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George MC

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Everything posted by George MC

  1. I've used both touch (unknown to player) and occupy for bridge objectives. Players gets points for touching the bridge but unless they can clear the enemy from commanding key terrain unlikely they will be able to occupy (and get more points) without coming under fire - does depend on the terrain on the map though. In fact on one I'm working on just now enemy FOs have LOS to the approaches of the bridge and access to TRPs and a LOT (modules come in as reinforcements) of artillery so they can keep up some harassing fire. Blue player not only has to take the bridges but also clear the enemy from any commanding terrain, including the FOs. Its a massive map as well but with comparatively few units.
  2. A very detailed review and visual examination of the battle of Prokhorovka using period Luftwaffe aerial photographs. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/16161262.2019.1606545?fbclid=IwAR0lXYYhBD_pCOFCLMNWRy3ODIGkbonC73PE1DWxikmPZdEBz9KBSogwSf8& It's worth checking out the NCAP website (the building is in Edinburgh, Scotland) as they have a superb store of Luftwaffe aerial images - useful for scenario map creation. I've used their stuff in the past on the Wittmann scenarios I did for CMBN and also on several CMRT scenarios as references for terrain etc.
  3. I enjoy the length and detail of the accounts. Helps me follow the details of the plan, action and resulting events. Also helps become involved.
  4. It’ll be your graphic card settings. Check out this thread.
  5. You seem to have five guys trying to fit into four holes. You get a better result if the number of guys fits the number of holes I've found.
  6. Brilliant news and great to hear. Aye I was enjoying this one and appreciate the amount of graft to put these things together. вперед!
  7. Welcome back @Bud Backer - looking forward to the continuation of this. Hope and trust all good otherwise with your wife? Best wishes.
  8. Here ya go - all unpacked https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/cm-shock-force-2/cm-shock-force-campaigns/usmc-forging-steel-the-missions/
  9. Wow! Exciting stuff! And a cliff hanger ending. Brilliant. Can’t wait fir the next instalment. Perfect example of the adage - in any plan the enemy always gets a vote!
  10. He! So did I - thought it looked like one of mine but couldn’t figure out which one. Never thought of it being a section of one. Aye my stuff seems to be getting a fair bit of exposure. Like busses- wait fir ages then they all come at once! Great to see stuff being used and enjoyed. I’ll take that thanks
  11. Cheers guys for the kudos. Glad you enjoying it @Heinrich505 I git carried away redoing that map in CMSF2 and took way longer doing it than planned. Then I got started on the AI plans... Hammertime is the original of this and was first done in CMSF1. Be interested how Hammerzeit plays out? I think this is tougher as the German kit is not as robust as the US. M1s and Bradley’s. Thanks again for the extremely positive feedback. Truly appreciated thank you. Cheery!
  12. Maintaining C and C and information sharing is the real game. The work that @MOS:96B2P did have radically altered the ways I fight my command and highlights the importance and relevance of HQ units and information sharing.
  13. Well thank you - really appreciate the feedback. Nice to be loved Re maps in my 'real' job I spend a great deal of time navigating using paper maps. I think that helps give a good feel for the terrain and the factors that influence the shape. I'm also very geeky! Aye adding water to old CMSF maps is not as easy as you think. I found this out updating a heap of stuff for CMSF2. Its a lot of work especially if like this map, you created 'dry' rivers that flow downhill... I'm really enjoying this AAR very professional and engaging style. looking forward to the next installments. Cheery!
  14. Excellent - this looks awesome. Chuffed to see this old map getting some air time. I mind when I first created it I broke an early beta of CMSF by using a myriad of drainage ditches. Got a "row" from Steve and Charles so had to remove a great many of my lovingly placed ditches! So looking forward to this and see how this pans out combat wise. Cheery!
  15. Aye it will be for sure. Still really early days yet as no AI plans at all etc. I don’t think it’ll be two years to release though! Not planning on having more kids!!!
  16. This one I’m doing uses a map I created based on the actual terrain. It’s taken me two years! Although there was a six month break. Map is around 5km by 3km roughly. Is Panzer Marsh one of mine? I used the RAKOW situation as backstory for a Von Schroif mission but map was fictional.
  17. My panzers and SPW still pinned down at the bridge outside RAKOW. So as someone once said there is no problem that cannot be solved by the application of more HE... or something like that! So that’s what I did. and it worked. Pesky 45mm PAK KOd and Soviet infantry suppressed, routed or dead. The attack rolls on. Just got to watch out fir these other PAK off to my right flank. They keep sniping and taking out imprudently positioned armour.
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