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George MC

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    George MC reacted to Brille in Combat photography: Photos from the front..   
  2. Like
    George MC got a reaction from Phantom Captain in Combat photography: Photos from the front..   
    Jings! These T-34s have sure evolved...
  3. Like
    George MC got a reaction from Phantom Captain in Combat photography: Photos from the front..   
    No target arcs on the T-34s. They reacted on their own volition.
    As my opponent sent the Tiger that route I can only assume he was unaware they were there, and hence so was the Tiger. 
  4. Upvote
    George MC reacted to Brille in Combat photography: Photos from the front..   
    Well that I call very unlucky. But it shows that even the 76mm T34 can do something in the right place.
    I remember a game back in CMBB where one of my early T34 got a lucky shot into the side of a Tiger while in full reverse.
    My oponent was a bit upset after that to say the least.
  5. Upvote
    George MC reacted to Phantom Captain in Combat photography: Photos from the front..   
    A VERY BRIEF encounter.
    I know @FlammenwerferX has a PzIV on overwatch in a field beyond a woodlot and across a lake and he's been throwing HE into my SMG troops in the woodlot (who have their hands full with the German soldiers they have encountered in the woods) and causing me some pain.  Earlier one of my T-34/85s got hit and one of the crew killed but the survivors dismounted, went and took a lie down and then got brave and hopped back into their machine.  I immediately tasked them with trying to take care of this problem.
    Racing across a field behind the woodlot, my tank spots the "thorn in my side" PzIV.

    However, FlammewerferX's tank spots me at the same time.  Both tanks level their guns.

    My crew fires!  And you may not notice but if you look closely you can see the puff of smoke around the PzIV as both tanks fire at each simultaneously!

    Incredibly both Soviet and German tank round pass each other in flight.

    Mutual destruction as both tanks destroy each other at the same time.

