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Other Means

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Everything posted by Other Means

  1. that sounds reasonable yes. with the engine etc i might be difficult to know your speed etc. good thinking YankeeDog.
  2. AIUI, the crews get pistols & low ammo to stop their ahistoric use as scouts etc.
  3. i'm reasonably sure it wasn't Russian for "Mihail, i've always loved you".
  4. just watching "Decisive Weapons" on the History channel & a T34 commander is stating how he would line up the sights on the target & the *driver* would shout fire. seems odd, did the driver also have a sight linked to the commanders periscope? to make the point, there was a WWII film clip with the driver doing just that.
  5. the Carmen Miranda cult makes it's offering to the goddess.
  6. why is there a seperate support budget at all? why not just allow a certain amount of each weapon to be purchased? tweak the amounts for different countries/times etc. or make any above a historically reasonable amount cost more? totally agree about the Vickers. AIUI the main use of MG's was suppressing fire. ISTM that longer sustained fire would actually do this better than short bursts, giving you a chance to adjust aim & 'hose' an area better. that however puts BFC in a bind or assuming psychological effects, so i'd go with RPM & make them much the same. by god you've got something there. i've never thought of trying that. i've just tried it & can buy it. what's more it's a reasonable param to insist on & will possibly help with that German armour - cheers.
  7. ok, just give the British more support/vehicle points. or define the catergories differently (why is arty seperate from other support units? define it by use, like AT, anti infantry etc) or remove some of the units from the OOB, or have the ability to loose parts of the force at least. "I'm still curious as to what people consider "most QB conditions"." loose language. sorry, near fatal on this board. how about "in a 3000pt ME with British Mechanised in a CA split." this results in 1800pts for infantry. however you can't buy the lorried inf batt '45 as regs because you go over the support budget. you've got to buy green. and you've got to buy as a unit to have any chance of matching the cherry-pickin-Gerry-picker. 3000pts spent on British Infantry force mix is even worse. you can't buy either of the Infantry Battalions on offer as you overspend the *vehicle* budget. even if you're on the defense. even if you try to buy green. so you've got to make your force mix from companies missing out on the support bargains, top level command & any sense of historicality. and if you decide to use the 'unlimited' split your opponent can choose all the über armour he wants. not intimating they would but saying "i'm having unlimited you're having CA" sounds at best churlish. therefore i'd like to be able to sometimes choose the forces which are available.
  8. i must not have made myself clear. i love the 2", i find it excellent for getting that initial fire supremacy. what i don't like is buying a company or whatever of infantry & finding i can't afford to buy any support weapons. i just seems in the QB's i play that i'm limited to one or 2 choices.
  9. just a little moan. the inclusion of organic mortars in British/CW infantry platoons is fine. however the fact that these add up in the support section means that it's very difficult to buy infantry AND support weapons. if it comes with the infantry platoon, it should come off the infantry point allotment. TBH, under most QB conditions there is only one British formation available - a green lorried inf battalion. while this is a great well rounded force you're forced to buy them green because of all the added flim flam of UC's etc. it's very annoying. can we not seperate the points out in a different way?
  10. i always put CMAK up on the center shelf when i see it at the bottom in Game. MHO of course but i think an armour photo on the box with reviews on would be better than what we've got now. kind of empasise the reality of it & set it apart from the mainstream. none of my business of course but we all love the game & i want to see the guys make some money.
  11. yes thanks CA this is good stuff. now do the tests 500 times so we can be sure. keep your AFV's in cover till the planes have hit. then mop the remains up.
  12. wow. that was ~30 mins wait. thanks a lot. i've d/l'd Lili Marlene from CM Mods to replace the intro. cheers.
  13. anyone know which one it is please? also the intro music. i need to mod them straight to the recycle bin. not that they're bad but listen to anything long enough and it gets tiresome.
  14. great shots but who are the two guys in the "UglyStick" piccies?
  15. it is believed by people who believe such things that Finns figured out their own, very special AA device. after several months living in the woods eating nothing but rations, reindeer & the occasional officer the Finnish soldier would weave a special mat out of hand mashed bark & rags. then, using their own excretia which was now increadibly sticky, the soldier would smear this over the mat & throw it at any aircraft stupid enough to encroach lower than 3 miles within their airspace. this "plane paper" proved to be very successful. it was however only done in extremis, as the wreakage from any plane was usually given to the women to weave into their beards as decoration & they disliked the smell. [ July 30, 2004, 08:35 PM: Message edited by: Other Means ]
  16. the best answer to the ME flag rush is BIG ARTY. preferably over 120mm. let your opponent take the flags. you have a good idea where he is going to be and can plan your attack to come in straight after the rounds land. also, for a 3.5k ME i like to push the turns up to ~50. especially in CMAK playing the allies. get into an infantry vs infantry fight & you'll pull his fangs by turn 40. and you can't determine the best player over one game. if you could CM would be more like chess rather than the realistic crap shoot it is. play both sides of an attack/defense, an ME, swap sides & do it again & you still won't have proof. at least, this is what i tell myself.
  17. a very hard learned lesson unfortunately. even with smoke, numbers & advance it's far better to avoid open ground.
  18. i just downloaded this & it installed with no trouble after checking the dependencies. amazing. absolutely amazing, i'm actually a little scared of it. i think i'll finish my PBEM's first as otherwise they may not get done as i expect this to suck my spare time right in. well done to you and your team. i hope it leads to a closer relationship with BFC, hopefully looking at a campain for CMX2
  19. TCP/IP play with players saying "OMFG luzr 88 r0><0rs w000tw00000000t \nm/\mn/" followed by Madatts voice saying "fwawless vwictowy".
  20. hey Robert, have you ever thought to have a HTML based version? just put that on your site, with JavaScript for the formulas etc & everyone can use it. no need for Word, Excell & not tied to a PC. if you need some hints get in touch with me. i've just become a father so time is rationed but i'll help you get started. you can email me from the forum.
  21. i've had units ignore cover arcs, Russian SMG squads in woods overrode them to get an 88 + tractor going past. that was sweet. so maybe there was a high value unit it was shooting at. there is a bug..ummm..feature where a unit will shoot at the most expensive unit it can see. so maybe what you thought was infantry was the battalion commander or an FO.
  22. BFC actually model the trees in 3D. try seeing the same trees from a hill above & the LOS drops significantly as it has to go through foliage. cool eh?
  23. i'd go for 35+ for a 2.5k, adding 5 turns for every 500pts. and again, you can always cease fire.
  24. i think there's a bug if you're playing against forces from more than one nationality. was that the case here?
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