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Other Means

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Everything posted by Other Means

  1. i've never been able to get it to work unfortunately. thanks anyway.
  2. i've started a huge (4.9M PBEM file!) game and to stop my computer having a fit, i'd like to play with trees off. the map has loads of scattered trees. is there a mod available that makes the tree bases very visable? bright green perhaps. if not, does anyone know the bmp num & i'll do it myself. cheers.
  3. just making molotovs work as they should would be best. say it's 5 molotovs for every one shown & have more effect than simply giving your position away. as i've shown in earlier posts, they do seem to work IRL. failing that, a patch to remove them would be best. oo oo and look, a pixie with my lucky heather.
  4. the TH teams & German squads toss a grenade bundle. in CMBB this is supposed to represent a close infantry assault. this is generally (80% sounds right) very effective. when grenades or molotovs are thrown it represents throwing 5 grenades or 1 molotov. the 5 grenades are reasonably ok. the 1 molotov does diddly. i am not the researcher some are here. so i would really like to know the decision process behind just throwing 1 at a time. ISTM that if that's all your squad is going to have in the way of AT capacity you're damn right everyone would have one. at least one. and they would arm & throw them on command. and from what little evidence i've been able to gather, in the right circumstances they were effective. if someone can give evidence either way i would be grateful. but i just don't but the lone bottleman theory. on a related point, when a grenade bundle is "tossed", is there a chance that the German squad *still in cover* suffers a casualty? showing that the poor guy who has to bell the cat didn't make it back?
  5. the point is that it shouldn't be a single Molotov. one observed thrown should represent 5, the same as with grenades. as to their effectiveness, in the hungarian notes here they seem quite effective if used within their parameters. i have NEVER damaged a AFV with one. and not for want of trying. and excerpt from the link: Meanwhile, the elements of the Russian 2d and 17th Mechanized Divisions moved into: Budapest. Their mission was unclear and their intelligence faulty; this resulted in the rather haphazard engagement of targets by tank guns. Initially, there was little sustained action against any of the freedom fighter's strongpoints, but casualties mounted on both sides. The Hungarians used "Molotov cocktails", bottles of gasoline whose spout was stuffed with rags which were ignited and which would explode on contact, to destroy tanks. This weapon proved very effective. Apparently the lessons of ingenuity and bravery of the Russian partisans in fighting German tanks were being applied by the students against the teacher.17 Russian tanks were not supported by infantry and therefore were extremely vulnerable in the narrow streets of Budapest.
  6. and yet the Axis side can get AFV's which are frontally invulnerable to all Soviet AFV for a price equal or better than the Russian AFV...but that is beside the, or at least this, point. the molotov should be modelled as a thrown weapon the same as a grenade. that would mean the whole squads has & throws at least 1 each. read my rant earlier up for references to molotov use in Hungary. i would like to see where BFC got their idea for damage from. according to the sources quoted in my rant, used correctly they were quite usefull.
  7. the golden rule is: when attacking the game will end as soon as the minimum number is reached. when defending the turns will go to at least an extra 50%. this rule is immutable & unbending. it happens in 15 turn - 70 turn games. probably higher but that's the longest i've played.
  8. "you need a haircut Aidrian." "SHUT UP RICK. now. let's play murder in the dark."
  9. "you need a haircut Aidrian." "SHUT UP RICK. now. let's play murder in the dark."
  10. i was thinking the same a few weeks ago. my rant is here i agree about the under modeling of molotovs. basically.
  11. yes of course. sorry. faulty memory. i knew there was a....6 in it.
  12. the Soviet 7.63mm (.50 cal) does the job much better. and a light flak better still. they don't move as fast but have a much higher success rate. for ATR's i echo the above. they are very stealthy & can dissuade light armour. although most people just take the risk. if you're going to use them use a lot. concentrate them against his recon assets. they shine against pillboxes as well.
  13. if you can area fire it says "area fire" by the end of the line. however i've had situations where a mortar just didn't seem to like a specific HQ. if anyone has any further information over and above RTM i'd be obliged.
  14. my beloved Red Baron (dynamix) had one i seemed to remember.
  15. a fanatic unit could just do what i believe it does now. perform it's orders with no morale drop from fire etc. i don't see the need to change really. a HQ unit could do the same and get a +2 or 3 morale rating. i don't think you can give increased acuracy etc because i don't think being fanatic would do that. as for going out of control...is that historical? i don't really think it is. an indicator that it has gone fanatic is a good idea. it's then up to the player how to use the unit. possibly remove command delay. i think this is analogous to an officer noting the mental state of a unit and deciding to make use of it. i don't think "fanatic" necessarily means going beserk. it could also mean the unit is just become extremely fatalistic. and that means that it will follow any order you give it until it's safe or dead.
  16. wow. incredible model. and nice hat. but why the Graf Spee and not the Scharnhorst?
  17. well but it should. and i'm going to sit here and sulk until it does. that'll teach em. OTOH i've had great success with non molotov attacks by SMG squads, mainly in urban areas. how a grenade or 5 does more damage than a molotov i'll never know.
  18. ...and both get you where you want to go. usually. my thoughts are this: the granade bundles & demo packs are placed weapons, whereas grenades & molotovs are thrown. i have no difficulty thinking that each man would carry at least one. so for every molotov seen in the info window, it should equal 5 in the squad. when 1 is thrown, it is a concerted effort from the squad to disable the tank, not one maverick with a box of matches. when a grenade bundle is "thrown" and missed there should be a good chance of losing a man, as the grenade bundle missing really means the man not completing his mission. possibly from self defense fire from the tank. when the molotovs are thrown, it would be all the guys lighting them "ready on 3 - throw." kind of thing. this would result in quite a decent fire on the engine compartment rather than the piffling effect we see now. not that i think this gripe will change anything.
  19. why is it one guy throwing it? when a grenade is thrown it is assumed to be more than one. why not the same with a molotov? no, it's not Napalm but it's a fuel with a thickening agent. and i know it was a case of that or nothing but there must have been some point to carrying them. these are not an AARs but search these pages for "molotov" Hungary. Hungary 2 and this for "Molotov cocktails" 17 Tanks destroyed by Molotovs i've not searched for "threw a molotov into a halftrack to no discernable effect" but if i did i'm sure i'd just come back to this forum.
  20. try The Proving Grounds. opponents are rated, together with scenarios etc. it's fun. welcome to the forum and good luck.
  21. if you're fighting a human opponent you won't take out a KT. your oppo will leave it on a hill & deny you the long fire lanes. all i can advise for later Axis armour is to make it come to you, don't try and go for it. if it's hunting you, you can choose the time and place. set up ambushes from both sides. get numbers on target. prayer is good. as stikkypixie said, use your tanks for other things while you're waiting for the armour to come for you. but don't give them a shot, because they will kill you. i'm going to start playing Axis i think. it seems more fun.
  22. true. i wish i knew where they got the (in)effectivness of Molotovs from. the only time i've heard of them, in the Hungarian uprising, they were very effective. 10 guys throwing napalm onto the engine compartment should be quite effective. for non pioneers, the Russian SMG squads are very effective. not as good as ANY german squad but good for Russian.
  23. if your tank hunts towards the top of the ridgeline the first shot it gets at an enemy is in hull down position. i only ever use shoot n shoot when i've got a "rabbit" to attract a Tigers attention.
  24. i imagine it's the stuffed Lion effect. they look a bit bedraggled & motheaten when stuffed. but if you saw a picture of one on the plains & saw how everything looked at it, it would seem a lot more impressive. i've heard that the Tiger in Saving Private Ryan is a T34 in a shell. is the shell the right size etc?
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