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George MC

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Everything posted by George MC

  1. Both @MOS:96B2P work on C2 and @Josey Wales work on the soft factors http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/thefgmforum/threads/the-relationship-between-soft-factors-morale-fatigue.26498/ have made a massive impact on a/ how I play, adding more immersion (I use my own rules that units cannot react to something they do not know about - hence C2 becomes really, really important b/ knowing how the soft factors work is really useful for modelling OOBs for scenarios to try to recreate how a unit behaved (in itself impossible to truly reflect reality but an interesting aspect to seek to model). FWIW my SOP for 'spare' HQ units is to keep em on the map and cross attach them to other units to help disseminate info across my units C2 network. This works pretty well and in the absence of being able to task organise units in the editor is the best compromise I have come across. And it stops you using them as disposable recce units...
  2. Agreed it's an excellent AAR. Interesting to see how players tackle this one. I reworked this one for CMSF2 bit larger map, rejigged BLUEFOR OOB and totally revamped RED AI plan using triggers. So might be worth considering keeping your powder dry for the revised one?
  3. Interesting short article about current Russiantank tactics as used in Syria and Ukraine. https://sputniknews.com/military/201807041066049372-russian-armor-tactics/
  4. Thank you @Oddball-47 I can't accept your thanks without first acknowledging the massive amount of work by @combatintman put into supporting this project. @Combatintman painstakingly proof read and checked all the briefings for every scenario and their associated tactical and operation maps. I think the words Oberleutant and Oberstleutnant will be forever etched in his brain! He also provided the “Force Tracker” graphics. Huge shout out to @SeinfeldRules for the kind permission to use his “Assault Position” scenario in this campaign. Re using SPW - another wee top tip is setting short covered arcs on your SPW if moving danger close to enemy - keeps the gunners from jumping up and getting slotted, only to be replaced by another and so on till the crew and passengers are near wiped out. My pet peeve about how SPW and crews are modeled in game... Thanks for taking the time to give this a go and for posting your comments. Good luck with your playthrough and be keen to hear how it all goes. Cheery!
  5. Excellent! Nice work That's a good effort keeping your unit combat effective till the final mission. I've been doing some research on combat casualty rates for German armoured panzer grenadier units. Hard finding actual casualty rates but from what I can gather, anecdotally, is these mobile armed units were very much used and abused, very quickly suffering 50% casualties after four to five days of ops, and more often than not to the point of near destruction. Re the von Shroif campaign, I think there may be an element of the Kobayashi Maru about this - so good effort in getting to the end. A fine test of one's mettle! If you happen to still have the final game file I'd be interested in seeing it please? I've dropbox so if poss you could PM me with the link please? Thanks for taking the time and effort to play this through and for your comments - much appreciated ta! Cheery!
  6. He! Nice Going to Town was the original Passage at Wilcox scenario with some changes. This is in the demo is the totally revamped and upgraded Passage at Wilcox which I think, will be a stock scenario in CMSF2 when released. The new Wilco has a heap of map changes and tweaks plus revised REDFOR OOB and new AI plans.
  7. Blue friendly direction in Wilcox is SOUTH - confirmed using demo version of Passage at Wilcox scenario.
  8. I'm assuming you mean Passage at Wilcox? Glad ya enjoyed it!
  9. I've found that working with the constraints of the CM game engine that I get good results from my SPW if a/ I button them up and b/ give the MG a very, very short cover arc. Generally, this means that as they drive about they are less likely to attract rifle/SMG fire as there is no gunner poking his head up. Your SPW will still be fair game though to ATRs and HMGs (if close enough).
  10. That's how the Soviets dealt with German armoured counter attacks and why the Germans liked to attack ASAP before the Soviets had time to build an AT defence. So it would depend on the context but having to fight your way through a wheen of Soviet PAK is not ahistorical.
