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Everything posted by MarkEzra

  1. And a "Wild Cat"? Where is the grog to slap this impetuous beta tester to his knees?
  2. My God! I just tried that!.... I love the grass mod....But the Bocage sucks! ....can't anybody get anything Right!? I guess I'll just wait for the Demo....yawnnnnnnn
  3. Waited for the CMBO Demo. Bought a PC that could play the CMBO Demo. Played the CMBO Demo...Died and went to heaven. Spoke with Fionn and was resurrected as a PBEM player of malice and mirth. Met MaxM and fell in love, wives and sweethearts be damned! Quickly learned the true value of headphones and marriage counseling. Met Joe Shaw and was taught vengeance is not always mine. I've been responsible of the murder of thousands of pixel truppen and played Italians in CMAK. I have become, in my greying age of innocence long lost, a Fanboi. My fate having been sealed that day in Nov. 1999, I embrace what I have become: a member in odd standing of this venerable forum!
  4. Hi Frenchy: If you think it's the "Ezra" maps you'll need to delete The entire QB file The QB engine and some vid card, other software, PC types seem to give a wide variety of odd behavior. While it's cold comfort to be sure, most players are finding the QB platform stable and just dislike the unit selection. Dreschers link is to a thread from April of 2008 is far out of date. Try here http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=85760 or here http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=85712 BFC is very aware of this problem. As the author of most of the QB Maps found in the game and having altered in various ways EVERY map in the QB File: I'm definitely the guy to complain to regarding a fowled up map. So if you are having ANY kind of problem just save the QB scen and send it to me... mark.ezra3591@gmail.com I can't fix the QB engine but I can fix the maps.
  5. Just adding my atta boys....Love your contributions to the game
  6. Lanfeld: If Memory serves BFC was a tad busy in Mid December 2008. It is good that this has been re-posted. Save files will be necessary to demonstrate these issues (I think we may be dealing with more than a simple time co-ordination issue but time plus pathing). I will review the test scen I've got and encourage others (C3K? ) to do the same. Past discussions of this produced this current method so a cogent argument needs to be developed to encourage review and change.
  7. Teach Peace. Continue to Teach Peace. Everyone
  8. It's abandoned for a reason. Your damage monitor should tell you why. Wpns syst or mobility damage are enough for the crew to bailout. Do you happen to know what the damage was? It is an interesting discussion on abandon vehicle re-crewing and acquire functions. Should there be an ability to re-crew and acquire and by whom, and under what circumstance should it be allowed?
  9. The "Repository" has a new QB Maps update. You can find them under CMSF/Base Game/Maps/"New and Revised QBMaps"
  10. I did read it. And thanks for your efforts. It seems when testing the full sqds the results differ. Since I used a QB setup (therefore certifying V1.11 TOE) I wonder if some of the full sqd trouble is due to early scen builds. But I don't actually have a clue! But don't worry BFC is aware that this problem may extend beyond team size as well. Please all of us need to remember until this is fixed: Choose the CLU 1st and all will be well!
  11. send the full sqd save along and I'll see if I can duplicate it.
  12. you can send it to Mark.Ezra3591@Gmail.com But the answer is in he number of men. Full sqd OK...2 Man teams No good
  13. Chops: If I am understanding you right it's a problem of units not acting on pathing instructions at the start of the game. If that's it then: Make certain that the units are in a setup zone (blue or red) and have been assigned a specific plan and group number for the AI pathing. If that's all done properly (per the manual) then be sure you don't have a long "exit before/after" times.
  14. Is this the problem? I'll report this bug and who found it...Nice catch Knaust1
  15. How can I test the efficacy of what you say if I am not looking at exactly what you saw? I have to first find the specific map, check the tree types of the EXACT area in question, and check all the various LOS, ect, ect.... I take the task seriously. Your comments are far too vague and my own testing of forest QB Maps (that I authored) don't seem off the mark. Perhaps I should mention to you that The QB Forest maps use a mix of tree types that vary the LOS from wide open to somewhat closed. I rarely use a 3xtree of the dense variety. While they do tend to block vehicles they are graphically obscuring to the game board. I rely on those 3xdense trees to block pathing on the opposite side of a forest (the players side of the map, if you will) so obscuring enemy LOS won't come into play. Something to keep in mind from your long experience in playing CMx1. I took two 3xtrees 20 Meter grids to effectively block vision So that's a minimum 20 PLUS Meters into a forest CMx2 gives a far more "realistic" chance of spotting in forest (including dense) But hitting the target is another thing all together...I do love how the forest in front of my unit often gets shredded. But like I said, you give me a specific save file and I'll be happy to tear into it. Just like you I want to improve the game
  16. Hello Adam: Nice pic of the chicken...send along the save file of your QB with a note on which guy to look at. my email is above. Thanks for taking time to post
  17. This conversation seems surreal. War is savagery no matter how it is conducted or by whom. One need only recall Sherman's words: "I am tired and sick of war. Its glory is all moonshine. It is only those who have neither fired a shot nor heard the shrieks and groans of the wounded who cry aloud for blood, for vengeance, for desolation. War is hell. "
  18. For me the lack of multiple plans in Baked make it a non-starter
  19. Weekend update: Now Two places to get the Maps: You'll find them at the repository Under CMSF/Base Game/Maps/New and Revised QB maps 01 And CMMODS, too.
  20. I appreciate your kind words and the votes, too!
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