  6. Like
    George MC got a reaction from Phantom Captain in Combat photography: Photos from the front..   
    The Tiger did see them but only after he'd past the, The trees are switched off but both T-34s were in reverse slope position hidden in trees. The Tiger appears to have not known they were. he's moving at full speed. Once he's level he starts to spot them but there are two and it takes time for the Tiger's turret to traverse - all the time he's rolling along in the opposite direction the gun is traversing. I don't think its not odd spotting BTW more showing how slow the Tiger turret traverse it. The RHS T-34 got the first shot off which bounced. Just takes time to swung that but old turret around.
    EDIT: The T-34s knew he was coming - shared radio info and then they had a sound contcat. I assume the Tiger had no such knowledge. In fact I'm certain he had no info they were there.
  7. Like
    George MC reacted to Vacillator in Combat photography: Photos from the front..   
    Strange behaviour there George?  Why did the Tiger not see/fire at the T34s?  I assume the Tiger traversed along behind the T34s and at some point they swiveled their turrets?  But I would have thought that would make them far less likely to see the Tiger than the Tiger seeing them?
    Only explanation I've come up with is the Tiger was out of ammo or more likely had the dreaded 'main gun damage'.
  8. Like
    George MC got a reaction from Phantom Captain in Combat photography: Photos from the front..   
    Live action combat film from the front lines.
  9. Like
    George MC got a reaction from Phantom Captain in Combat photography: Photos from the front..   
    Yeah I ignored myself as well when I played it as a PBEM. I went hunting for the IS-IIs.
    Narrator: don't do this kids.
  10. Like
    George MC got a reaction from Vacillator in Combat photography: Photos from the front..   
    Yeah I ignored myself as well when I played it as a PBEM. I went hunting for the IS-IIs.
    Narrator: don't do this kids.
  11. Like
    George MC reacted to Vacillator in Combat photography: Photos from the front..   
    We had a great time in our PBEM, we both more or less ignored GeorgeMC's instructions 😉 and just went for each other.  I was Soviet of course.  Great game @George MC!
  12. Like
    George MC reacted to Brille in Combat photography: Photos from the front..   
    That is the scenario Im currently in. I thought the Cat is refering to the Panther in the title. But the more Panthers I loose (or almost loose) I have the feeling that the roles are reversed now.
    Usually those JS2 take at least 1 to 2 ranging shots to be actually on target.
    In 2 Cases now the Panther commanders only could See the muzzle flash and a short sight of the behemoth before they got taken apart.
    Then you must have been very unlucky in this instance. Most of my Stug loses and kills were one shot penetrations. If the vehicles itself wasnt destroyed the Crew was most likely vaporized because of the cramped interior. Its the same with all the turretless tanks actually.
  13. Like
    George MC got a reaction from Falaise in Tank Tactical Problem Series (German)   
    Ah excellent! Appreciate your feedback and appreciation. Its grand to hear these wee training scenarios are appreciated. Aye I think TTP No2 is the hardest one as the fighting ends up being close range, so more of a 'dice throw' as in 'he who spots first fires first' sort of thing.
    I have a few French pals so think I'd go more Gallic! Probably more -"Qu'est-ce-que tu fais!" As I once heard a French Guide say repeatedly to his hapless client as they grovelled their way up a sport climb at Orpierre. He 'said' it a few times, getting louder each time, but the poor chap at the other end didnae grasp the meaning!
    Thank you again for your kind feedback!
  14. Like
    George MC reacted to Falaise in Tank Tactical Problem Series (German)   
    After weeks... months without having posted on this forum and even if I remain an avid reader via my tablet. I finally found time for myself and I even have the luxury of playing up to three scenarios a day.
    I replayed and played @George MC entire series on the SDKFZ and tanks.
        What pleasure, what interest, what information
    The sdkfz that I didn't know what to do with have become indispensable to me, even if as a passionate CM Normandie player, they rarely have the opportunity to show their full potential.
    Lesson 3 spw is simply orgasmic,  the example of assault with the spw in film that you showed, I have done it several times!!!
    TTp n3 The attack against pak is a must
    On the other hand, I had to replay the TTP n2 attack against the city several times, without listening to George's advice, I suffered a lot (I couldn't help but imagine him watching me play, shrugging his shoulders eyes towards the sky muttering, they don't listen to these French.)
    just a big thank you George
  15. Like
    George MC got a reaction from MadPes in Tank Tactical Problem Series (German)   
    I'm calling this one done now.
    I've created a wee handbook to go with the scenarios.
    @Bootie would you be  able to do the honours and upload to TSDIII please? I managed to lock myself out of my account and currently trying to reset my password...
    DONE - got back in and uploaded.
    Everything you need is in the zip file. There is a website blurb, accompanying website image then the zip file with the scenarios and the accompanying PDF.
    Many thanks!
  16. Like
    George MC got a reaction from Lethaface in Tank Tactical Problem Series (German)   
    Thanks to @Monty's Mighty Moustache who picked up a briefing error in TTP No2. This has been amended and the attached zip file below has the updated file.
    This series of three missions is very loosely based on several of the ‘Tank Battle Problems’ detailed in the Nafziger publication ‘the German Tank Platoon in WWII: Its Training and Employment in battle’.
    Whilst the series of ‘problems’ outlined in the book appear to be pre/early war I have updated the fundamental concepts to a later period in the war i.e. 1944.
    The key intent of these tank tactical problems is to give the player new to using German armour an opportunity to use them in a more doctrinally ‘correct’ manner within the limitations of the Combat Mission game engine.
    This series complements the German halftrack (SPW)/panzergrenadier training lessons in the CMRT Battlepack 1 where the main focus is on using SPW in Combat Mission.
    For the tactical problem series the German player uses Panzer IVs. This tank was used in significant numbers during the war and though starting to become outclassed by 1944 by the Soviet T-34/85 was still a significant part of the tank strength of most panzer divisions. Though Panthers were slowly starting to form the main panzer strength in the panzer regiments. The player cannot rely on superior armour/armament to bully through this series as the Panzer IV’s armour is comparatively speaking, inadequate. 
    All the missions are best played as German Vs Soviet AI. 
    There are NO German AI plan. 
    Each tactical problem has a ‘Tactical Top Tips’ at the end of each briefing (under ‘notes’) which may help the player new to using tanks in Combat Mission get the most out of them.

    Plan is when done to convert them to Soviet versions so players can contrast.

    If you get a chance to give em a whirl I'd appreciate any and all feedback thank you.

