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Other Means

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Everything posted by Other Means

  1. soldiers of the british expeditionary force. you are "it". the boshe, god damn their black hearts, are over in that hole. they must be made "it". advance in the manner of the wily baboon.
  2. Omar Bradley. successful. but frankly, dull. mind you i'd rather serve under a dull general myself.
  3. wow. there's a lot of love in this room. here's a little trick i came up with for free email services & spam. don't shout it from the rooftops as it can be easily countered. when you create an eamil account, define you name as having a few double underscores in it. i.e. mike__the__wino__@hotmail.com so far my hotmail address has had ZERO spam & it uses the double underscore trick. also, don't give it out in things like your profile as their bots are getting clever at parsing pages & finding them. give it a go, tell me if i'm just lucky.
  4. hi, i'm just starting to learn CMBB & one day will definately be using your rules. the whole effort seems really well done. however i couldn't get your 0 - 10 die to work straight off, so here's one i've written in HTML & JavaScript (test it -i've had a bottle of wine). if you just save it to your desktop & click on it it will open a browser window. then click the link & the number will appear in an alert box. i've only tested it on IE6 & Mozilla on pc but it should be ok for everything else. hope it comes in useful. </font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;"><html> <head> <title>Biltong's 0 to 10 generator</title> <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> <!-- rnd.tDate=new Date(); rnd.seed=rnd.tDate.getTime(); function rnd() { rnd.seed = (rnd.seed*9301+49297) % 233280; alert(Math.round(rnd.seed/(23328)%10)); }; </SCRIPT> </head> <body> <a href="#" onClick="javascript:rnd();">Baby needs new shoes</a> </body> </html></pre>
  5. "now STAY there. you know i can't go if you look". OR "yes, we do all have to do it. 3 steps backwards & lean. it's the commissars new trust exercise. and i'm telling you, Jeffrey, if you stop ONCE more i'm telling."
  6. losing the text + other 2 elements of the game is mostly related to full screen anti aliasing. it happens to me on my GF4. if you alt tab again it may fix it. search for "anti aliasing".
  7. as i hold my preconceptions sacred & as i've only played the AI so far, i'm afraid you jessies will have to wait. but when i know what to do with all the little men...well watch it. thats all. just watch it.
  8. something other than CMBB? steady on. i'm no expert on these things. or many other, most...nearly every...BUT: it does sound like the CD has a special track on it, which the .exe looks for. it won't be taken over by nero causing the exe to hang. if virtual cd takes this over then it's a smart utility.
  9. if you're updating to 1.02 with the download patch then upgrading won't change anything. it's the way the CD tracks are written that is the copy protection. anyone have any joy with virtual cd, the euro version & XP?
  10. transparent smoke from all vehicles? with a boolian to say whether to render it? but i suppose that would make tanks seem as tall as the smoke plume to the AI, which would be more difficult to detect for the average player but would also doubtless result in a "fix the 40m tall tanks or sumfink" thread.
  11. while my attitude to piracy in general is pretty {ahem} unformed, my attitude towards privacy of BTS stuff is unforgiving. you know these are 4 guys who are just trying to make a living & supply us with the stuff we want to play. they're not M$ or Sony or EEE AAAAH SPORTS (anyone else replace their intrusive intro movie with a blank file?). saying that, replacing CD's all the time is a pain. this utility http://www.virtualcd-online.com/ may help. i've not tried it myself as i've not had time (new house - even CMBB's a stretch). tell me if it works. cheers. i'll try to use less brackets next time.
  12. how about melding Airborne Assault with CMBB? give your forces represented by the tiles commands to move where, pass that plus the map & opponents into a qb, with the entry points being where they join. voila.
  13. ah the superhighinterweb. you gotta love it. are you behind a firewall bulldog? anyway try this: http://ftp1.gamesweb.com/exgnrig7/CMBB_v1_02_Patch.exe
  14. if anyone else is having cache issues, putting ?aaa=465464 {where aaa and 465464 are random} after the page URL will make a fresh, non cached request to the server. this works for any page any time where there is not already a question mark (i.e. page parameters kept in the querystring).
  15. i actually know what CNN is. don't know quite what i was going for there. it was early in the morning. so. what did it say on Cynical No Never?
  16. it's good to hear that the 1:1 ratio is wanted. i would really like to see it but of course then you expect to see them going through doors, setting up their MG's etc so there has to be a cut off. no need to go mad for 2.0. also, what's the point of giving out medals etc if they have no effect other than looking good? unless a man gets a medal so they get a morale boost for the NEXT game...? [ February 10, 2003, 06:42 AM: Message edited by: Other Means ]
  17. thanks. i think it's amazing that a software house like BTS can, by simply trying to do the best by it's customers, get those customers to reciprocate with such a high level of community involvment. the game is brilliant, the forum is spot on and the level of work that goes into the mods is amazing.
  18. sorry sorry, been looking on this forum for about a month. what's a ruleset? i've looked at www.cmmods.com & can't find any. they sound interesting. i've looked quickly on the faq but they seem to be one of those things everybody knows about so they don't need to define. thanks for any help you can give me.
  19. no problem. what you trying to do? you on linux? if you're trying to make a searchable db it's quite easy with PHP & mySql. i've never set up the php - mysql connection myself but the documentation is usualy pretty good. and once php knows where mySql is it's just 3 lines or so. i think this is probably straying off topic so: email me if you have specific questions.
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