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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by MarkEzra

  1. Funs, fun. I cannot duplicate this. I cannot attach more than 1 AT gun to an Opel truck (the Pak 43 towed bug is known to BFC and is a separate issue). So if somebody can put together a save file and send it to me Mark.Ezra3591atGmailDotcom with a short explanation of how you did it and the save file showing the vehicle move with more than one gun attached to it I appreciate it.
  2. LOL... a great feature but I have to report it has a bug anyway. Thanks for posting.
  3. Womble is right on all counts. Let me add one other fact. The QB AI uses two groups. Each group has it's on set of orders and movement times. I will NOT go into any detail about the exact method I've used because the average player doesn't need to know the "tells" of the AI. Those who care to (ESPECIALLY QB Map Makers!) need only look at the AI Plans for QB Maps in the editor. "Tiny" setting apply what I'd call "stress" to the AI's ability to break into the two groups. Your One plt of panthers may have been placed in just one group and subject to that group start time and pathing orders. Had you waited a bit longer those AI panthers would have headed to their goals.
  4. The Fierce Urgency of Now! (MLK) A lot of Players are in the same boat as you.
  5. Very good chance you are sending/receiving files pushing the limits of your email account. Try using a file share service like SendThisFile. It will allow you to send and receive the large PBEM files that CMBN generates with no problems.
  6. No, Not BFC..., The United States of America.
  7. Good for me! I'm glad it happened! It's what's supposed to happen when you play the AI and rush out into "safe" territory. So why am I over-joyed? First ask yourself this: "How Do I KNOW the AI can't see me?" And here is your only viable answer: The Human Player is a Cheater. He has Total Map Borg ability, he has the knowledge that there are "Zones" to setup in and space between him and the enemy, he knows it's OK to rush ahead and get to that really safe location on the map to dismount and organize his attack. The AI knows NONE of this. When the AI attacks it moves with no assurance of "zones" or security. The AI is ALWAYS on the alert and moves with the certainty it's next step is into an ambush. So I disagree with those who would limit the AI's ability to fight the crafty Human.
  8. I'm responsible for all the setup zones for every QB map in the game. Serious attention was made to each maps setup zone. I used three criteria: 1. Type of the map and orientation of the setup areas (Example E-W map edge or NW-SE map corners. 2. LOS/LOF of the setup zones 3. Available space for Maximum amount of unit a specific map size can reasonably handle I really don't think I can do much more than I already did to maximize the setup areas.
  9. Thanks for sending the save files to NavScout. I have looked at the SandySimmox 002 The setup is Service (aka Country) Random. This most likely accounts for US on both sides that you mentioned earlier. Do you recall if your are defender? If so you're on the right side. If you are the Attacker then it's the bug I mentioned and is being looked at already. I will take a look at your other save files a bit later today and report back what I've found.
  10. Sandy: I am the person responsible for QB Maps in CMBN. A post release bug report was made regarding attacker/defender sides switching. This is happening sometimes and BFC is aware of that. It is not an issue of map design. I gather you are unhappy with your country's postal/customs rules so I expect you are just letting that anger filter into the game play. If QB Maps worked "Less than half the time" I would have been tarred and feathered... much like my forefathers did to the Royal Tax Collectors.
  11. This could be about the engineers or it could be about the building, or it could be about the building, the engineer and something else, like a wall or two building angles or then again it could be something else all together. Do you have the save game file? Can't help find the bug without it.
  12. And that is the quandary. From a practical stand point BFC decided to not move forward on a map generator (a large number of BFC post discussed this) and devoted it resources to other aspects of QB design and adding new features elsewhere in the game. No one, and I mean NO ONE, would have been happier to see a Map Generator included in the game. I am solely responsible for making or converting all the QB Maps that shipped in the game. I continue to add to that number. Players are learning how to create QB Maps and are sharing their work the CMBN Community. (an aside: Study the games QB Maps AI pathing and you will create playable battles vs the AI).
  13. This was very helpful and I appreciate you taking the time to post (yet again, I gather) this generally bewildering info in a clear, concise manner.
  14. Nice read. A serious wargame for serious wargamers...
  15. Sent you an Email. Can't duplicate the problem. Might want to reboot (restart) your PC and see if the file works better for you.
  16. Go first with the corrupted file idea. Delet your current file and re DL it (it could be your end). If you get the same result. Ask him to resend. CMBN can easily have files over 20 megs and give your regular email a fit. I use "SendThisFile" a free file sharing service that has always worked. In the mean time I can send you a game setup from my PC and see if you can open it with your Mac. Just send me an email to Mark.Ezra3591 AT gmail dot com. I can respond around 9 PM PST
  17. What seems to be the problem? Please provide the exact name for the QB Map in question and describe what is occurring
  18. I don't think BFC will need any more examples. This is being looked at and I will continue to follow up.
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