Vegemite" just over a week as I recall, Mace can verify that. I look forward to the "Tim Tam's". From the way Stuka's eyes lit up, and those of his lovely lady, when I mentioned them to him, they are apparently something special. Still, I feel safer keeping all Australian food in quotation marks until I learn better from experience. Hopefully they are here by the 16th of March, otherwise, I shall be home on leave when they arrive, and you really can't trust GI's around sweets. The new baby is supposed to arrive while I am home. In honor of her pending arrival, I shall show you undeserving lot, Ladies of the Pool excluded of course, a photo of one of my other lovely daughters. Say hello again to Anna, as you can see, luckily for her, she takes after her mother.
  22. WOOOT!! Takes about 3-8 days depending on intangibles. I never did get a response to my email asking for your mailing address and family makeup so I can send gen-you-wine Middle Eastern souvenirs for your wife and daughters (do they like silk type scarves?). I may even be tempted to stick something in there for you old man.
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