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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

George MC

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Everything posted by George MC

  1. This is brilliant Just downloaded and tried it out - turn the bass up full. Really like the German armour and SPW sounds!
  2. Hi @BarbaricCo Hey no worries - I'm enjoying your screenshots. In this one though just don't give too much away via images as to what's there and where it is please? To date the way you've been doing it, screenshots, with little or no context regarding the action is great. If you think it might give stuff away just whack in a big SPOILER note above the image Cheery!
  3. Hi @BarbaricCo Hhmm that is very odd. Do you have a save game file of this event perchnace? I've never come across that before.
  4. Hi @Ithikial_AU Cheers for taking the time to post your comments and feedback. Your video is well cool - really enjoyed watching the action. Great to see a mounted attack with a heap of overwatch. Looks like you ae better at that than me. My guys jump out of their SPW usually only to be mown down cos I failed to totally suppress the bad guys! By this stage in the fighting 5th panzer was pretty much a spent force. Most of the grenadier battalions were down to little more than reinforced company strength, especially the SPW units. In RL this attack ground to halt along the line Osinowka/Bialkoszcyna in part due to running out of oomph and men. So the scenario I hope, and it sounds like it did, recreates that last gasp 'do or die' action. Good effort on securing a Total Victory. Thanks again for the feedback and fine words of praise. really appreciated ta
  5. Thanks very much @kipanderson for the fullsome praise I'm getting a ton of help from the guys who are playtesting the campaign currently. It's due to the efforts of playtesters such as these guys - and yourself in the past - that help make scenarios more polished and, hopefully, more enjoyable. We should have wee playtester awards you can have added to your forum profile - like campaign medals!
  6. AI Plan fire orders. Plotted for the first turn. As others have mentioned the arty is meant to be used as preliminary bombardment before the attack goes in.
  7. Oops! Aye the first scenario can be troublesome. Good luck with the next turn around Really pleased you like the briefing and the map. Cheery!
  8. A few screenies from the campaign. This screenie shows the start of the very first mission: Later in the campaign, if you don't manage to keep to the attack timetable you end up attacking at night... Whereas if you manage to stick to the attack timetable and wow your battalion commander you can end up with the same mission but in early evening. Although that can be troublesome in it's own right.
  9. Aye it it - specifcally the German counterattacks by 3rd (specifically) and 19th Pz Divs to clear the Sandomierz bridgehead around the 11th August. A great ref The Battle for L'Vov translated by David M. Glantz and Harold S. Orenstein Ch7 page 91. I've also used the 3rd Pz Div history "Armoured Bears" vol 2. Interestingly there are significant differences in accounts and dates between the two volumes.
  10. Thanks to all those who have very kindly offered to playtest this. I've got a grand wee crew giving the tyres a kick now. Many thanks to all those taking it for a spin. I'm hugely appreciative
  11. About the Campaign This campaign covers a short and sustained period of combat operations taking place over a period of less than 72 hours, in Poland, on the Eastern Front in early August 1944. Although fictional it is heavily based on actual events. In the campaign you take the role of 1 Kompanie Commander Hauptmann Hans von Schroif, of the 3rd Panzer Division’s (Known as the Berlin Bear division – the bear features on the city coat of arms) I(gep)/PzGrn Rgt 3 equipped with half-track carriers (SPW). Hauptmann von Schroif - AKA you - has been tasked with commanding a small kampfgruppe, to which has been attached the 6 Kompanie (Panzer IVs) under the command of Hauptmann Eric Faust. You have a sister kampfgruppe – commanded by Hauptmann Krüger – with roughly the same make-up, SPW and PzIVs. Krüger is a glory hunter with a desire for a Knights Cross. Correspondingly his unit is very aggressive. Other elements from Division will be attached given the situation – mostly recce units from Aufklärungs-Abteilung 3 (AA3). Reinforcements; Resupply and Refit It is worth noting that the player receives no reinforcements and little in the way of refit in the 72 hour period. Therefore you, the player, have