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DerKommissar last won the day on May 29 2020

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  1. I love the smell of space lobsters in the morning... Smells like Mass Effect
  2. Thanks for the heads-up. Gonna try a fresh re-install.
  3. Note the glitch beneath the 75mm. Is this a bug, or just a bad install?
  4. Impressive TO&E, plus: 3 campaigns! This expansion sounds game-sized.
  5. Is that a certainty? I don't see anyway anyone would benefit from MAD. How do we know he'll launch nukes then, and not when/after Ukraine joins NATO? I think going nuclear is a bluff, as Russia would be on the receiving end of such a situation. I do understand why people may be concerned, however. Unless the upper level people earn their posts through ignorance and incompetence, which is how this mafia works. When they are not too busy fighting eachother. Anyone with half a brain, already left. If Putin dies, Putin 2.0 will take his place, followed by obligatory purges. The average IQ will only fall. This is how the Kremlin has been for a long, long, time. Thanks for the replies, guys. Good to get a reality check.
  6. It is organized crime, indeed. Here is a personal conspiracy theory, so please apply salt -- according to taste: Putin is happy with his disastrous, criminal, war, as it ticked a lot of his crime boss boxes. Such as: - His capos are at odds with eachother. This disunity makes them easier to divide & conquer. - He has aggravated NATO, and got it closer to home. Making the populace fear an external threat, 1984-style. Any anti-war sentiment equals to treason. - His civil society, elites, and citizens are now complicit in war crimes. Betraying him, will only land them in prison or horrific debt. - The war provided cassus beli to remove all remaining attempts at a democratic process. Repression and propaganda are at all time high, and new measures get rubber stamped with minimal prorest. - A lot of able-bodied men, especially problematic ones (ie. prisoners, mercs, poor people and minorities) are now dead or crippled. Many middle-class skeptics have emigrated. - The west has severed economic ties, and the east has not. He gets to take over the abandoned businesses and still provide oil to billions. He takes a big cut off of oil, and controls the economy. Peace sells, but who's buying? Evidently, not Putin, or his goons. They're psychopaths that don't care about human lives or anyone's approval. I think we better prepare ZSU and NATO to march on Moscow. Otherwise, the best we can hope for is another temporary ceasefire.
  7. Impressive! Hopefully, they won't mine that bridge -- but you never know.
  8. Canucks are in it? I'm sold. A prequel to the Princess Patricia Regiment campaign in Shock Force is a dream come true. Highly approve of turning back the clock. Every wargame is doing 80s right now, but the 70s need love too. We'll need a new music thread for all our classic rock and disco.
  9. Truly sad news. 50s is still very young (coming from a dude approaching the big 3-0). He will be sorely missed. I will always remember him as the guy who taught me the differences between T64, T72 and T80, and who had intimate knowledge of Iranian IFV development. R.I.P. (Even if he never really got into Rush, apparently.)
  10. 0847 Task Force Oldendahl's infantry are on their way to secure Vertesszoloes' South flank (Bottom-Center). 0848 Task Force Weber (Top-Center) clears the North woods. Vogt's radio operator (Bottom-Left) transmits the orders for taking the hamlet. Oldendahl (Left) and Weber (Right) will assault the flanks of Vertezzoloes. Schmidt's panzers (Bottom-Center) will be the base-of-fire. 0849 Aufklärung Pioneers slip into the hamlet's rear. No contacts. 0850 Weber (Bottom-Right) reports that his task force is in position. Shortly after, Oldendahl's HQ (Bottom-Left) radios that his men are standing-by. Vogt confirms: the assault begins now. 0851 The violent crack of a 14.5mm anti-tank round shatters the silence. Task Force Oldendahl's veterans know that sound, all too well. Unterscharführer Hamblen's section opens up with the MG, on the brick building. Ricochets fly around, dangerously. One of Hamblen's men is wounded (Bottom-Center). The assistant squad leader's (Right-most) semi-automatic rifle fire finds their target. 0852 Screams are barely audible over the storm of gunfire. After dispatching a contact, Hamblen's assistant yells "Cease Fire!". The machine gunner got too carried away. 0853 After the gun-fire dies down, reports are transmitted to Vogt. North of Vertesszoloes is clear. Oldendahl suggests at least one anti-tank platoon in the Center. 0854 As Weber's task force probes South-ward, another anti-tank blast comes from the Center. Unterscharführer Hiller and his Aufklärung Pioneers hug the ground. Obersturmführer Hauer's Panther sends an HE shell at the contact. There's a split second of quiet, and then a cavalcade of PPSH fire. Task Force Oldendahl's infantry spot the PPSH fire, and answer with their own automatics. Unterscharführer Gloser's infantry section steals Oldendahl's thunder, as part of Task Force Weber's advance. 0856 Vertesszoloes is clear. Vogt transmits the go-code to continue clearing the road. Towards House A!
