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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Madmatt

  1. Full solution: Problem: Video card is a Voodoo 5000/5500 and all in-game text is blank or white and unreadable. Cause/Solution: Issue is caused by a fault in the Voodoo Drivers. In order to fix this issue you will need to go into your Voodoo Control Panel and change the level of Direct 3D Full Screen Anti-Aliasing (FSAA) to any setting other than the default, which is normally set to Best Performance. That will clear up the text. Problem: Video Card is a Voodoo based chipset (4000/5000/5500 but could be others) and when game is minimized and restored with the ESCape key the display is corrupted. Cause/Solution: Caused by faulty Voodoo drivers. One solution is to select Single Chip Rendering Option from the Voodoo Control Panel. This will fix the corruption but game performance may suffer slightly. A workaround is to save the game while the graphics are corrupted, exit the game and then re-load. The corruption will be cleared.
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: Madmatt recently posted a cryptic message where he stated that aircraft representation will be significantly improved...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> MAY be, I said MAY be.... Madmatt
  3. Iron Chef, Please limit your posts to the topic at hand and do not abuse any other member. The tone of your posts are getting a little bit more and more aggresive and insulting with each one and I don't like to see that. If you want to debate Mr. Dorosh's points than do it, but don't be so insulting. Michael, your initial reply (the yawning) to Mr. Sakai was also a little rude, so watch yourself as well. Lets get back to debating points and not attacking people. Madmatt
  4. Actually we took care of this as well. A very simple and elegant solution which I will disclose soon. Madmatt
  5. The audience was sitting on a huge turntable and during the "moment of truth" the whole stage and audience area rotated and the Status was actually "behind them". To the camera and amazed crowd, it looked like the statue was missing. Be careful what you ask for... Madmatt
  6. My guess is that you have the vehicles display turned off and there is really a vehicle under that smoke. But then, thats just my guess.... Madmatt
  7. CMBB will of course be totally modable but you will probably want to make up all new graphics mods as the underlying models of vehicles will have more polygons and the existing texture maps wont really "drape" over them quite right. We also have some nice surprises in store for you of some "new" stuff that will be modable that wasnt before, or at least not in the same way as before... Madmatt
  8. The map format has also changed so you wont be able to load an old map from CMBO into CMBB either. I guess the best way to look at it is that CMBO and CMBB, while sharing a common underlying game engine, are still different games. Madmatt
  9. Hi guys, this thread is going to be moved over into the Opponents Finder one as that seems to be more in keeping with its purpose...Well sorta... Madmatt
  10. Okay perhaps my above answer was weee bit breif. There was a time when we had hoped that perhaps we could retrograde CMBO with some of the neat stuff we were going to put into CMBB. That was quickly discovered to not be possible due to the overwhelming changes and additions not only revolving around features but with internal file format and code structure changes. There is no way for us to "cut out" something in CMBB and stick it into CMBO. Now what we will do and have said this all along is re-address the Western Front in the future and that new game will not only benefit from all the stuff we learned while making CMBB but it will also almost certainly be built utilizing an all new game engine with all sorts of enhancements and improvements across the board. Madmatt
  11. The feature that Mr. Johnson spoke of will indeed be in CMBB but he has some of the details a little mixed up. Although I cant really comment on it now, I will be going over this feature thoroughly, hopefully in the near future here. Madmatt
  12. Actually that feature is for Private Messages which are already disabled here. So it pretty much doesnt do anything at all.. Madmatt
  13. Hi guys, this really is a priority with us (and always has been) and it looks like once aqain some headway in this area is on the horizon. The website IS in need of an overhaul but there are many internal and infrastructure issues that had to get squared away beforehand. Most of that is now done or will be soon and that means we can finally move ahead and pretty this place up a bit for you and make it a little more friendly to browse and to get info as well! Madmatt
  14. Hi hobbes and welcome aboard. You ask about flank attacks but I can tell you that incoming fire from the rear and flanks (infilade) does actually incur a more seveer moral penalty against the affected units. They are much more likely to break when they are fired on from the flanks than from the front. Madmatt
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Cubbies Phan: Well, this looks like a thread in which to ask this. Will CMBO be somehow or somewhat retrofitted with enhancements from CMBB given certain limitations of course into what you could easily write into the CMBO executable?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No
  16. Repairs are done, hopefully all is well now. Madmatt
  17. You probably installed an older patch than what came on your CD. Your CD (if bought in the last 8 months or so) should be v1.12, thats the most current version. Madmatt [ 10-18-2001: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  18. I tried serveral times to email you the answer to your questions but your reply address is invalid. Here is the answer to your question. Note: Saved games are listed along with all the others, but have a different color. Problem: Saved games (or ones downloaded) do not show up in the Scenario/Operation list at the Main Menu. Cause/Solution: Game is being run from the CD instead of from the installed location on the computer. Make sure you are running the game from the hard drive and not off the CD. While the CD being inserted is required to run the game you need to be sure that the game itself (the Combat Mission.exe) is being run from the installed directory location on your computer. If you run the game from the CD it will only show files on the CD and not the new ones being saved.
  19. We wanted to model this actually but the model alone was well in excess of 3500 polygons. Don't get me started about the texture size. Madmatt
  20. http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=1&t=021880
  21. Tired of having a limit to the number of winter textures you can convert for CM on the mac? MCM3v1.6 now allows you to use more winter textures! No longer are all winter textures stored in only one file - MCM3 now splits the winter textures into three files, practically tripling the amount of winter mods in CM! Additional improvements include an increase in conversion speed and the ability to run as Carbon in OSX. Be sure to read the ReadMe included in the download before running for the first time to ensure you dont lose any existing winter mods. NOTE: The full readme, including screenshots, is included in the MCM3 1.5 download, but will be available for separate download soon. NOTE: You need to download carbonlib1.1 or higher from the Apple web site for this version of MCM3 to run. This is NOT included in the MCM3 download file. Madmatt
  22. Okay, start submitting new thread titles and PLEASE GOD, try and make them funny. The last few have just plain SUCKED ASS! Come'on guys, lets some originality for once and stop making them so obscure... Madmatt
  23. No, it was closed outright. He got all his love outa the way, but this aint the place for such threads even though they are appreciated. Remember, a padlock doesnt always mean anything is wrong with a thread, sometimes it just means message received and time to move on to more pressing threads. Just like this one... Madmatt
  24. Recently a engineer from Nvidia contacted us to go over some issues. While they intially needed some info to fix the Mac Black Sky problem we also gave them a mouthful of info about other issues with their drivers and transparentcy on Windows systems. All we can say is that the problem is on their end and they are aware of it, time will tell if they intend to do anything to resolve it because we sure as heck can't. Madmatt
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