to use your forces wisely, especially your panzergrenadiers. Keep your casualties as low as you can, for as long as you can. The key to success is close co-operation between your SPW, panzergrenadiers and panzers. Key characters, including platoon leaders, are all named individually and are tracked throughout the campaign. You’ll notice, as casualties mount that key names slowly start to disappear. Don’t get killed yourself though early on, as it may lead to you ending the campaign, like your life, prematurely. Player Campaign Briefings and Tactical Maps The briefings take the form of an immersive narrative. Therefore they tend to be fairly lengthy, Not everyone’s cup of tea but I like that. To help process the info I compiled all the campaign briefings into a PDF file titled Kampfgruppe von Schroif Campaign Briefing Handbook. Each brief is linked via the Campaign Flowchart so you can quickly access the briefing you want. If you don’t like reading then the Operation and Tactical Maps in each mission provide the key info required at a glance. There is also a table showing your unit, its commanders and their ‘soft’ values e.g. experience, morale etc. In addition there are Force Tracker graphics which allow you to track casualties and effectiveness of your unit as the campaign rolls on. In addition there is a pack of Tactical Maps included in the zip file. These are maps of all the main missions and are blank unannotated JPGs. They offer the player the ability to use them to plan their actions either on paper (print them out) or digitally on your PC/Laptop. Mods There are no mods required to play this campaign. It’s playable “out of the box” using the base CMRT game. If you are interested in what mods I use (and you’ll see in the screenshots) then I use the following: Aris' vehicles (both German and Soviet) Kieme's buildings and terrain mods Tanks a Lot buildings (these just add more 'skin' options for buildings but they are great!) Veins' German and Soviet soldiers Veins' tracers and special effect s(smoke, flame and dust) Rambler's CMBS Trees and Hedges (yup CMBS mod but it works in CMRT). Acknowledgments Huge shout out to SeinfeldRules for the kind permission to use his “Assault Position” scenario in this campaign. I owe a huge debt of thanks to the guys who did the playtesting. So a big shout out and thanks to the following for playtesting, feedback, proof reading and critical comment: SeinfeldRules, Raptorx7, mjkerner, RepsolCBR, TAKODA. BarbaricCo, olliwa, SlowLarry, Reech, borg, bangalor44, Chudacabra. Special mention goes to Combatintman who painstakingly proof read and checked all the briefings for every scenario and their associated tactical and operation maps. I think the words Oberleutant and Oberstleutnant will be forever etched in his brain! He also provided the “Force Tracker” graphics. Any subsequent errors, omissions and weirdness are entirely my fault! You can grab a slightly tweaked version 3 (some minor changes made to the first mission and corrected some typos in the brief) from TSDIII HERE.
  12. What an excellent resource - many thanks for all your work with this! Cheery!
  13. Thanks for the AAR. Good effort! Your tactics sounded spot on. When duelling the heavys I always manage to lose a few Tigers so good going on keeping them intact. You had a shot recreating Carius' action - just going in with two? Sure you'll find this iteration of CM as good as the earlier versions. Thanks again for the feedback. Cheery!
  14. Cheers! Awra best Fae Scotland! ?
  15. Must be something to do with the full moon, or the water or summfink. High bampot and bing bong quota on the forum at the moment.
  16. @sburke Trnsl: She is from the Highlands of Scotland (NOTE: Highland girls are renowned for being psychotic, especially those from Buckie or Dingwall). She does not even complain when two social drinking dates with ex-military friends becomes a drink fuelled orgy of alcoholic excess. (NOTE: In Aviemore this would be called a quiet night out). Hope this helps
  17. Great screenshot - very atmospheric. You could use it as a Christmas card! Re your query - not sure what you mean. The scenario has a German AI Plan and the Soviets have several AI plans themselves that all involve attacking. All you have to do, if you wish is apply your texture mod above and you can change the look of the scenario. You could always crack the scenario open and change the weather and ground to reflect more wintry conditions. I'd also change the time of day so the sun is lower in the sky e.g. just after dawn or early evening time.
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