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Everything posted by MarkEzra

  1. Glad they are of use. And thank you for the operational games. A great idea for the CM Community
  2. Hopefully the latest city maps will be better received. I used more trees and walls but no where near the amount of flavor objects that would make for a great city map. I am always stuck in the volume/time vortex of QB map design. I truly wish other map designers will step in to do the really fine detail work that will make city maps truly immersive. But the visual aspect is only a part of the equation. I believe AI Pathing orders plays the larger roll. I put a lot of thought into just how to place and use pathing orders and have made changes in how I present them map by map. A QB Map's AI pathing MUST always be useable for any possible combination of units. Add to the mix the inability to see terrain elevations in the AI Editor makes AI Pathing orders slower and mistakes look pretty ugly. The AI -and even the BFC programmers- get the blame. And so it goes
  3. The Commonwealth Module comes with nearly 100 new Quick Battle Maps. Your QB Map File now contains 526 maps! They should be easy to spot. Just look for any Map Name that is 200 or up. Like this: Attk Small Hills QB-201 So What's New? The AI Defender has been given a third group in which to place units. The idea is to allow the AI a forward defensive line with a variable timed movement order along with coverage around the objectives and over watch line in the rear. This gives the AI two groups with a variable time movement order. NOTE: The AI will always base it's setup on the number of units it has available. So the player can never be quite certain where the defensive line begins, nor where a counter-attack can come. The AI Attacker, on occasion, may use three groups to attack. I have used this technique on some of the larger ATTACK and Meeting Engagement Style maps. Many thanks to the BFC scenario designers who contributed maps and a special thanks to LJFHutch for his contributions to the CW QB Maps. I also wish to thank those players who reported defects in the CMBN Release QB Maps. There weren't many mistakes but I can guarantee they were all bone headed and mine! OH... And They're fixed I am solely responsible for a QB maps quality and playability. So if something wrong it's up to me to fix it. Really. So if you find a QB map that just doesn't work please send me the complete name of the map (Meet Large Open QB-222) with a description of what you think is going on. I will do my best to sort it out. I hope you enjoy the maps!
  4. All QB City Maps are on me. I made them when CMBN was in very early Beta and wall terrain and flavor objects were under development... That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. So they do suck and need to be re-worked. At the beginning of the CW module I made some new city maps. Those maps and a bunch of others (over 25 total) were completely lost in an error filled computer crash of my own making... For those who are not familiar with the game editor: even a small city map takes days...not hours to complete. In my line of work volume is always the number one priority. If you don't think so just ask the guys who purchased CMSF v.1.0 with it's pitifully small number of maps. There are some new city maps coming in CW and they do have some improved infantry cover... walls trees, ect. But I'm still not satisfied. Arnhem will give me a chance to improve my work. In the mean time: players can modify QB Maps.
  5. BFC is aware. From CMBO on. It's a long standing issue
  6. Ahh long days gone... have no idea what's missing or why... no longer have a copy of my own stuff
  7. The refresh Monkey's are here at last. The forum has used banter, bicker and bitching to no avail. Only the refresh monkey's (and cow bells) have proven effective in reducing the acute depression and despair of CM modual dyspepsia
  8. LOL... "Gentlemen. You can't fight in here. This is the War Room!"
  9. Thanks for the link, Ron! I voted for Combat Mission: Battle for Normandy... it wasn't a tough decision
  10. Usually found on US Keyboard upper left hand side and called "Tab" Welcome to the forum
  11. As MikeyD pointed out... And in the "What else am I getting" catagory: A large supply of new QB Maps. By the way: I listened carefully to the forum feed back and applied suggestions where I could. When the module/patch is released I will provide details.
  12. If you have a save file, send it. mark.ezra3591ATgmail.com
  13. Comparison between the two games is often fruitless. They are actually so different in concept. CMBB (and for me CMAK) is a brilliant game and does a great job of abstracting combat. It has definitely met most wargamers understanding and sense of combat. So yes, I believe CMBB, provides credible combat resolution. Where CMBB/AK is under the hood, CMBN is more of a simulation game. Bullets are all individually tracked, each soldier on the battlefield plays his roll and adds or subtracts to combat effectiveness to his unit. From my gaming experience CMBN is a far more intense (and often painful) experience to play. The cost of a successful assault on that enemy machine gun nest is clearly understood by the trail of dead and wounded. A failed combat maneuver clearly identifies my weaknesses as a commander and forces me to be far more prudent and thoughtful. That is to say: to learn. By this I mean: Use good Recon, mask movement by smoke or overwatch fires, pin and flank...ect. You know, straight out of the military manual. The most unforgiving game I've ever played. Also the most rewarding.
  14. BFC is always listening. In regards to Reinforcements: I personally like the idea, and for what it's worth, have mentioned the same to BFC. The current QB Maps have the AI using two group plans. So the AI defender can, in effect, receive reinforcement. It also allows those reinforcements to participate from ambush/overwatch position on the map until a variable time movement order is given. The next module map expands on this concept. Play testing has been encouraging. Naturally I can only be more detailed post release. While not what you actually want, it will move QB's a bit more in that direction. My belief and my experience is: Not only is BFC always listening, it is always thinking. Thanks for posting...an interesting conversation
  15. This got plenty of attention and I considered it a major issue, and it has been addressed in the up coming patch.
  16. This, too was discovered. Also one QB Map was made improperly (yes...shame on me) Hopefully the next patch will fix this issue.
  17. Yes... In the mean time try this work around fix: Do not allow/use the "Preview Map" function. You can always go into the editor/QB Map files and look at the map before agreeing to use it for a PBEM
  18. Talk about lucky! I live In Southern California and Beta test the game...
  19. What Moon said and Yes...it is a big deal to upgrade to V.1... Keep in mind another patch will be coming along that will require your game to be current for successful installation.
  20. Well said. BFC is a company made up entirely of guys like us... wargamers. We are an opinionated, pedantic, and very demanding lot to be sure. Also we share the tendency to personalize criticism both given and received. Oh... and don't tell any us, "It's Just A Game"... That works us into a real frenzy. Welcome to the forum
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