  11. Appreciate all the feedback. More will be coming, after Christmas. So, have a good holiday, everyone! It's a rare luxury to have historical persons help with editing. You're correct -- it almost looks like one large farm, to me. I wanted to call it "Small Town", but I shortened it to "Town", for brevity. It's simply meant to indicate the terrain type of that specific objective, as small as it may be. My thinking is that their best prepared forces are around Vertesszoloes. Once I have broken through, it should be a quick dash out of the woods. I am concerned, that I may be giving the Soviets more time to react. Time will tell if I am correct, or if I made another classic mistake of the Eastern Front!
  12. Execution 0841 The Panthers of Task Force Center arrive at the entrance of Verteszoloes. The Hauptsturmführer Schmidt (Bottom-left TC), peers across the snowy slope. 0842 Task Force North takes second place, Weber's HQ riding on-top of the StuG IV. The convoy is here, and the infantry are not far behind. 0843 The Southern Task Force's infantry are almost in position. Oldendahl rides in his staff car, as the panzergrenadiers hold their grumbling. 0844 As Weber's infantry catches up, Sturmbannführer Vogt (Bottom-most Kubelwagen) arrives at the scene. Hauptsturmführer Wöhler (Left-most Kubelwagen) gives him the situation report. 0845 Obersturmführer Kahl is the last to arrive, he somehow got separated from his Aufklärung Pioneers' Schwimmwagens. Wöhler (Kahl's CO) gets chewed out by Vogt, as the offensive is already behind schedule. 0846 The Aufklärung Pioneers carefully probe the north side of town. Unterscharführer Hiller reports no contacts. It's quiet. The Kampfgruppe's Forward Observers creep towards the south side of town. Obersturmführer Ross reports no contacts. It's too quiet...
  13. Fire & Rubble: Broken Shields On this cold January morning, Kampfgruppe "Darges" is taking part in the Konrad Offensives. The goal is to break-out friendly forces, out of the Budapest Cauldron. Kampfgruppe "Darges" is mostly made out of I. Battalion/SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 23 "Norge". Half-tracks are in low supply, so we must ride the 5th SS Panzer Division's tanks. BLUFOR Task Force North (SS-Hauptsturmführer Weber): 4 Kompanie (Weapons) Task Force Center (SS-Hauptsturmführer Schmidt): 1 Kompanie (Tanks) Task Force South (SS-Hauptsturmführer Oldendahl): 1 Kompanie (Infantry) Kampfgruppe HQ (SS-Sturmbannführer Vogt) Supports (SS-Hauptsturmführer Wöhler): 81mm Platoon, Aufklärung Pioneers, Self-Propelled Flak (Light) OPFOR 232 Guards Rifle Division, 68th Guards Rifle Regiment The enemy must be made out of infantry, backed by anti-tank guns and possibly vehicles. They have not had time to fortify. Terrain Phase A: Town Soviet ambush elements control the northern and southern woods. We must first secure the town, Objective Vertesszoloes. Phase B: Hill This wooded hill controls the central road. It must be taken to get a good view, and to protect our convoy. Phase C : Exit This is where the central road leaves the forest. It will give us maneuverability, as well as a base of fire, for taking Objective Tarjan. Plan Clear the central road. Weber and Oldendahl must cover Schmidt, as the convoy moves through the woods. Vogt will divert supports, where needed. Once we have a more accurate picture of the enemy, the plan may be altered.
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