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ng cavscout

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Everything posted by ng cavscout

  1. I was kind of hoping he was like the devil, say his name and he appears. I want to make the Swede whine some more about my gamey force picks as I grind his troops into dust.
  2. Must I do everything? You slackers have let the MBT slide almost all the way to the bottom of the first page. I blame Joe Shaw and Sirreal. Maybe we should force them to pay the VAT on CMBN for all our Goobernationals?
  3. Shouldn't you be asking your local post office and customs people how much extra you will have to pay?
  4. Here you go, let me google that for you. http://www.natural-law-party.org.uk/UKmanifesto/economy4-vatandtax.htm Of course they want to use Yoga masters to reduce crime and increase harmony......... still, they want to get rid of the VAT, so there you go. I also found something called the "UKIP", didn't have much time to read about that one. I also read about the "British National Party" that wants to go from an income tax to a consumption tax, taxing what is spent on "non-essential items" which probably would include CMBN. Other than that, holy cow, you guys have it bad over there.
  5. Here is a solution, cancel your pre-order, see how much extra you will have to pay to your blood sucking governments and then if it is worth it to you, buy it normally. You will have the added benefit of getting to evaluate the game through the postings of everyone that has been playing it.
  6. So vote in a government that doesn't charge such ridiculous taxes and fees.
  7. I would rather have the CM system, realizing that I get hundreds, if not thousands, of hours of game time out of each title, than most disposable games that you pay the same price for and after 10-20 hours (if lucky) of game time, they sit on your shelf collecting dust. Wow, that was a really run on sentence. I can think of 5-8 games I have bought in the last 5 years that I got less than 10 hours of play time out of before getting bored with them.
  8. I too am a Beta Tester, you shall see my name in the new manual. I don't really need to say anything more do I?
  9. This bebop (note that it is not bolded) holds some pretty wicked knowledge of our inner secrets, perhaps it should challenge someone and a member in good standing (down SturmSebber down) could take it to Serf?
  10. Dare you venture into the Midwest? To the true Holy Land, Wisconsin? If so, I shall show you mall food courts to make your soul weep!!!!!! And my kids want to hear an Australian accent. Plus, I am Range Master for my Police Department and I could probably get you some full auto trigger time on an M-14.
  11. Of course they were nervous and kept their hands on their wallets, they heard there was an Australian in the area....
  12. My wife and I are thinking of getting our 7 year old daughter into soccer, but she wants to try softball again, even though she got hit in the face with a ball last year...
  13. Will do Seanachai, we will make sure that only us old timers can make boring shyte jokes.
  14. Tank in the picture may not be the main tank in the film, which is supposed to be a King Tiger. The 88 is supposedto represent the caliber of the main gun. In the interview, it is stated that there are Tiger 1's, Panzer IV's, and the King Tiger in the film.
  15. Henry Fonda, Battle of the Bulge, Yeah, I just threw up a little in the back of my mouth...
  16. http://io9.com/#!5637891/astonishing-new-concept-art-of-panzer-88s-nazi+fighting-monster http://collider.com/panzer-88-plot-details-concept-art/45440/
  17. If only you knew how truly horrifying it was to read your posts, Joe You would fade into the obscurity we all truly deserve of you.
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