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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Other Means

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Everything posted by Other Means

  1. I'd be happy to have the units spread out to cover more than one action spot for 4 men. But if it's 2 men per action spot then you double the resources needed for the first LOS pass. Still - I think for something so fundamental, if possible, I'd like to see it improved. Even doubling the size of the action spot so that each action spot was 16m * 16m and relying on the units within it to act accordingly could work. Just get rid of the bunching. How to do it without cluttering the UI is another question.
  2. It's actually more stable when firing, like a Mongol warrior.
  3. They sound like a bunch a mooks. Yours, Andy Farley.
  4. It's going from the Marines to British. A Marine platoon feels like a tank - ridiculously so at times. That one man still makes a difference though. I always feel the British squads are more brittle. Maybe I just don't like losing British pixellives.
  5. I'm always OK with "immediate". I don't think there's any additional penalty. But with "emergency" you've got to imagine it's getting the shots off as quickly as possible without really caring about accuracy. The way arty works is as Jon said (and he should know he does it for real) you fire ranging shots to get on target before the main lot come in. Like throwing darts and throwing one low, one high and bullseye. When you hear "Fire for effect" that means the zeroed in shots are on the way. Note; they won't always be accurate. Don't think that they will always fall within the area you plot them. There's bad ones in there and sometimes it's not your day. Things like smoke obscuring the spotting rounds can have an effect as well. The best way to play the whole game is to think you're doing it for real. With all the real world's screw ups, nonsense, randomness and stupidity. Bear in mind that the scenario makers hate you and all you stand for. They want to see your men decimated, your plans in ruins and your self esteem in a darkened room under heavy sedation. Treat everything with suspicion. Especially any line in the briefing that says something like "Intel assures us you will meet with little resistance.".
  6. And tracer bounce. Otherwise I double my fees :mad:
  7. I think, even as a dirty, stinking, free-loading scenario snaffler, that improvements to the editor would make the biggest long term contribution to the game. Not only do they give the community the tools to make the game interesting they can be used across all the families of games.
  8. I say put as many pauses in as you like. If I think my opponent is taking the piss, I bail. We're not a huge group of people. Reputation matters here.
  9. What good would the suit do him? You're dealing with something with 1000% overkill, you either wear a suit that will make you only 500% dead or you take it off and try make sure you don't miss anything. Off course I'd leave it on so they wouldn't see the poo coming out of my trousers.
  10. I've worked with systems with a lot of randomness in before and you end up making an engine to fix non-random paths simply so you can test the bugger. I think BFC are doing OK. Currently we have things like units area firing where they get <?> reports, bug-out, area fire switching to aimed fire and back, changing facing when seeing enemies, moving around inside buildings, standing/kneeling/prone when needed, popping smoke etc. If they keep tweaking what they've got so the units act in a tactically relevant way within a larger strategy, i.e. TacAI within a scenario, then I think you'd start to see emergent behaviour. Armour and infantry covered arcs I think would help and I'm sure Steve and Charles are fizzing with their own ideas. The hardest thing is thinking of things to do that will be the correct course of action 95% (more!) of the time. It would be easy to add something like a unit making a small move to get a shot at an enemy it can outmatch but in the greater scheme of things this could be the worst possible move - and WOULD be exploited. So even on a micro level it's not easy. If anyone has any ideas of something on a unit scale that could be done that isn't being done, would be correct nearly all the time and wouldn't be exploitable then shout em out. Be fun to kick it around a bit.
  11. Well it can't be that far from GraemeA's house to mine...
  12. Yeah, where's the bit where they step in a pool of nano bots and get digested before their next step?
  13. I see what you're saying. We'd better practice so we have the tactical skills necessary to take Tescos.
  14. I'm actually wondering if, all else being equal, I'll enjoy WWII as much as I did purely because actually seeing your guys die is a jolt. Pixeltruppen or no. TBH I think the main reason SF is harder to get into is the lack of tactical feedback but most people can fill in the rest of my post for me
  15. We call it Scouse Mikey Well...."Berk" is a contraction of "Berkshire hunt"...
  16. Monetising an asset they can find no further use for? BTW I think it's expired as in "shuffled off this mortal coil".
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