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Everything posted by MarkEzra

  1. Joe: I think my Panther on your right flank ended up winning it against a determined charge by your British armored cars and infantry You know I actually remember that, too. A fall scen. If memory serves it was a auto select allied probe. One hell of a battle. A tremendous stand by your troops. A great victory for you and a proud defeat for me. I'll contact you for a PBEM when the stork arrives.
  2. HI Joe...I remember it like it was yesterday...And no other CMx1 has reached the level of that madness until now. I check the forum.... way to often...looking for some hint or just cheering the new babe on. It's good to be alive and it's great to be a CM'r
  3. The fact is he is reviewing an early build of the game, not a finished product. His comments would no doubt have been helpful back whenever. But I seriously doubt they mean much now. Please keep in mind BFC's very rigid code of not releasing a game until it's clean. Look back a the history of CMx1 releases. You will find High quality in each case. I put my faith in BFC...they've never screwed the congregation. Amen!
  4. As a practical matter MikeyD has it right. Wait. You're gonna be neck deep in alligators for a while and more than just a bit bushed at the end of the day. Please let me express my thanks for your service and wish you God's speed.
  5. I am not in the least bit worried about CMSF AI. I own CMBO , CMBB, CMAK and have always noted ONLY improvement. Battlefront has great vision and a proven track record. So stock up on coffee and munchies, you're just 96 hours out
  6. Actually I don't agree with your original premise: That this forum as turned "Political". Like most of you I'm just salivating and searching the forum...for hints, notice of early release...God knows what...And this means I've read most of the post. I did see the Merc thread, read the first few threads, saw where it was going and went elsewhere. When Chad started to use it repeatedly as an example of politics I went back and read the entire thread. Seems more like a heated debate about definitions of mercenary and military code of honor. Other than that I would be hard pressed to find any current threads taking a political view (right vs left) on this forum. Nope...just a lot of grown men who are counting the hours until they get to play THE Game....
  7. Newbie to CMx: Welcome and relax. Of course there is a manual to teach you the mechanics of the game. New to War games? Don't know much about tactics? Think "Over Watch" is a winter clock? This forum is one of the finest Grog groups ever. Just ask your questions and you'll get sound military advice. One thing you will not find is any kind of walk thru. It just not that kind of game. Experience in CMx1 has taught us all that the AI is very intuitive. Not human, mind you...but a very sharp Opfor non the less. You will play this game THOUSANDS of hours and still get surprised. So you'll not find anything like "walk to the bridge, turn right and kill the sharpshooter near the gate"... It's a brave new world and you're welcome to it!
  8. Since the reviewer states he is not into military games his comments are a bit like the guy who only eats hot dogs review of a 5 star French restaurant. Good if you like hot dogs.
  9. Time Travel? Just need a hit of 1960's vintage Owsley acid...Say what year is it, anyway?
  10. MikeyD..."just 8 days!".......My God, man...that's more than a week!...
  11. Like a fine wine, David, mellow but full bodied.
  12. Salkin: I expect you are right. I had little interest in Eastern theatre but bought CMBB just the same. The new features at that time made it an excellent purchase. What lay in store with CMSF makes me salivate with anticipatory joy not felt since CMBO days.
  13. We all have our favorites and they are often mentioned in one thread or another. That is as it should be. My previously noted concern would ONLY regard any form of ranking of modders. It is, after all, art.
  14. Gonzo: John F. Antal wrote a fun book called -Infantry Combat the Rifle Platoon- It describes a lone US Infantry platoon's stand against a Mechanized onslaught. KwayzDog: I a WW2 guy who has pre-ordered. Are there any CMBB/AK/BO threads with players actually saying they'll sit this game out?
  15. Bil Hardenberger member 44!! Now there's a real old timer
  16. In pre CMBO days a list of names was generated by BF. Forum members could place their names as allied or axis. I think CMAK included all names of purchasers. Are there any plans to include game owners names? Are existing CM names going to be used? I love seeing my name pop up in the game...usually has some poor, hapless jeep jockey...
  17. You might wish to consider the "move to contact" to generally move forward all troops while keeping anti-tank, MG and mortar trailing behind the HQ unit. Once contact is made use "move", "sneak" or "run" to maneuver Mortars ect. to firing positions. I try to use "advance" to cover the last 20 to 40 meters and "assault" the last 20 meters or less, depending on cover and terrain. It doesn't help your cause when your troops arrive exhausted. Brewing up, by the way, "That's what tanks are for" LOL
  18. Thanks for your detailed maps. That's a lot of effort and it's much appreciated
  19. I wish to clarify my comment: The "Rally Point" meant Heaven where the fallen E company men are. "Anybody want a smoke" was meant to be Spier's teasing his buddies. I have no knowledge of the actual incident. Lt Col Spier's served his country with honor and courage. May God Bless him.
  20. Lt Spiers has made it to the Rally point. Anybody want a smoke?
  21. Hang tough and remember you are NOT alone. Love and prayers abound.
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