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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by MarkEzra

  1. I'm always interested in improving. What is it you don't like about the maps?
  2. If players have added files..including QBG made maps... they may not work right. All the files in V1.11 were either original issue and fixed by me or original QBG Maps and reviewed and fixed as needed. In all cases the orignal file name was preserved to allow for overwrite. But not all QBG Maps made the cut (nor will they) and could possibly impact this problem. But Most likely the culprit won't turn out to be the map, but some very rare, isolated bug that has risen it's ugly head. In ant event, BFC has been notified. A word on that great scen map you want to make a QBMap: Don't drop it into your Quick Battle Maps File until you put it in the editor and do the following: 1. Check the Victory Objectives...make them exactly the same for both sides and large enough so the AI has a good chance of putting troops on it. 2. Check setup areas. Are they big enough to handle all kinds of different troops? Will the AI have a chance to get moving without getting instantly spotted? 3. Check the AI pathing. Is it micro-managed for specific units (Normally the case in a scen..and really sucks for a QB)...? Then Clear them off and use just "Group One" and create nice reasonably large and well spaced movement orders. 4. Delete all AI arty plans for both sides...You'll thank me later! Don't know what I mean but kinda interested to learn? Just open any V1.11 QB map and see how I did it...then do yours with that simple, broad brush method.
  3. This has been posted to BFC as a Bug Report. It is not a normal action found in Basic Training Hotseat mode...so no further testing need be done on that. The QB map may not be a V1.11 CMSF map. I won't know for sure until tonite...as luck would have it the game is played in pitch black nite.... If it is I'll be able to locate and run a separate test. If it isn't I still might be able to recognize it and find it in my old QBG work files...if it isn't a QBG map I most likely won't be able to find it. I cannot emphasize how much better off players would be to just use the V1.11 QB Maps (and there are more coming!)
  4. There are only two ways to view a map: Play the scen/QB or in the editor. I hope that something like that becomes available for QB's in Normandy
  5. does this mean you have saved the game? If so please send it to me. I will want to track down that particular map and check it for any possible errors... mark.ezra3591@gmail.com Make sure to provide passwords if needed
  6. I checked out the Red GL teams and they're firing like their lives depend on it. I will check out The red special forces guys. Checked...Seems like the same as The blue Forces. It looks like all Inf Sqd members GL's are subject to the same actions. By the way: While testing the Red SF units I used the Same Marine split sqd I'd originally tested. Those guys went after the Red SF with well directed GL32 fire....immediately! I had to redo the test wih the supply humvee drivers as targets....LOL....So it would seem to me that the use of the rifle vs the GL 32 is subject to threat quality with infantry, too.
  7. I've been doing some checking and have reported to BFC. The GL32 is firing against hard targets (Land Rovers in my tests) and soft targets like inf ATGM. What you are seeing is the GL 32 gunner will use his rifle more often against infantry targets. And it seems like a lot more often! I have posted a request to review this. It just doesn't feel right to me either. No need to send save files on this one...I've got that covered. Thanks to all who brought his up.
  8. I assume you maxed out your card for Best Quality. Like I said earlier...it's not a bug and BFC can't fix our Video card for us. trust me I asked!
  9. Combatintman: Seems fine. I play a great deal with Syrian forces. I can't think of any inf units that have vehicles that won't fully load. If you come up with one...post a pic.
  10. Please point me in the right direction. Which units have more troops than seats?
  11. Apocal: Thank you. I agree and have made a bug report. C3K: Thanks for your earlier reports they are confirmed
  12. C3K Isn't that stuff from V1.10? Whatever I find needs to be found in V1.11 I won't get around to this until tommorow. I plan to use my "sidewinder" map to do the test...it's a elevation intensive map that should give us an example of the failures described above. Hopefully some save files will come my way to more clearly define what these guys are seeing.
  13. Are you saying you clicked on the save game button and it gave you an error message? If so than do it again and take a screen shot. please post here or send it as an email attachment to me...my email is above. The vehicle actions and your not able to save makes me wonder how successful your DL was. But let's just start with the save file and go backwards, OK?
  14. send any save files you guys have got...no need on the vid. I'll do some testing and see if I can't match your results. We may be looking at a small, specific kind of bug. Generally the Javelin teams are doing pretty well...certainly more hit than misses. That does NOT mean there isn't some problem. My email is above. Use it direct...not he forum connection...
  15. Good question...I think not yet. BFC is the obvious final authority there. My Personal Opinion based solely on long time play of All CM's games: I seem to recall that All roof tops simulate clutter that acts as cover. When I see Pics that demonstrate a perfectly unhindered view of troops I try to remember this. The Old CM engine was a total mass of abstracted graphics. CMx2, with it's 8 meter grid and near 1x1 Inf Graphic approximation has gone a long way but is not 100%. Nor will it be for all the well known technical reasons (like my cheap PC and old graphics card...Oh...and yours, too.. ) But buildings remain largely abstracted. The doors and windows work nicely and are a huge step forward. But the immediate exterior, the interiors, stairwells, and roofs remain abstracted. I have seen it mentioned often in the past, by those who were unhappy with CMx2 graphic sim, that their preference was to play the highly abstracted graphics with it's combat resolutions hidden "under the hood" and just use their own mental imagery to represent the actual combat. Good enough. I like radio plays, too. But movies are kinda cool...especially the "talkies". BFC seems motivated to move forward in representing as much of the 3D world as Computing power allows for the average guy. But as many vets have noted: No game, no simulation, Can EVER represent the pure hell and confusion of Humans at war. And that may well be a blessing. Again, just a personal view and not meant to hinder conversation on improving spotting methodology.
  16. OK I got it loaded. I needed to use your MS access link and DL access runtime 2007. So got up and running fine. When using Z-Bee. I get this error message from MS: Execution of this application has stopped due to a runtime error. I did see your trouble shooting tips about going into access and setting trust the program...also to enable Macros. My problem is I cannot find the program. It's hidden somewhere...any clues?
  17. Great job...I just Dl'd it. Believe it or not I have yet to dl any mods. I've been waiting for something that would easily change a lot of stuff to suit a specific scen...and back...This looks like it. By the way: This program has received just 2...TWO! ... ratings...and I'm the SECOND...what a bunch of ungrateful mods sluts...!!!
  18. could you duplicate this wih a WEGO save file and a little text description of each command order in sequence? I'd really like to understand this better.
  19. Keep in mind the scen is running with overcast skys, so it's a pretty gloomy day: Here's a Single player Pic Here's a PBEM pic Nothing noticable on my end. Can you duplicate this with some pics?
  20. I will try to duplicate what you're seeing and post back. I will: load USMC Circle the Wagons as a PBEM Compare with a Single player game and respond here with what I see.
  21. Try this: Load the scen in the editor. Click save. This might help get your graphic upgrades going. Worth a try.
  22. A step in this direction would be to allow player changes in the unit leaders names (not talking units...that's already in) Modifying the existing CMSF "spy" to be both male and female. It's high time a wargame acknowledges the courage and sacrifice of woman in WW2
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