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Everything posted by MarkEzra

  1. In V1.20 Give Vehicles like these a dismount order and the crews take their vehicle mounted weapon with them. When you've got them where you want them be sure to click on the deploy weapon so there tripod weapons base will appear. (Certain Humvees Now do the same!)
  2. and it smells like coffe, too!
  3. Thanks, prefer PBEM and my Demo dance card for the weekend is full. But I'd be glad to do an H2H PBEM when the Module hits. Just send me a setup (I'll be Red) or tell me what battle type/mix you prefer and I'll whip something up.
  4. "Goof"... Let's hope my testing doesn't live up to that particular appellation
  5. I earnestly suggest you play more than a few minutes of the game prior to making ANY conclusions. It's poor testing technique and leads often as naught to erroneous conclusions. Oh, and sweeping generalizations aren't helpful when bug hunting.
  6. Re: Matrix/Steel Panthers Matrix was required by contract with Gary Grigsby to NOT charge for the SPWAW game upgrade. All the work was done as a Fan based project. Later the SPWAW Campaign series done by Bill Wilder/Matrix did have a cost. If memory serves it was $25 USD. That, too, was done by agreement with Mr. Grigsby. And the SOLE reason for it was to help recoup the financial losses Matrix suffered just keeping the "community's" Forum and game/patches dl availability going. I know this as I either a front row spectator (the contract negotiations were obviously private) or active participant (beta Tester for all but one of the Campaigns). So BFC does not have to eat that particular piece of paper.
  7. Then why not make me 3rd... since SFhand and I will be thrashing one another with V1.20 custom built H2H...and I always take Red...
  8. Me, too... Like a drunken dancer in a conga line.:eek: graphically silly to look at
  9. Neither "cringeworthy" nor "cool" adequately covers the emotional roller-coaster that has always been CM. Once the 3D battlefield was effectively introduced with CMBO my wargaming mindset of all tactics all the time was ripped away. With a little supine warrior with his cocked leg ever reminding me of the cost of pixel war and my utter willingness to have them pay it, the cold blooded reality of my hobby stood front and center. CMx2 advances my personal appreciation of not only tactics but their cost. Wellington's observation "Nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won" and Sherman's understanding of Courage: "...a perfect sensibility of the measure of danger, and a mental willingness to endure it", better enunciates my appreciation of wargaming CM style.
  10. Of course...Please if you could tell me his 1st name.
  11. Fine Work, George. Great story, well told, and visually exciting
  12. Without a save it will be near impossible to help. But I'd suggest you just hang tight for the V1.20 patch prior to sending in a bug report.
  13. Did I know?... When I didn't back in CMBO days, my Brit pals, like YOU set me straight rather quickly. It was, in fact, a very educational game for me. Hopefully others will find CMSF Brit Module equally instructive. I know I have.
  14. USMC Streets of Hama: Has 3-4 AI setups so you can't exactly key in on what's up
  15. Glad you enjoyed it. I does demonstrate the power available to the Syrians pretty well. When Lord Nelson said "Never mind tactics, go straight at 'em..." he didn't mean The Streets of Hama. Perhaps you should seek guidance in the Bible...Gabriel made the walls go tumbling down....or was that just lyrics from a 60's rock song?...
  16. And now I've become a part of the long, perverted Monkey Refresh history...feels way cool
  17. I just can't wait for the CM Normandy Brit Module thread. I assume the Brits as just "US lite" will be discussed at great length. Please...this is getting silly... The British Module offers BFC's typically well crafted, thoroughly researched, and highly accurate British TOE circa 2008. It's National characteristics are well displayed. British testers (w/military service records and/or insufferable deep grog mentalities) have been active through out testing. Those with any interest in Britain's current Filed forces will want to take a look at this. Those that aren't so interested may want to check out the Demo...just in case
  18. I suppose it is better than another monkey pic and ensuing Primate debate.
  19. Got a Great Pic? Post it here! I'll start it off with an early pic from the British Module. Thanks BFC for allowing me to do it It's Always Darkest Before the Dawn
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