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Other Means

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Everything posted by Other Means

  1. about the height steps, if a tank is travelling along an incline, the incline starts at 0 m & goes to 1.25m after 10m laterally, is the tanks actually at 0m elevation until it is 5m along at which point it steps to 1.25m? i do not believe this to be the case. even if the terrain was smoothed out from 1.25m steps, there is still a disparity between what the AI thinks it's hitting & what it is actually hitting. it does seem that guns have an apparent height of 0 when being targetted but can shoot from their actual height. IMHO Dschugaschwili (bless you) got it spot on.
  2. i wonder if CMBB models the other factors that affect weapon firing chance. i.e. if an automatic weapon is firing close to a squad, the chance of anyone firing increases. i imagine other factors would too, such as being under close assault. ------------- thanks for the info on OPFORE sGTGoody. it sounds like the job most people here would love. i've got 2 questions if you've got the time. in case of war, what would your role be? i imagine you'd be very useful as advisors to normal regiments on what the enemy may or may not do. also, what kind of vehicles do you use? do you get to go round in T80's etc? cheers.
  3. the board has needed a good contortionist for a while.
  4. ahhhh. [removed] pages. i tend to be a cynic too. such a shame to be proved right. engima, if that is your real name, go and buy a copy. if you do, as far as i'm concerned, you can come back. it's not my place to ban you but i'm sure that won't take long. what you have done here is antagonise everybody who attends these forums. as i've said, we like the people who make this game. the same cannot be said of you. edited to remove number in case this happens again. [ March 03, 2003, 02:55 PM: Message edited by: Other Means ]
  5. yes, i agree. however i'd strayed to the other side of the argument with my at that point i was thinking in terms of the defender. i've seen squads take an amazing amount of fire without breaking, while squads with the same experiance broke straight away. on further reflection, i don't see any reason why the squads laying fire on them could not all have "missed". this would seem consistent with real life.
  6. welcome to the board! well done for making a scenario so quickly. when is your uncle back from his hols? he'll be wanting his disk back soon.... as you can probably guess by now the people on this board tend to try to protect the good people of BTS from any loss of revenue. the reason for this is, if they hadn't made this game, no one would. also, they're just like, these guys, you know? it's not a big company of faceless people who make a product & you only get to see the hype. they listen to suggestions from people on these boards. it's how it should be. they're friends.
  7. i'm trying to sharpen (read: get some) skills before i play a real live person. i found playing vs the AI that it wouldn't even attempt to win the armour battle. i.e. it would just use HT's & Medium tanks, which never lasted for long. so i tend to use allied probe (still learning the sovs, i'll learn the germans next) give the AI a + 1 exp bonus + 25% forces if i'm feeling generous & make it play "armour". that too has it's limits so i'll change to pure infantry next. hopefully i can learn the basics before i have my head handed to me.
  8. enigma, good name. a few typos would have put bletchly park back a good few months. so, how many pages are in the PDF manual? you can answer or be ignored, banned & i'll bet you'll have your scenario removed. in lieu of your head. OTOH, a correct answer gets you a "welcome to the board." and a virtual pat on the back for submitting anything so soon. EDIT: damn. it's engima. boy do i look stoopid. [ March 03, 2003, 10:33 AM: Message edited by: Other Means ]
  9. first time i've heard about it being a general rule. in programming 80% of the work is done by 20% of the code, as the rest is there to catch outliers. i find that i get similar results in CMBB anyway. as John said, it's being in the right place at the right time. therefore introducing it as a variable the player can see doesn't seem to be right. i think maybe there is already a "holds under fire" kind of variable that is set randomly and acts in concert with the green -> veteran status. at least, that seems to me to explain some behaviour i've observed. of course, this just could be that i don't know infantry tactics properly yet. sorry, what's OPFOR? [ March 03, 2003, 09:36 AM: Message edited by: Other Means ]
  10. me too. i want to see the full Biltong. i can see a few problems though. do you have 2 settings, realistic & normal or what? i can imagine playing as the axis on a realistic setting post 44 as not being much fun. you have kept your units together without too much attrition & they get transfered out from under you & you've no ammo or fuel? accurate yes. fun no. or the allies in 41. you win your battle then get told the battalion was surrounded on the operational level & you need to break out with your t26's. suicide. that being said, ha, i'd love it. i loved CC3 because you got to know your men. you found the ATG crew with the highest kills & gave them a bigger gun. if a platoon got mauled it mattered, and not just because their morale went down. rescuing tank crews, conducting an orderly retreat, resting men, choosing your battles - all this should be there. in short, i want to fight a whole campaign from 41 to 45. some battles i'll win & some i won't. but the ones i won't win i need to lose correctly. jeez, i can't wait. [ March 03, 2003, 12:45 PM: Message edited by: Other Means ]
  11. yes, hopefully. i imagine it could be quite embarrasing.
