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ng cavscout

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Everything posted by ng cavscout

  1. Wow, soccer insults. This should be interesting...
  2. I agree. One member fixed my laptop for free, including return shipping, when it broke during a deployment to Iraq, another bought me a copy of Tacops 4 during the same time. This is a great bunch of guys, and I have had the good fortune to meet 3 of them in person, Rune, Stuka, and Seanachai.
  3. Inconvenienced the heck out of the squirrel too I bet!!
  4. Sorry to echo the masturbatory tone of your sig line, but you are correct Mr. Emrys, I do indeed slither among you once again.
  5. Luckily the game is running for me without using the administrator setting because when I right click on any CM icons on my desktop it shuts down windows explorer. Does the same thing for most of the icons actually.
  6. Ok, I must be going crazy, now it works for me, doesn't make me right click and run as administrator either. I downloaded the patches and am looking forward to getting back into it!!
  7. I see the Oddstraylians are still here, throwing extra "U"'s into words where they aren't welcome and smelling of Vegamite. I guess that is what comes of walking about upside down all day long.
  8. So, when I right click CMSF to try and run as administrator my windows explorer shuts down. It happens when I right click some other things such as Yahoo Messenger, but not other things. Any ideas? I am currently unable to run CMSF and would really like some advice as to how to fix this. Thanks
  9. Is the MBT still going on? Holy cow, I have been away too long....
  10. Hey Nidan, glad to see you are, as always, still an independent thinker and trend setter. Watch out Stoat doesn't stop suddenly, don't want you to suffocate.... Seriously though, how have you been? I still have that PDF of the "Welcome To Vietnam" pamphlet you sent me.
  11. As you order Milord, now all I have to do is install CMAK on my Vista machine, wait, does CMAK work on vista? I haven't gotten around to buying the vista CMBB upgrade yet either *hangs head in shame* And I am glad to hear that Boo finally upgraded from living under the outhouse to living inside of it, good for you Boo.
  12. Oh damn My most heart felt, or at least bowel felt, apologies, it must be the cheap bourbon I have been swilling that addled my brain. House Rune it is. I genuflect and tug my foresk... wait, my forelock, that is it, I tug my forelock before you. I shall provide you with a bottle of glenlivet, glenfiddich, any glen will do upon my next foray down into the untamed flatlands. Nothing is too good for the man (?) that "unleased" me upon the world. None of this would of happened if the ill begotten excuse for code this BB uses hadn't lost my sig line. On a more serious note, I am home from work with some damnable stomach bug today. I hate missing work, I was going to run a range this afternoon, but instead, I shall spend the day sitting on a porcelain seat. Some days it doesn't pay to leave the cabana. One more note, I finally retired from the Army in 2008, after 20 years, so my weekends are mine again. I am also the day shift Sergeant at work, so I work 7a-3p and have weekends off, it is good to be the king.
  13. But I am a kanigget of the House of Shaw, ummm, I think, anyway, I am pretty sure that allows me to ignore the rules of puny mortals such as yourself. What happened to my sig line? Why does it have my join date as February of 2008? What happened to my forum!!!!!!
  14. awwww, you guys act like you missed me or something, I'm getting all misty. Actually, I know you missed me, checked for bullet holes yesterday, thank goodness you all stay too hopped up on cheap rum and paint fumes to maintain a decent sight picture or trigger control. seriously, I am still in the land of Cheese, still working, raising the family. Sorry for my extended absence. What the deuce is Stoat still doing around? Hasn't he been sent off to college or boot camp or Hollywood and Vine to seek a trade by now? Good Old Stuka, well, maybe not so good, but old fits anyway. Still mucking about in the sandbox I see... Won't let you back in Australia yet? I told you to leave those dingoes alone, stick with sheep for gods sake man. Hello Michael, Hello Boo, how are things?
  15. From Stuka "I saw GI Joe the movie last night, there was a Scotch git in that too." Of course you did, I mean, who could really expect anything more out of one of you Oddstralyians, not quite good enough to be Brits after all. Wait, didn't you or one of your mates send me cookies? Never mind, I love the Aussies. Or are you New Zealanders? I can never keep them straight, and neither can the sheep apparently.
  16. Aliens: Colonial Marines from Sega Matrix World In Flames WW2 CMx2
  17. Happy Holidays to all of you tossers, and an especially merry Yuletide season to the Ladies of the Pool.
  18. My 4 year old, Anna, was in the back seat of the van yesterday as we were doing errands, like making an appointment to pay a freaking Chevrolet Dealership $90.00 to look at the stupid security system on my mini-van ignition, which is apparently now not constistently recognizing the transmission from the microchip in the key which allows it to start. This is after getting a new key made which cost 65.00. That made me sad. Anyway, Anna pipes up, "I destroyed the whole world last night". My lovely wife and I look at each other. Anna continues "There was fire everywhere, but I didn't destroy you Daddy, or Hope, or Luna". Luna is our dog. Anna also wants to be a Police Officer so she can kill bad guys, and she will also be a Fire Fighter so she can rescue kittens. She will have to fit these two careers into her free time from her real jobs of being a Princess and killing "Ombzies". When I get home from work, she always runs up to give me a hug and asks if I killed any bad guys today, I tell her no, not today. She also asks if my pistol is for killing "Ombzies", being an honest father, I tell her yes, but only in emergencies, usually I use the shotgun for "Ombzies". Anna wants a pink single shot bolt action .22 cal rifle we saw at Gander Mountain. I will probably get it for her 8th birthday. Anna is starting to get along better with her younger sister Hope, but Hope makes it hard because Hope likes to pull Anna's hair. They both like sitting on my lap and watching Tom and Jerry cartoons on quicksilverscreen.com. I love being a dad.
  19. Kimbers are guns you show your friends, Glocks are guns you show your enemies.
  20. I think Boo Radley stole the point and put it on top of his head, unless there is another explanation for that odd shape he tries to hide under a fedora? Happy Belated Samhain Seanachai [ November 08, 2007, 09:56 PM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]
  21. umm, Mr. Peng, I think you should of capitalized "Canuckistanian". I, personally, am not offended by the security at the airports, but that is probably the totalitarian/neo-fascist side of me coming out.
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