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Other Means

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Everything posted by Other Means

  1. hi BulletRat. for the PHP documentation i assume you've already tried http://www.php.net/download-docs.php also if you get bogged mail me, my email is in my profile. i'll help if i can.
  2. thats the common error message given by apache (the linux webserver) when the site cannot be found. it doesn't imply that the site is present and that access to it is forbidden, rather that the site is removed. i also tried to ping (get the most basic response) from the server & it's not there. could be down for maintainance or could be demonstrating the 3rd law of thermodynamics. been feeling that old 3rd law in me bones these cold winter mornings.
  3. living in europe where we got the manual in PDF (which has got to be the worst available technology) i'd like to see a well done, cross linked html manual.
  4. happy birthday GG. just make sure you don't get drunk & BUMP something. BTW, moon is obviously on the forum now (laughed when the moron got banned). so moon, what news? [ February 01, 2003, 12:13 PM: Message edited by: Other Means ]
  5. having missed the original night of the refreshing monkeys i'm REALLY looking forward to the next one. i've invented a small keyboard gizmo, which i call "The Gizmo" to shift refresh for me all night. the next gizmo (or "Next Gizmo") is an auto bumper. so we don't... have to.. (bump)
  6. to add to yunfat's list for inclusion in the new engine: 25) proper soldiers. one of the things that struck me in close combat was a platoon caught in the open with a line of bodies leading to the nearest cover. 26) proper grass, with the requisite models/cover values etc. longer in autumn. same for snow etc. 27) burning tanks magazines going up (sweeeet). 28) what does a shell hitting a tank sound like? i'd like to know. the present effects if they're accurate if not some proper ones. where they get them from i don't know. 29) Camo nets over AT guns. with the leaves of trees shaking as the fire. also, let me say that if none of the happens i'll still buy it. i've only been playing about a month. what a waste. WHY DIDN'T SOMEONE TELL ME! [ January 31, 2003, 07:33 AM: Message edited by: Other Means ]
  7. i'd like something dead simple. the labels to be at a height above the battlefield with a line connecting them to the appropriate unit. maybe labels of the same type at the same height etc.
  8. big naval guns. that'd be coool. [editied because, well, i'm never bloody happy with it am i?] [ January 29, 2003, 09:45 AM: Message edited by: Other Means ]
  9. so, talking about the Y component of the shot flight, if we postit a shell flight over flat ground (it gets a bit complicated after that - ha) then the Y component of the flight in the upswing would seem to me to equal the Y component in the downswing. given a constant shell mass the effect of air resistance on the Y component could be discounted. i also think that over 600m the total blunting effect would be negligable, especially given the strength of the other factors. we'd have ro get to the last 3rd of the shell flight for it to be noticable. <hr width=80% color=black> i wrote my last post about 2.30 am GMT (Liverpool UK) i'd wanted to get to bed before 12 but...i've just bought CMBB. [edited to shorten the HR] [ January 29, 2003, 09:39 AM: Message edited by: Other Means ]
  10. forgive me fo going back to this, also i've commited the cardinal sin of not thoroughly reading the posts after mine but it's late & i need my bed. i was asking about the possibility of dropping shells onto the top armour of tanks from distance. Panzer76 said that this would need a high arc weapon. now, my physics are a long time ago but for any projectile it seems to me that: as the Y movement is proportional to the (initial vertical moment of the shell)/g which is a constant resulting in a sin function. and the X movement is proportional to the initial kinetic energy of the shell (.5* MV(sq)) / air resistance which results in (rate of change of shell speed) / distance - which is an intergral, then for point V1 the shell would have given XY cords and for V2 the shell would have X changing by an intergral & Y changing by a contant - resulting in a steepening of the shell fall angle. the difference between a high velocity & low velocity shell is the flight path and travel time, both of which sum to produce more accurate shot. however, with a lower velocity shell, there seems to me the possibility of using the steeper fall angle for your own means. now i KNOW someone will actually look this up. and when you do, i'll have a look. maybe get some metric on how bad my memory is really getting. i've had CMBB for about 3 weeks now & i'm enjoying this forum nearly as much as the game.
  11. i must say, i'm constantly impressed by the quality of this forum. so, not to try to hijack the thread but: if a tank is hull down to you, presenting a very small silhouette, are you better off shooting from long range (discounting optics for a sec) thus dropping the shell down onto them, reducing glance angle & going for the top armour? i know you drastically reduce your chance of hitting but could there be a situation where you would have no chance of penetrating the front armour but may get the top from longer range?
