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Other Means

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Everything posted by Other Means

  1. you are wise beyond your member number ARISTOTELES. your work looks excellent from what i've seen. well done.
  2. AIUI, the rationale is your last 4 points plus the bigger ammo load. i had no idea it was 3 times as much though.
  3. what is this "non-forum friend" of which you speak?
  4. i think people who sit down in front of a computer to play a game have different expectations of people who sit in front of a TV. i.e. Halo & Splinter Cell. i tried both on my friends xBox & apart from thinking "i wish Halo had a mouse" i liked them enough to buy them when they came out on the PC. and guess what - i don't enjoy either of them much. i finished Halo & though "meh". Splinter Cell is there still installed & i pick it up every now & again. but they don't involve me as much as they indicated they would. and i feel the difference is because you can kind of play console games in the background. great when you go over to a mates & shout direction with beer, don't get me wrong but generally they're for relaxing with. PC games on the other hand i have to make an effort to play. i.e. sit in a special place, make the noisy thing come on and then get completely wrapped up in it. i've spent 20 mins plotting CMBB moves in a TCP/IP game with no conception of time passing. my opponent thought i'd gone off (in the Onion Wars - sorry Dweezil) but actually i was at level 1 checking LOS & plotting waypoints. i feel with a console, they do not encourage that *type* of concentration & therefore CM would not suit it. control issues aside.
  5. sure. fit a PS2 with a keyboard a mouse a HDD & an internet connection...oh wait thats a PC isn't it?
  6. you've got to tell him. tempting as is might be he's your mate isn't he? and if not, then *definately* do it so he can't tell. flanking movements cut off and decimated, his main infantry reaching the trees as the arty hits, hidden guns hit with massive HE. do it well & you've not only won the game, you've completely ruined his theorys about FOW.
  7. Cdex does what you want i think. this thread should be in the tech forum BTW.
  8. if you're waiting for contact & not moving it's not worth having your units hide. give them a cover arc to stop long range shots & have them un-hidden. do this with all your units. the more eyes up the better. i think the only time it's worth having units hide is if there exposed in enemy territory & you just want them to be un-noticed.
  9. he probably thought they were off board. jeez. still , one lucky round...
  10. Andreas et al mean this thread (which i've got bookmarked). How to attack like a Soviet Rifle Corps in 1944. in deference to their wishes, please do not post about it in the CMAK board.
  11. you can use your Universal Carrier to move a Firing Officer with a radio to a lot of places on the map very quickly. allied arty has great response times, so you can move the guy round to where he has LOS to where you want covered & get a barrage in a few mins. but as CombinedArms said - don't expose it to fire.
  12. thanks. i had got there myself. but why not 40/L46.5 etc?
  13. i'm sorry but how does it tell us anything about MV? and why is the ratio important rather than the absolute length of the barrel? why is 40 L/46 more accurate than 40 L/46.5. or is it not? ...i can see that a larger caliber shell will take more propellant to get it to move and therefore maybe the ratio between caliber, propellant & barrel length says something...but again why is the length a multiple of the calibre? am i missing something obvious? like a clue? sorry to hijack the thread.
  14. the universal carrier is brilliant. i thought they were a waste of points until i started playing with them. a radio FO + UC = 4 min to a barrage almost anywhere on the map. plus they can tow the 6 pounder to the back of trees for a lovely surprise. plus they can scoot over rocky terrain. plus they as so cheap. i love em.
  15. can anyone give me an explanation i might understand about why the length of the barrel is best as a multiple of the caliber? a tall order but there you have it.
  16. you do know the Challenger II exists outside the desert? and even in the desert it gets cold at night. ...i've got a mental image of our poor brave boys living on pot noodles. damn. the things they do for their country. also, i wish this BB showed the last 3 digits of everyones IP. it would stop me being so damn suspicious.
  17. also, a HE shell fired at high velocity tends to bury itself in the ground, wasting a portion of the blast.
  18. is it possible to mod the "sound contact" infantry etc? right now it's difficult to tell which is sound & which full ID.
  19. remember to take pictures. have people in them for scale and curiosity. i can host ~7M for a limited time. and say a prayer for us in the northern wastes.
  20. sorry. i know this thread has strayed off target. but a hurrah for Newcastle.
  21. i make the mistake of trying to assault to easily. i'm starting to think the key is to grind them down rather than roll over them, especially with Commonwealth troops. get close enough so that you have eyes to ID the target, then sit & shoot at them. the Axis will outshoot you for quite a while but you have attack odds + a schwerpunkt so your pinned units can recover. then they run out of ammo & you flank them. suppress MG's with HE chuckers, kill HE chucker killers with mortars, arty etc. i'm not that good at it yet, everything is ragged. but i think i'm on the right track.
  22. have you tried playing operations? they seem to do some of what you want. to me, this is tied into the age old cry for a campaign layer. keep your force intact in the battle & next time you've got more to fight with etc. then at the end of the campaign you know you've freed europe/gained liebestraum. but playing the AI IMHO will never be as good as some of the online campaignes run by some of the fine folks of this board. try http://www.onionwars.net/ for a great CMBB one.
  23. Omi, how often do you play Allies? if your opponents are complaining, tell them you will go Allies. no more problem.
  24. best operation: Bagration. 1,700,000 troops supported by 6,000 aircraft, nearly 3,000 tanks, and 24,000 artillery pieces. This attack destroyed Army Group Center and was the most disastrous defeat suffered by the Germans in the war, costing the Wehrmacht more men and material than the defeat at Stalingrad. most unsung service: British merchant marine.
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