  12. this is one of the most impressive bits of modelling i've heard of. my god, the more i get into this game the more game there is to get into.
  13. & to add to what wwb_99 (catchy) was saying, then take the new HDD back with a whatsthispieceof**** attitude. or don't bother. they give 8G out with sweeties now.
  14. my favorite is to get my mate really involved in the game, offer a few split squad stalking horses. then, when he's jumping all over them, i sneak over & hit him on the back of the head with a candle stick. ah the meaty thud.
  15. off topic: go to Mozilla.org download mozilla. go to edit->preferences->advanced->scripts and plugins and stop web pages opening un-requested windows. you can also get animated gif's to just animate once, which removes a lot of the eyesoreness etc.
  16. love the T34/85. hate the Tiger I. calm down, calm down: when i'm vs the Tiger, all i can see is that turret slowly turning, popping my tanks off a shot at a time. when i play it, all i can see is it's thin tracks, waiting for an opportunity to bog me behind a house where i can't target a damn thing.
  17. i played all the CC games to death & i wanted something that had a bit more depth, so i bought CMBB. i started playing it & at the beginning it is a bit of a learning curve. i didn't jump on it or take it back because even though it was a bit of an effort to start a scenario, i knew there was something there. i suggest you do the same. the game is a grower rather than a grabber, at least it was to me. now i play this & DoD almost exlusively (while dreaming of a time when they are combined). so if you do get the demo, don't be too quick to judge it. it may take 10 mins when you start to set out your units & check line of sight but as soon as you get contact with the enemy, you're there. hooked. so, welcome to the forum. once you get past the jargon & the in-jokes you'll find they're not a bad lot. infuriating. bad tempered. pedantic to a fault. but not bad.
  18. cheers for the list WP, it will cerainly add to my enjoyment. everybody probably knows this but: british are called limeys as the royal navy found that limes where the fruits that would keep longest & contain a lot of vitamin C. therefore all british sailors used to get given them on board ship to keep away scurvy. so being called a "limey" is the same as saying "you don't have scurvy". which is nice. [ February 24, 2003, 09:41 AM: Message edited by: Other Means ]
  19. i noticed something not quite so damning in a vs AI QB the other day. after destroying all the AFV'S and completely routing the AI's infantry, the AI had a road to basra type situation with a long straggling line of infantry trying to make it to the map edge with 6 KV's/T34's surrounding them, pumping round after round into them. one heavy MG was being machine gunned by a KV on a rise to the rear of it & the KV also shot about 12 rounds of HE at it. the HE formed a neat line of craters following the MG to the back of the map. the gunner didn't lead the MG at all. this does not seem realistic to me. surely the gunner would lead even a slow moving unit a little bit? BTS fix it or do sumfink.
  20. how about: Veni, Vedi, Velcro. I came, I saw, I stuck around.
  21. good man. got him through the windows. i was wondering though, how prevelent were ATR's? does anyone have any links about them please.
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