  12. ...as i'm getting on a bit thought. now what the hell is that bumping noise coming from? no, don't tell me, its... [edited for scan] [ January 28, 2003, 12:50 PM: Message edited by: Other Means ]
  13. i'm running at 1200 * 1000 (approx: i'm in work & can't check) on a 2.4G p4 with a 128M gf4600 ti on a 19" iiyama monitor. no problems really. just wanted to show off. do you think with the engine re-write they will stick with the symbolic representation of squads or will they attempt to represent each little fella? maybe with a toggle to go between sybolic & real? the processing power would seem to be available & it would look great. [ January 28, 2003, 05:22 AM: Message edited by: Other Means ]
  14. yup. had the same thing. pity i'd already ordered the advance. poor guys. so i re-tried with cover armour arc on a small area and that worked.
  15. ..the flock bearing down armed with hot cheese & eucalyptus. "Your hatchets bother us not" intoned the lead koala. waving his paw in the face of the head baliff. who, even as he was strapped to the wall by buffalo mozzarella, thought to himself "arr cute". "Ha" said Yalka. "Now it is my turn to..."
  16. well, thats that cleared that up then. as i'm new to these here parts i don't know whether they're a good place to post these sort of hypothetical questions. but i've enjoyed enough of this BB to see that there are a lot of people with a broad knowledge of the conflict who post here and it was something which interested me. why, in a war where mud, snow & vast distance defined the battlefield, were stategic bombers not used? did they know something the western allies overlooked or was it just that we had the appropriate tech? [ January 22, 2003, 10:34 AM: Message edited by: Other Means ]
  17. The western allies devoted large amounts of recources to them while the Germans, Russians & Japanese did not. This may have been influenced by the channel, obviously. But if the nazis had been able to damage tankograd, or indict the re-inforcement of Moscow by the eastern divisions, would it have made a difference to the outcome?
  18. ...her tendency to bog, and of course her weak rear. nevertheless she had managed to keep him at bay, the smell of koala & pizza driving him nearly insane with lust. almost forcing him too...
  19. the dx9 drivers will be free. i think you only have to pay for an extended SDK if you're a developer. i've heard dx9 mainly includes support for hardware T&L. so they're worth getting for fps's at least. but the code is always being tweaked so i would always upgrade when available. also if you use nVidia kit get the detonator drivers from http://www.nvidia.com/content/drivers/drivers.asp this is my second post to this forum saying more or less the same thing today. i really need to get out more.
  20. hey mathias. go to the nVidia site & download the detonator drivers for your card. these a generally the best ones. http://www.nvidia.com/content/drivers/drivers.asp also get directX9 from the MS site. hope this helps. if not, remove your CM preferences file from the install directory, i can't remember what it's called but it should be self explanitory. remove that & next time you load the game it will ask for the display resolution you want. go for one you know your monitor/g card will do. good luck. [ January 21, 2003, 08:16 AM: Message edited by: Other Means ]
  21. a brave effort gents, but you know you'll never pull free. upgrade to XP? well M$ completely removed the 16bit drivers embedded in the win32 kernel, which seems to have speeded up the disk i/o by about 100%. (remember when it was just a disk operating system?) also the XP install runs very smooth, boot from the CD & away you go. stability is great. i've had no crashes with that, compared to ~20 with my mandrake 9 system (linux crashes? blasphemy!) also seems to have all the drivers you'll ever need bundled. joy. however it is a large OS (~1G?), as the difference between the versions is a register flag (reportedly). as to performance issues, well if it doesn't give you the performance you need at least it gives you an excuse to upgrade. BUT i think it does run faster, however my first build was on a new machine so i can't give you a 1 - 1 comparison. i'm sure they're out there. luckly i have a company version which needs no activation. they too are out there. [ January 20, 2003, 09:24 AM: Message edited by: Other Means ]
  22. do what i did. grab beer. grab mate, get a scenario you'd already played where you blew up a lot of the AI's tanks & play it in front of them. pretty soon it's whoever gets out of the others headlock to the mouse first. of course the other gets to point over the shoulder & micro-manage. see how their faces light up when you explain that they can probably download it & play it at home NOW. "oh, your going? ok lat....oh"
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