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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Other Means

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Everything posted by Other Means

  1. thanks. if anyone is reading the thread, ignore my bits & just read flamingknives.
  2. right hand most: "yah, it's definately dung."
  3. i believe that in the British army there were dedicated vickers platoons that where brought in when their specialist skills were needed. in the British TO&E (forgive me) for a lorried rifle battalion the vickers seem to be there. why can we not but them seperately? in a 2000pts QB as British you really have very few options. this would be a welcome addition. also, it's impossible to buy the lorried battalion, which seems a well rounded capable force, because it's 12 pts over the support allowance for CA. while i'm wishin' i'd like this changed.
  4. ummm....i guess the recent knee operation and the 7.5 month pregnant girlfriend kind of whisper "nooo". i've never been though. i'll definately try to make next time.
  5. you know, i'd love to come. let me just check multimap.
  6. it's driven from a static DB. what you need is a way for trusted users to change the DB. i might also be good to have a comment field where you can say "if you are fighting Germans in sept 44, their best armour deal is the Stug (model), this is the best counter". i'm not saying i'd be the best person to supply this data but it might level the playing field for QB's. but i write systems like this myself so i know the work involved. hey - at least it's php. my favorite web tech. there's a good CMS written for it called Midgard which offers some free, useful & customisable functionality.
  7. wrong thread for this but in a CMBB game i had ~50 afv's, scout cars & towed guns start in perfect order & all go straight down the road without a hiccup. the combination of extra waypoints & wait orders doing it. it took over an hour to plot the turn. they ran straight into a tiger/panther trap & where in flames in minutes but *thats not the point*.
  8. i use Open Office on my linux partition but prefer to avoid it at home - thanks anyway. this may be a lot of work but what about a content managment system for the data? as things are changed with patches or found to be false you (or whoever) could change the values with a web front end.
  9. nice one thanks. i don't have M$ Office at home so this really helps.
  10. i imagine if you mainly play the Germans you may not notice as much difference. but i mainly play Allies and the difference is remarkable. i was reticent about getting CMAK but i was really starting to feel short changed playing Soviets in CMBB. playing the British is fun fun fun: the Shermans can actually hit something, the Wolverines are good, the 25 pounder arty is brilliant and the best bit - the 6 pounder AT gun goes straight through the front of a StuG and when bought with a British lorried battalion you get 6 for 42 points each.
  11. also, you can control the fitness of them seperately. fit vets are better than fit regs, as i would expect.
  12. can you imagine selling it to the general public? even if there are some interesting battles in there, say WWI to most people & they think mud, death & 2 yards gained.
  13. oh and after having nothing but molotovs for years these things seem like voodoo.
  14. yes they were brave men. have a look at Major Robert Henry Cain VC. the best thing about the PIAT is it's stealth. when you're in the last 1/4 of the battle & everything is getting dirty, your opponents armour tends to be close enough to have a couple of goes with the PIAT & from a little bit of cover they are very hard to spot.
  15. they do help for rocky. you can get them here: http://www.othermeans.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/2131.bmp http://www.othermeans.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/2130.bmp they make the rocks whiter & more visable.
  16. welcome to the forum - now go to that one!
  17. i no particular order. 1) ammo re-supply. 2) the ability to save games that can be-reimported. possibly by entering both passwords. maybe passphrase to stop dictionary attacks. 3) toggle-able contour maps. possibly have a Y axis mulitiplier in the setup phase so you can expand the differences in terrain while you get a grip of it. 4) men depicted in squad, candy i know but good. also useful for seeing where not to run them. 5) death to the borg 6) burst firing for AFV's higher. 7) mix n match sides in QB's etc. 8) indirect fire into dead ground. it seems daft to me that a mortar man would not know how to drop a round at a certain range. 8A) same for arty. 9) more flexible fire orders. "sarn't!" "sah?" "5 rounds harrassing over that hill" FOOOM. 10) multi-multi-player. 11) exportation of all assets into a spreadsheet. before & after battle. 12) depiction of time passing over battlefield. i'm playing a truly huge game now & it would be fun to see the shadows move....ok put this at the bottom of the list but while we're wishin'. 13) ability to give standing orders. 14) as the borg is gone replace it with communication. if a squad starts taking fire and a mortar can see where abouts from, it should drop some HE onto it.
  18. if you're on a PC & just want it quick, just press Print Screen, run MSPAINT (start->run->type mspaint) and in that window press Ctrl + V together. however for something better, eichenbaum's & GJK advice cannot be bettered.
  19. heeed not these dread voices! for there is only the one horseman and be him WAR! ..be him, be him...sounds a little contrived but NEVERTHELESS be him there shall only BE. umm. and HE be ANDREAS. yes WAR there be and NO other. the foul tounge'es shall not thee heeed. for PESTILANCE, FAMINE and DEATH are but handmaidens to the alll consumind WAR.
  20. untartanised. ha. like it. i'm in the middle of a battle right now but i'll suggest this to my opponent for the next one & do you an AAR.
  21. Claymore = big sword doesn't it? which would kind of make sense.
  22. jeez George Mc. with his first comment he said it was interesting: this is a good thing. with his second he said they looked the same because they are both from the same piece of ground: this means your CM map must be accurate. now you are accusing him of making accusations when you're the only one doing so. a) are you sure it's not "dirk"? what do you think of the role of airpower in the ETO?
  23. can you think of one that would be non-conductive? i was thinking bukkytubes but they are conductive. ceramic possibly but they tend to be brittle.
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