    You download  https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/cm-red-thunder/cm-red-thunder-add-ons-scenarios/cmrt-german-tank-tactical-problems/
  17. Thanks
    George MC reacted to Mr.X in Campaign Refit, Resupply, Rest parameters   
    Hi PEB14,
    first of all - you are commiting blasphemy - you have forgotten to mention @George MC 😵😎 seriously, he is probably the most experienced and best designer of them all 🙏
    Personally, I´m afraid that I can hardly help you with your de facto scientific question. When I had made "Zawiya Uprising" for CMSF, I symply set all parameters in the script to very good or high - and there were never any problems...I think, the difficulty starts if you try to represent situations with low supply/refit possibilities...
    For my pack of campaigns, I deliberately chose not to use these settings and instead chose simple linear campaign progressions. The reason is that I personally don´t like it when I ruin the whole campaign with one bad mission I play. And I almost never play any mission twice. 
    So, I´m sorry for this weak answer  - I simply have no idea about the details of this system 🤔
    Best regards
  18. Like
    George MC got a reaction from Falaise in Tank Tactical Problem Series (German)   
    Ah brill  Nice to hear. Trust you deal with the tactical problems? Have you checked out @37mm ‘s excellent vid of the first scenario? 
  19. Like
    George MC reacted to EZ in ezCMBN German Uniform Mod   
    ezCMBN German Uniform Mod
    If interested, you can find the last full set ezCMBN uniform mod at the below link. It is not packed in a .brz file, so after unzip you can see what is in the mod, just no helmets.
    Down Load Link

  20. Like
    George MC got a reaction from Phantom Captain in Combat photography: Photos from the front..   
    Way to go - excellent and nicely executed
  21. Like
    George MC reacted to Phantom Captain in Combat photography: Photos from the front..   
    We are now in the waning moments, with under 10 minutes left in our battle.  Time has now become my enemy as I don't think I will be able to make it to the final VP, however, I have captured all but two and another is still within my grasp.
    Here my Puma advances to the heavy bridge VP location and clears out the remaining Soviet infantry guarding the bridge.  The two T-34s were previously knocked out by my advancing Panthers.

    Advance, advance, advance!

    In the final 30 minutes, I used my Panzergrenadiers on their halftracks to conduct two quick infantry assault and grabs to secure two of the required VPs.  @George MC, you would appreciate these assaults.  Under cover of armor and as much suppressing fire as possible I rushed two platoons right up onto the Soviet VPs with MGs manned and blazing.  My troops dismounted and immediately started advancing and putting more fire on the defenders who succumbed to the incredible and sudden pressure of my assault!  My casualties were far lower than if I had tried to advance on the position through my enemies clear fields of fire.

    Success!  The enemy dead and wounded mark their defensive positions and once we closed on them from multiple angles with the halftracks speed and armor support, they fell brutally quick.

  22. Like
    George MC got a reaction from chuckdyke in Combat photography: Photos from the front..   
    I like it when a plan comes together! 
    I was rather chuffed that this close assault by my SPW mounted panzer grenadiers worked.
    Took some previous suppression fire and ensuring I'd KO'd any enemy AT guns, then drive at full speed onto the position, all guns on board blazing.
    It does not often go quite to plan like this...
  23. Upvote
    George MC reacted to StieliAlpha in Panzer Helps You! Section IV: Infantry Armored Vehicle (S.P.W.)   
    Nope, it does. But mainly for (somewhat exclusive) rail cars. Let‘s say a car of the „Orient-Express“ would be called a „Wagon“.
  24. Like
    George MC got a reaction from jtsjc1 in Panzer Helps You! Section IV: Infantry Armored Vehicle (S.P.W.)   
    This video covers the translation of one section (Section IV) from a larger pocket-sized booklet, printed by the German military during the later stages of the Second World War titled 'Panzer Hilft Dur!' translates as 'Panzer Helps You!' 
    Section IV in ‘Panzer Helps You!’ covers the mittlerer Schützenpanzerwagon (Sd.Kfz.251), known as the m.S.P.W. or just S.P.W. To provide context I have included a couple of primers regarding the Sd.Kfz. 251 and German SPW advice on correct use and deployment of SPW.
  25. Like
    George MC reacted to Lethaface in Annual look at the year to come - 2023   
    Imo there is a 'holy trinity' between quality, budget and time. You can't change one without impacting the others, so if one or two are fixed, the other need to be flexible. With BFC committing to quality (this is not necessarily mainly about bugs, but rather realism and authenticity of the game engine and depicted period/battles), them having a sort of fixed budget, the result is that time needs to be 'subject to change'. This is about the big picture, not individual releases/bugs or investing a couple of (10)thousand extra to get some things done outside the core team.

    Personally I'm also happy they sacrifice 'time' over quality. They could probably dumb down the game / new games and deliver faster. But that's not how they roll, in my experience since 2007. The result is that releases come when they are ready, it is what it is; still the lesser evil imo.
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