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Everything posted by MarkEzra

  1. Welcome. The whole CM world is very different from FPS. So read the manual, check out the sticky's and ask your questions here. It's not only a very knowledgeable forum but friendly as well.
  2. And now back to the IDF thread, already in progress: As a financial proposition, I believe BFC sees better opportunities elsewhere.
  3. Have you considered a 12 step program of some kind?
  4. RE: "Outlier" and it's actual impact on the game. All my PBEM's are "outlier" Fought to the last man, bullet, vehicle, Victory Objective. Obviously this is not historical reality EXCEPT for "Outlier" battles (The Alamo). So doesn't this become the conundrum for the game designer. As a Gamer I say "whadya mean I can't pull out one crew for another?" No amount of excellent argument regarding "simulation" or historical "accuracy" matters much to me because I am, obviously, an "Outlier". So here's my counter-intuitive pitch for Player (not AI) crew swap. If it is NOT too difficult and time consuming to code than this feature should be put on the short list. It will have a very positive impact on H2H games and, like all "Options" does not need to be used by those who see it as a-historic. It would not be used by the AI in complete deference to history and to simulation accuracy. In other words an option to please the great un-washed... or at least, Me
  5. Get "Fraps" Free version and you will be able to make one minute clips. Use MS Movie Maker to edit and connect clips to make your movie. Some trial and error and you'll be CM Spielberg in no time. here's my movies http://www.youtube.com/user/WarlordMarkEzra?gl=GB&hl=en-GB I even have critics! ("Try not to breath into the Mic!"....LOL) But next time I will....
  6. Interesting question. What is field experience, what do Grogs say?
  7. Good Luck on the Movie...be sure to post it...
  8. I have recieved a scen file from SFHand and am able to duplicate His bug. I have reported to BFC with all pertinent attachments. Thanks SFHand....
  9. What a Great Forum CMSF has. This FAQ Compilation gives the new man not only the Nuts and Bolts of the game, but the subtle nuance that often makes the difference between victory or defeat. Excellent Work!
  10. I'm trying to duplicate this and see if can can generate a bug report for BFC
  11. I have posted on this several times so you can search using my name to find specific info on this. Briefly: It's not the maps and the problem you exhibit is most likely a hardware/software conflict. That it has happened to a small group of players and has been 100% failure down to occasionally happening has no doubt made it tricky to pin-point (not my province). I can assure you BFC is very aware of the problem. Cold Comfort, I know.
  12. I'm Gonna Go ahead and do that. I'll also be making a force adjustment our two. It'll be designed with more of an eye to H2H than the game release version. I'm going to try to make it Huge but playable on most PC's.
  13. Columbusohgamer: Your Service to the CM Community is now the stuff of Legend. Thank You.
  14. RE: Bad Moon's map size. Perhaps I should double the size of the map as a stand alone scen. I specifically avoided doing that because it was going into the module and not all players machines can handle a VERY large map. Big Bad Moon...is there interest?
  15. Thanks for cross posting the link...I look forward to future panoramas
  16. Sur vey: Most likely you have been sent the wrong file. Here's what I do: name the turn Whoever Vs Mark 001. Now I know that the file "whoever" sends me will be file 002 and will always be an even number While the PBEM system may feel odd to begin with it DOES work. Please give it another try. I'd be glad to help you get on track. So if you want to send me your email address I'll send you a setup and help get you started. Use the email address in my forum profile. CM PBEM is just the best way to WarGame. I still play guys I started with 10 years ago. So please give it another try.
  17. Morning Thomm: I have cross posted this to the Beta Testers.
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