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George MC

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Everything posted by George MC

  1. As noted by @SimpleSimon by the timeframe of CMRT and it’s main focus on Bagration they had pretty much all been replaced by the IS series. http://tankarchives.blogspot.com/2018/03/kv-1s-from-temporary-to-permanent.html?m=1#more
  2. Wee vignette from Poland summer 1944. two German soldiers flee out of the front door of a small house as Soviet infantry pile in the back door. The two fleeing Landsers run into the path of a T-34. One of them cooly takes a knee, aims his panzerfaust and KOs the tank. View from the hapless T-34s POV.
  3. Just use tonnes of HE! Nice one - MilHisVis is a brilliant channel and he - Bernard - also has one Military History non-visualized which is less graphic heavy but still useful info. If you are on twitter he's pretty active there too.
  4. Ouch! Yup SPW units are not very resilient when it comes to losing dismounts. From what I can ascertain they took heavier than average losses I guess mainly due to their role and, if a SPW is hit you can lose a lot of men. I don’t know if you’ve come across Military History Visualized on YouTube? Has some great videos regarding use and deployment of panzergrenadier and panzers from primary sources. If nothing else will make you feel better about taking losses!
  5. He! I’d love to. But... Orders is orders
  6. My pleasure. Worth noting there is a wide range of hot keys that can toggle stuff on or off. The combos are in the manual but worth being aware off. As I have discovered myself when I inadvertently toggled off smoke myself a while back. Easy done.
  7. You’ve not got smoke toggled off have you? ALT-K
  8. Aye sorry bit rubbish explanation. Sorry away from the game at the mo so no chance of screenshots for now. I use my unit's 'target' command to see how far they have LOF/LOS for (as and when line turns from light blue to dark blue). I plot the 'target' command then plot a movement order to just before the end point of the target command. This means my unit is travelling as far as they can see, and then stopping just before that. Although this no guard against flanking fire... That's why this is done in an overall mutual support context - with other units securing my flanks. At their end point I can either slowly 'hunt' forward - again using the 'target' command to see at what point the line turns from light blue to dark blue - to the 'crest' and plotting the movement command just before that point where the line turns from light blue to dark blue. I find it easier to achieve a turret down position with armour doing this (where you get the grey line when using the LOS/LOF tool). In your screenshot example (that looks like one of my maps you're playing on BTW ) I'd be cautious because if it shows I have LOS/LOF to that point the enemy could be the same. So I'd be cautious if you can see do that so can the enemy. My method works best in open terrain. Close terrain is a knife fight really, and that's where combined arms.area fire and prep arty/mortar fire comes into its own. Oh that and sending in scouts first.
  9. I often use the 'target' tool to see how far the unit's LOF extends then basically do short hops from 'safe' zone to just before the LOF blue line stops. Helps plotting movement orders to plot a 'target' command then plot the movement order to just before that. You can then cancel the target command and rinse and repeat or if feeling lucky repeat for each unit.
  10. C2 is modelled. Excellent thread by @MOS:96B2P
  11. Sort of on topic as covers T-90 reactive armor and Shtora active protection system in action, albeit in Syria. https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/russia-thought-its-tanks-were-unstoppable-and-then-syria-happened-94481?fbclid=IwAR0gZb4ELSxgyPdUHmoxjBtiSufzw8syryQUUpD-wzIOqCar7AcaemK3e60
  12. Yes. Once the platoon hq remounts their ride. I use this tactic a lot. @MOS:96B2P did a superb thread based on testing re how info is shared in CM.
  13. Aye my apologies - I only read Kaunitz's post - reading on phone..
  14. Worth noting that in some context you do get door steppin in RL terrain e.g. 'parallel roads' that date back to glacial times. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwicqI_L7NflAhVIyoUKHftpDFIQjRx6BAgBEAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.scottishgeology.com%2Fbest-places%2Fparallel-roads-glen-roy%2F&psig=AOvVaw1KO05E3qAIJ-CopbXZYQtJ&ust=1573207425503771
  15. My pleasure Ah i see - yeah if not played much modern stuff this campaign could become a tad frustrating. As others suggested worth playing some scenarios to get a feel for things. Good effort on the first mission though - so bodes well for your modern combat career. Cheery!
  16. Yup what @37mm said. Forging Steel was also based on the concept of the US National Training centre where you face peer enemy troops (OPFOR) in challenging tactical situations. It becomes pretty tough as the OPFOR has excellent kit and trained to terminator levels. Its designed to truly test the US player.
  17. Good to hear 'Monster Mash' AI plans are giving a run for their money.
  18. I suspect the dismount 2km away will be a function of terrain and what you reckon the opposition has in terms of anti-armour capability? It's a bit harder in modern stuff as there is so much more out there both vehicle platforms and infantry carried that can reach out and kill you. I still prefer keeping my troops mounted and their rides in cover until I know for 'sure' (not a guarantee!) until I have a better sense of what I am facing. This at least provides some cover from arty - they can quickly bug out if they come under arty fire and mobility which means I can move them to where I need them. The whole dismounting thing is, I think, when you have a sense of what you are facing and are committing to the attack to seize an objective (as you example shows - infantry make good use of close terrain to close with objective, IFvs stand-oof to make best use of their on-board armament to engage objective with supporting fires. Ultimately terrain and what assets the enemy has will dictate what you do. Mobility is a weapon too!
  19. Keep your IFV in cover - try not to lead with them UNLESS you know different. Combat recce - so attempting to unmask enemy firing positions is key. How to do this - depends - ideally use infantry but this can be slow - some maps are pretty large 4 x 5km + so grunts creeping about will take a while. So use vehicles but in pairs. Recce by fire or observation but always with someone observing from a covered position to ID any firers. This will help give you some idea of how you kmight use your infantry - attack mounted or dismount under cover - generally close terrain you'd dismount open terrain you migth choose to remain mounted but keep em under cover. If you must move stuff into possible LOF then do so under covering/suppression fire (other units/arty etc) and or smoke; and do so in short bounds using FAST.
  20. Whilst this is the theoretical spotting distance I've found (and I'm currently stalking Tigers and IS-IIs in fog in daylight in a playtest and that whilst the blue line reaches out far they don't necessarily ID stuff very quickly in fog. So there is a 'fuzzy' bit between the theoretical distance they can 'see' and actually making a positive ID of something. Which IMO is accurate.
  21. Good to see others share my celestial fascination for the sun, moon and stars in-game! Yes the sun does slowly rise in game. I've used this in one scenario where the player approaches under cover of the poor light early dawn. However as the light becomes better so does the spotting range and that is when the player, if not careful will drive into an ambush from anti-tank guns set-up a 1000m away. Which in reality have had potential LOS/LOF from near the start i.e. players vehicles quickly will move into it - saved by the initial poor vis. Phases of the moon also appear to be accurately modelled.
  22. So I'm playing around in the editor with a night action. Out of curiosity I was wondering re the stars and their constellations. So I used a phone app I have, which identifies the constellations in the night sky, on the night sky in my scenario (Poland). And it worked - identified the various constellations. How cool is that?!
  23. Just to clarify -a ssume you are talking about player orders not AI Plans and asscoited 'orders'? There is no 'dash' player command for units. Only 'fast'. In AI Plans using 'dash' as a behaviour = same effect if the player orders troops to 'fast' as others have described.
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