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Everything posted by Madmatt

  1. Well, so much for "WAITING FOR ME TO APPROVE YOUR SLACK ASSED TITLE!!!" Okay, fine, you can keep this one! But you dmaned well better feed it and take care of it! It's your responsibility and I don't want to have to pick up after it all the time. Madmatt
  2. Thanks for the offer but at this time is really doubtful that anyone will come up with something we haven't already thought of and even if they did there really isnt much time to start piling on new stuff. We are pretty much set on whats going in and whats not and there is really not much wiggle room. As to the internship, um...No, thanks for the offer but we would just use you to haul wood and gas up Steve's weasel and you don't really want to do that...BELIEVE ME ON THAT ONE. As to your resume and portfolio, well we are also not looking to farm out for any new artist at this time and if we were to, it would be with those that already have a proven track record with regards to in-game graphics and textures. Thanks for the interest though. Madmatt
  3. Post looks fine to me John. Maybe its something with your browser settings? Madmatt
  4. Okay, we need a new one. I will be awake for about 5 more minutes otherwise you denziens of the Cess will have to wait until tomorrow and I approve a new title. You know the drill. Madmatt
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bruno Weiss: Thanks again MadMatt. Now, ole buddy ole pal o mine, if it tain't no trouble, what is the percentage increase of bogging for use of the "hunt" command in scattered terrain, versus the move command, divided by the PSI, and as multiplied by the air pressure in the tires, to the tenth power of the drivers eyesight, and minus the axil ratio for suspension system weight pressure when adding in the chance of tire tread separation? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Forty Two....
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JasonC: I'd guess the terrain based bogging chances are used instead of the ground condition based ones, and that is the reason for the difference seen between cover and lack thereof, for bogging chances in mud. I don't know if this is intended (traction from logs) or unintended (just forgot to compound two contributors to bogging, with the result that scattered trees bog the same regardless of ground condition). But there is an easy test. Trial one - bog chances in scattered trees in dry ground condition Trial two - bog chances in scattered trees in mud or snow ground condition, same vehicle type Prediction - trial one and trial two will show the same bog chance, within a few % in absolute terms. Explanation - an oversight in the code, whereby the lower of two contributing bog factors sometimes is used instead of a higher one (or both, compounded), due merely to the order in which the expressions or subroutines are evaluated. If I'm wrong, should be easy enough to show it. An entirely falsifiable prediction.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And you would be entirely wrong! Actually the bogging %'s are calculated by a variety of factors including Ground Condition (most important), Terrain Type, Ground Pressure of Vehicle and Speed of Vehicle. I did some tests as you asked above and I saw twice as many vehicles become bogged or immobolized in Snow/Scattered Trees than in just Snow and in Plain Scattered Trees and dry conditions the odds of a bog/immobolization were actually quite low. Tests conducted with Panzer IV's which have Ground pressure rating of 11.8 psi. Overall, vehicles moving "Fast" were more likely (by about double) to become bogged than units moving at MOVE speeds. One thing we are looking at adding (or hell he may have already done it) is also modifing the bogging % on Vehicle Crew Experience, the logic being a better driver could avoid situations which would lead to bogging or becoming totally immobolized once they became bogged. So, if you take anything from this discussion remember this: DRIVING FAST IN SNOW AND TREES IS BAD BAD BAD!!! DRIVING FAST IN SNOW IS BAD BAD!!! Madmatt [ 09-06-2001: Message edited by: Madmatt ]
  7. You guys arent overclocking your CPU's or video cards by chance are you? The video corruption is normally displayed immeditaely if there is some sort of setting issue, it doesnt normally degrqade over time. The only time I have seen the display gradually become more and more corrupted were during times when the CPU or video was being overclocked and heat became an issue. Madmatt
  8. Normal delivery times are listed in your order confirmation email. We will not accept orders for any product that is out of stock. Since you were able to order, its in stock! Madmatt
  9. The patch in question fixed an issue with regards to different elevations of the SAME tile type having gaps in them. The gaps between two different tile types are a result of terrian not neccesarily taking up the full 20x20 meters of an area. As such, small gaps between for instance two levels of tree tiles will occur. These simulate small logging trails, footpaths and areas that are clear enough to allow some travel. As I recall, not all gaps are traversable by vehicles though since the actual internal placement of a terrain tile within a given 20x20 meter area is random (so sometimes two tiles of different types will be almost right next to each other). Remember, the internal calculation of terrain is far more complex than what you can see. Madmatt
  10. In short, at the time that CMBO was made insuffecient data on the type, employment and effectiveness of German Rifle Grenades was attainable. Since then we have gotten the needed data and they are now modeled in CMBB. Madmatt
  11. How could Doom beat Combat Mission? Well for starters Doom basically revolutionized ALL computer gaming and spawned an entire new market, classification of game and thrust computer gaming itself into the media mainstream and public pysche. As great as Combat Mission is and continues to be, umm... it ain't DOOM. We are thrilled to be considered the #50 greatest games of ALL TIME. I won't speculate on what internal politics undoubtably played a role in the placement and order of that list. Hey, we made it, we are happy! I would still like to see a Texas Steel Cage match between Charles and John Carmack though... :cool: Madmatt
  12. By the way, due to MASSIVE amounts of issues with 9.2.1 WE DO NOT RECOMMEND upgrading to it! See this page: https://www.combatmission2.com/Cm_Macos921.html Madmatt
  13. Okay this thread holds no vaule whatsoever so I am going to close it. If you want to, open up a new one in the General Discussion Forum. Madmatt
  14. Wrong Forum! IL-2 is indeed sweet but please keep those topics to the General Discussion Forum.
  15. Okay, this topic belongs in the General Forum. Moving now.
  16. Well, since the original poster has in effect deleted his original post and now people are talking about NON_CM stuff I will move this thread into the General Forum. Madmatt
  17. I am going to try like hell to get this program and the first batch of CMMOS mods posted this week! Madmatt
  18. Okay, i missed the launch of this one but it is indeed the new 'Official' Peng Thread sanctioned by me and Battlefront.com but mostly just me. Madmatt
  19. This might have been much more likely had THEY MADE ME A FREAKING BETA TESTER LIKE I PLEADED!!!! Madmatt
  20. Whatever, but this thread is not in the correct forum. Moving it now but I get this sinking sensation that I should just lock it up altogether. Madmatt
  21. Okay, closing this up. There is a new approved thread title, just wait until it shows up which should be latter tonight. Madmatt
  22. We need a new title and the recent one was just too poor of a title. So until then, I want you guys to email me with topic name suggestions and WAIT until you hear back from me (which will be sometime Sunday afternoon). Until then I dont want to see any new Peng Threads. Madmatt
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