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ng cavscout

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Everything posted by ng cavscout

  1. awww, look at that, he puffed up, shined his shoes, slicked his hair down with spit and every thing. It brings a tear to me eye it does, a bleedin' tear.
  2. How about Western convoy, with escorts, gets ambushed. The ambushers could be Syrian irregulars or regular Army troops. Western forces could be initially outgunned, but have QRF forces as reinforcements after a given time. Not a mission type, but a game feature I would like to see is partial crew dismounts from vehicles. ie: TC dismounts from HMMWV to do a quick recon, the driver and gunner stay in. This would give the vehicle a hit on reaction times, but would allow it to move and shoot. For cargo vehicles, at least western, there is a primary and assistant driver. Both are armed with M-16, M-4,or M-249. The assistant driver should be able to dismount to provide local security.
  3. Rune, did you ever determine a definitive winner in your guess the tank contest? Hello you lot, well, I am back from the 4 day express mission that ended up taking 8 days because of a sand storm. Not that any one missed me of course. I have all my turns ready to go, as soon as my slow internet lets me send them off. To those of you that requested the pictures of the Iraqi armor graveyard, I am sending those off as well. (Nidan, Mace, and Speedy, or was it Stuka? (I can't tell them apart anyway) as I recall.) Anyway, whoever requested but didn't receive, just drop me a line. Seanachai, don't you owe me a turn? And it is rather rude to go about poaching other peoples squires, they aren't eggs after all. But then again it is only rleete, so you are probably doing the lad a favor.
  4. Glad you enjoyed it. Surprised you aren't still "occupied" with honeymoon activities. give my sympathies to the missus
  5. Well, if we win, then I grant my seat at the preview to Bugged, since I kind of have a front row seat to a preview of the game every day anyway!!! The booze on the other hand.........
  6. so, can rune confirm or deny the rumors of that tank being a Churchill? Let me tell all you Pillocks something, the Superbowl is not the Superbowl with near beer. It is ...... blasphemy. I think I shall riot and burn the Lebanese consulate.
  7. Looks like a Churchill to me, but I could be wrong, it has been rumored to happen in the past.
  8. Or if the North Americans could spell conspiracy, and not make up new words. </font>
  9. Lord Rune, I assume, of course, that members in good standing of House Rune will have first call on seats for the sneak peek.... Otherwise, they might fill up with Oddstraylians, Minnestroannies, and other undesirables. So, how many of you extra chromosome having goobers realized that Iraq, in the winter, is subject to torrential rains and flash flooding? Further more, how many of you took a few moments out of your day, usually filled with thoughts of single digit numbers and primary colors to consider just how exposed the gunner of a HMMWV is to the elements? Now, explain to me why the convoy commander would wait till 6 minutes before the heavens opened up and dropped the entire contents of Lake Michigan down the back of my neck before leaving on our convoy, which took 4 and a half hours to go 130 miles, because they didn't want to drive any faster. Of course, this has to be the mission where I am out of my toasty vehicle commander seat, and filling in as a gunner..... Oh, I know, because he sits in an enclosed cab, not in the gunners seat of a HMMWV. You would think he was a Penger or something. If I didn't know better, I would think it was a conspirancy. If Australians or New Zealanders could actually spell conspirancy, I would blame Mace, Speedy, Stuka, and V42 Below. Since they can't, I blame Abbott and Emrys, not sure why, but I do.
  10. Setup on the way shortly, I have to head into Iraq tomorrow, so this weekend is out for TCP, sorry.
  11. Alright Abbot, I downloaded your scenario, now, who should I play it against? would Andreas be willing to battle it out? If so, or if anyone else wishes to try out the scenario, drop me a line, my addy is in my profile.
  12. Freaking Pittsburgh had better win, I bet a guy 20 bucks on the game, and he gave me 10-1 odds, so if they pull it out, I get 200 smackers. And since the Bears went one and out like I knew they would, at least I can cheer for a team from the mid-west. Boo I am glad that you are improving your spelling, Nidan will be very proud of you. Now if only we can get you to stop piddling on the rug when you get excited.....
  13. Hey rune, I would be interested in trying your scenario. You have my email addy, talk to you later.
  14. Jason, I tried emailing that address, but the email got rejected. I would be interested in playing the scenario, and have an opponent lined up, please send it to the address in my profile, thanks.
  15. I remember when I first entered the MBT, it was in response to a query put forward by Seanachai, asking why we hate the Australians. Well, here is a reason to pity them, and make sure they always keep their drool buckets with them. "Kung Fu Lion Historic Darwin Award Nominee Confirmed by Darwin (Late 1989s, Australia) A rather impressionable student of kung fu listened with rapt attention when his instructor dramatically informed the class, "Now that you have reached this level in your training, you can kill wild animals with your bare hands!" The martial arts trainee took the statement as gospel, and headed to the Melbourne zoo to test his mettle with the wildest animal of all: the lion. In the dead of night, he slipped into the zoo, leapt into the lion enclosure, and engaged a suitable king of the jungle in combat. He would probably have lost a one-on-one fight, but he never got to try. His naive fight plan didn't account for the enthusiasm of the lion's pride for a tender intruder; nor did it give sufficient weight to the possibility that his instructor didn't know what the hell he was talking about. Zoo employees found his remains -- two arms and hands -- the following morning, with shreds of red fur grasped tightly in his fingers."
  16. Shandorf well, I have the setup, I guess you really wanted to get me back for spanking you so badly in our last game. I notice you let the computer buy for me, but you got to buy your own, thanks for that. I love defending in 1943 with conscript recon troops, m3 scout cars, BA-64's, KV 41's, and ONE TRENCH. I can just feel the love.
  17. Shandorf, got the setup, I should be able to get to it tonight, keep your pants on, the new graves aren't even dug for your guys yet so we can't start yet anyway. Seanachai, I shall have to take you to the Marine Corps League in Beloit for breakfast when you come to visit again. They have biscuits and gravy that make you want to do cartwheels out in the parking lot but you are too stuffed to get out of your seat, so you just order another bloody mary, the one with the spicy olives, and listen to the WWII vet at the next table talk about Guadalcanal.
  18. much like life, dandruff, and that homeless woman that beat you with a flip flop when you tried to steal her glass of strained sterno?
  19. Shiv??? So, did the USO just get done showing "West Side Story" for you boys? Maybe a little later on Bob Hope, Anne Margaret and Jerry Colona can get onstage and do a few numbers for you. Shiv... good grief! </font>
  20. Bauhaus, thank you for the short fly ball. I am eternally grateful. In all honesty though, I was doing it out of consideration of all the post-pubescent horndogs that are already resident in this thread. I am actually most impressed, I don't think I have ever seen plethora and prurient used on the Peng Thread. Has any one ever pointed out the fact that your member (number) is only one more than the number of the beast? Is that because you are like the Haircut 100 of religious figures, or "Anti-Christ plus one"? One last point, it is a bit late to keep the "riff raff" out of this thread, I have been in here for years. [ January 30, 2006, 11:05 AM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
  21. Bauhaus, always a pleasure to make the acquaint... aqcaauin... to meet one of the old timers of the board. I am sorry if the women whose pictures I grace these pages with offend you, I will look for some pictures of attractive young men. I am sure that will be more to your.... taste? [ January 30, 2006, 09:39 AM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
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