  11. It's an excellent talk. You're right - there is a lot of detail in this talk. also seems like he was time pressured so some of the slides he quickly skims through, so yeah worth pausing them. The EW stuff is particularly interesting and how the take-home point is best not forget your map and compass skills boyz! Re the Jeb Stuart analogy - that section is really fascinating as it shows how mobile mechanised ops can be conducted on a modern battlefield. The chap who led it mentions it was like being an ice breaker as you moved forward so the ice closed back in behind you - meaning you have to keep going forward. This tied in with a slide talking about very low unit density per sq KM. No massed battalions here! I'd have to give it another run through but I think this section has the most interesting potential for scenario designers to consider (Shameful plug but Morning Coffee is based on this very principle of 'a raid' - in and out fast creating maximum destruction and exfil before the cavalry show up.
  12. Actually, it started out life as a WWII map - albeit part of a huge WWII CMRT map - and was updated accordingly.
  13. Cheers @peter thomas - good effort Glad you enjoyed it. From your AAR looks like you played it straight down the line. That's the trick good recon at the start to ID and take out all the anti-armour assets. I've played it myself using the charge and all guns blazing approach. That's good fun as well, albeit in a very different way!
  14. What about the passengers? At least one of them will have binos, do they not use em? e.g. the platoon leader. To add - SOP for me with SPW, prior to moving into contact is suppression fire both from the tracks and their own heavy weapons company. These 75mm cannon SPW are really effective at long range and even danger close as they are not unduly affected by rifle/MG fire at 200-300m or even closer.
  15. Ah cheers @Bootie I'm pleased to see I didn't totally **** it up! I thought it was a wee bit more awkward than I remember... I'll check out the video how to ta. Thanks for clearing up my errors, yer a star. Next time I'm over in Aberdoom I'll buy you a wee sherbert or twa! Cheery!
  16. Here ya go - the original demo scenario for CMBS Rolling Thunder as on the demo. Now on TSDIII Grab the ORIGINAL and ONLY Rolling Thunder as played on the demo. http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/uncategorized/cmbs-rolling-thunder/
  17. Here ya go - the original demo scenario for CMBS Rolling Thunder as on the demo. Now on TSDIII Nice wee opportunity to thank @Bootie's fine efforts in running and maintaining this facility. Grand the ORIGINAL and ONLY Rolling Thunder as played on the demo. http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/uncategorized/cmbs-rolling-thunder/
  18. The plan had been for it to ship with the game but it was one of these wee things that dropped off at the final stage. As they say, **** happens
  19. Just to confirm, as I'm the original author, this is not the original scenario. To reiterate the demo version is Rolling Thunder (which is what the OP is discussing), the (my) original version of that, which I could have sworn was on the original scenario depot, is Rolling Thunder_v1. The one you have lined to @IanL is 'a' version someone else has done, based on my orginal, and is NOT the one the OP is discussing. I'll upload the (my) original as used for the demo to TSDIII on Thursday (I'm away from my PC just now) as a standalone scenario. Cheery! EDIT to add It is on the FGM site http://www.theblitz.org/scenarios/combat-mission-black-sea/rolling-thunder/b-15.htm?action=scenario&id=11869 This is the ORIGINAL as used in the CMBS demo. For background, my original thread re the scenario (note the dropbox and repository links no longer work) From this thread, it was originally uploaded to the repository but does not appear to have migrated over to TSDIII, which, as I said I'll fix tomorrow (Thursday)
  20. Cool - thanks for doing that @Abbasid111 Yes, I can confirm that the demo Rolling Thunder and the CMBS game scenario Rolling Thunder v1 are one and the same.
  21. I'm not sure TBH. My version of CMBS has a lot of scenarios stripped out at the moment. If my memory serves it was included in the main game and it would be Rolling Thunder v1 - that's the same file I have lingering in my CMBS game. My version is the version I was using for beta testing so it's not reflective of what actually shipped, so my memory could be playing tricks...
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