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George MC

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Everything posted by George MC

  1. Ha! Ha! Aye right enough. Although I think having your tank raid literally bog down could be a pisser though
  2. Cheers @Sublime Your comments above are really useful thanks. On balance I'm going to upgrade the terrain to CMSF2 standard. Use some triggers for the AI Plan but that's about it. I'll also mark it playable H2H seeing as yourself and @Lethaface have given it a whirl and seemed to have found it OK H2H. I'm playing about with @Pete Wenman 's 'squalor' mod. seem,s to work great but the sewer stream seems to bog AFVs a lot so I'll maybe tone down using that as much as I have done. The piles of rubbish really add to the immersion factor though, so worth seeking it out and adding it to your mod stash. Thanks again for your comments etc been really useful ta. Cheery!
  3. That's a campaign file issue. The designer could amend that so vehicles can return to the fight later. Although immobilised could mean more than just a stuck wheel. Could be engine damage caused the vehicle to become immobilised, or vehicle damaged whilst trying to recover.
  4. I’ve got the mod so just started using it on a revised version of the map. I’ll also check out the avenues of approach and the rebel setup to avoid the immediate fuisilade! Aye sounds like you guys played it fir real and you’re right unlikely both sides would have pushed on to annihilation. he! Like the quote!
  5. Cheers @Sublime brill AAR. Pleased to hear the urban map worked out. Took a while creating it so nice to see it in action. Many thanks fir taking the time to play this and post your comments. I am thinking maybe tweaking this a wee bit using some of the just released urban flavour objects and maybe expanding the map a bit more. I’ll have. to see how time works out though. I’d also tweak the rebel set-up zone to limit the opening firing. Looks like that needs a wee tweak! Thanjs again interesting stuff fir sure Cheery!
  6. Excellent AAR thanks I’m always interested in how players tackle scenarios. When designing them I tend to play test several times running through most likely course of actions and then work the AI plan around these likely COAs. Great plan and it sounds like it worked in your favour. It’s interesting to note how these tank raid tactics work and how they can be effective. More so if you just don’t have the boots on the grounds to hold large urban areas. Although I think @sublime’s efforts exacted a small price. These RPGs only have to get lucky once! I’d be interested in some screenshots as sounds like you guys had a blast. Thanks fir taking the time to play this and fir the AAR. Really appreciate you doing both. Many thanks! Cheery!
  7. Posssible SPOILERS for those who have not played this * * * Thanks fir the update and feedback mate. Really useful ta. Interesting to hear how you tackled this as the rebels. FWIW playing against the rebel AI it’s hard work to retain the strongpoints albeit doable. Shame re your IEDS. I had thought that avenue of approach was good hence the use of IEDs. Still sounds like your RPG teams might have encouraged caution. Glad I caught the atmosphere - interesting he linked to the original footage. There’s a great deal of potential armoured tactical scenarios in this type of urban fighting. I updated one old CMSF scenario to bring it more into line with this current situation in Syria. His follow up attack should be interesting. Looking forward to hearing how that pans out. Re the rebel early attack. It takes the AI a bit longer to attack, although I’m sure a human player can attack off the bat. I had thought I’d mentioned that but would have to double check the Syrian army briefing ( no access to my PC just now). Re EXIT zones. They screw the scoring I’m afraid esp when using destroy unit objectives. Fine if one side needs to exit but not so useful if not. In this specific rebel’s would just attack and run long before the Syrian commander could mobilise his force. As is he has the potential to put some real hurt on the rebels so the fight is not over yet. Now the rebel’s have to do some shoot and scoot. As said never thought it would work H2H so interesting to hear it apparently is. I’d appreciate a wee update as you go along please? Many thanks!
  8. Glad you enjoying Daraya Tank Raid. Never thought it would be played H2H when creating it. How’d it pan out?
  9. Cheers fir this @Mord really easy to setup using your guide, I'm now burning what little spare time I have fettling with it
  10. Apples and oranges. You can mix and match terrain tiles e.g. light forest with heavy bushes (of varying sizes) in CMX1 terrain tile was terrain tile, end off. You can use the LOS tool to see how far you can see, working on the principle if you can see out someone can likely see in, and might spot you. If you are a small target with a small silhouette e.g. AT gun then less likely those 'seeing in' will spot you, whereas if you are Tiger II more likely you might be spotted.
  11. Mr Picky would like to point out its not clear mines it’s mark mines. Hence the long thread on what this means in real terms in game.
  12. Never seen that and I spend a lot of time in the editor. Can you upload a link to the scenario in Dropbox please? Be easier to see what’s up. My suspicion is you might have inadvertently tagged the squad as a reinforcement rather than an AI group. Easy done. Check number against group should say A* rather than R*.
  13. Also to add - mines (of any flavour) or barbed wire do not work/count as DESTROY or SPOT unit objectives. What I tend to do is have the area they are placed on marked as a TERRAIN OBJ 'not known' to the player or "known' if you defo want the player to go check if there are mines at that spot.
  14. Blue Vs Blue (US vs Germans) and M1 driving into ambush, panzerfaust rocket en-route. Took multiple hits and crew bailed. Only to bail out into a storm of small arms fire. You can see bullets kicking up the dust to the bottom left of the crewman. The M1s wingman is heading to the rescue. Too late though, the bailed-out crew are quickly cut down, and the rescue M1 is in trouble of its own. The driver steps on the gas and the M1 attempts to roll out of trouble. It takes fire from a Marder. The M1 turns towards its tormentor and the gunner draws a bead on the Marder. Only to fire and miss as the earlier volley of cannon fire had damaged the fire control system... Both vehicles live to fight another day.
  15. I might have been a bit of bastard with this and there is...possible spoiler alert: A radio IED placed next to the mine obstacles with a triggerman hidden - if you don't find and neutralise him things can go really splody really quick! Spoiler END
  16. I'm working on a WWII scenario that involves a recce unit IDing and clearing various obstacles. I can confirm that you cannot blast a minefield BUT if you place a wire obstacle on the same tile as mines your engineers can blast the obstacle and that does have some effect on the minefield. BUT there is still a risk when driving vehicles through it of setting off a mine. As I found out after driving several Panthers and some SPW over and through the resulting crater. Fourth SPW fully laden with a squad going through went 'BOOM!'
  17. http://community.battlefront.com/topic/134102-marking-mines/?tab=comments#comment-1772871
  18. He! Thanks key is interlocking defences set in layers! However once you manage to unlock part of the defence it gets easier quicker. I try to model defensive/offensive setups on what the RL protagonists would use/do and avoid gamey setups. Although a lot of it comes down to spending a lot of time doing terrain analysis to work out setups and AI plans
  19. Hhmm.. Interesting, but yhat's not my experience. I'm testing a lot of stuff at the moment that involves dealing with sophisticated PAK fronts against armoured/mech units - mainly Panthers and SPW. Once I have a firm spot on a gun, it's dead pretty quick either by direct fire or spotted arty/mortar fire. The challenge is spotting the bloody guns especially from around 400m plus (and depending on the type of gun, 57mm + stuff easier to sport, 45mm a PITA even at close range). At longer ranges, I was struggling to get any sort of ID whilst my armour was being pinged/KOd. I've found AT guns tougher to take out with dismounts as the gunners tend to make a stand, and often have some handy SMGs to hand. Tackling unsuppressed guns whether by tanks or infantry is never a good plan I've found!
  20. Excellent My plan works! There are few problems that cannot be overcome by the application of more HE...
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