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So people like you take full advantage of that.

Let's get back to talking about the reviews and stop with the personal attacks.

Better yet, let's get back to talking about the game. The only real opinions I want to hear are those of my fellow players. No offense to Mr D or Killroy or anyone else out there who finds this isn't their cup of tea, but more mods!, more discussion of how to tactically handle the Bocage!, more maps, scenarios and campaigns!, more, heck more everything!!

Gee Steve's quiet.... next module for Christmas? My copy of Lions of Carentan is due in October, would be nice timing....

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I don't understand the frequent pleas for beach scenarios. D-Day was tremendously important, but it makes for a extemely dull and predictable gaming. Massive frontal assault on heavily defended and fortified coast. Squads of invaders either get mowed down immediately, or they don't. As veterans of the real thing will tell you, much of that was a matter of luck, with life or death a matter of being at one spot or 50 yards away. It's a great visual spectacle, but in that case why not just go watch the opening of SPR? And frankly, no game yet made seems to be able to capture it. CMBN certainly isn't suited to it, since you can't have landing craft hit the beach and troops come off the ramps. Our issues with mines and barbed wire would only be magnified on scenarios like D-Day beach landings.

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Agree 100% about his review but several posters here have launched into personal attacks on MD and as he can't defend himself here (and the posters know it) I think they should be ashamed of themselves.

Oh, yeah...poor Dorosh...'you know cause he's never personally attacked anyone... I always love how some of you guys come out to defend MD, the WWII martyr, whenever he gets brought up. I was gonna keep my mouth shut but between this and User38's posts I needed to say something before I puked.

It takes a lot of hard work to make people despise you and very little to have people like you...Dorosh has spent many years going way out of his way to insure that he is one of the biggest dicks on the internet...He's craven, self important, arrogant and petty...to name just a few of his positive traits. This site has years worth of his pathetic history buried in it for all to see, he stalked forum members, creeped out the few chicks that have ever hung out here, registered under other names to support his own arguments, sniped and provoked other members then feigned innocence when called on it and host of other weirdness...there's no white washing what he is, how he is or how he acted here, as well as other places. He's run his mouth (unprovoked) about me, he's attacked Emrys, MikeyD, Moon, and many other people here long after he left and long after we'd forgotten him. So, don't be too alarmed if some of us don't share your benign attitude towards him.

In the real world being an authority on SS uniform buttons and ASL basically ensures his maidenhood will stay in tact...but on the WWII forums of the internet, well, he's a legend in his own mind...or just a first rate c***sucker hiding behind a keyboard


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You know I love ya BT but you've posted a few times in this thread and no once about the reviews. Not for nuttin...I'm just saying....

I don't have to say a word about MD's review, as Phil pointed out in his message, it's out there and any one can read it and make up their mind if they agree or not.

You also know I have clashed with MD in the past and just recently so I gain nothing by posting in this thread. What annoys me are people here trashing a person who can't answer back. Be that MD or someone else. Phil has tried to stop it but was ignored. What's needed is a moderator to step in and say enough!

If you want to raise any points concerning me posting more than once on a thread ( GASP!!! ) then drop me a line. I'm sure people are bored with this already.

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Oh, yeah...poor Dorosh...'you know cause he's never personally attacked anyone... I always love how some of you guys come out to defend MD, the WWII martyr, whenever he gets brought up. I was gonna keep my mouth shut but between this and User38's posts I needed to say something before I puked.

It takes a lot of hard work to make people despise you and very little to have people like you...Dorosh has spent many years going way out of his way to insure that he is one of the biggest dicks on the internet...He's craven, self important, arrogant and petty...to name just a few of his positive traits. This site has years worth of his pathetic history buried in it for all to see, he stalked forum members, creeped out the few chicks that have ever hung out here, registered under other names to support his own arguments, sniped and provoked other members then feigned innocence when called on it and host of other weirdness...there's no white washing what he is, how he is or how he acted here, as well as other places. He's run his mouth (unprovoked) about me, he's attacked Emrys, MikeyD, Moon, and many other people here long after he left and long after we'd forgotten him. So, don't be too alarmed if some of us don't share your benign attitude towards him.

In the real world being an authority on SS uniform buttons and ASL basically ensures his maidenhood will stay in tact...but on the WWII forums of the internet, well, he's a legend in his own mind...or just a first rate c***sucker hiding behind a keyboard


Mord, change the record mate. It's getting boring hearing the same thing over and over.

Also, you need to be pulled to one side by the moderator here for that outburst. About time you grew up.

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This is what happens when we say the name that should not be mentioned.

Now, we all just need to drop it and stop. There is no point in it. Face it, I made a comment how it would be nice to in someway punish someone for their poor actions. Beyond of course the dreaded "Band from this site" action.

But in the internet world, we just seem to let actions go and claim freedom of speech. It has much more to do with no legal actions that can be taken when someone acts inappropriately.

But if someone was to attack the reputation of my bussiness and does it with misleading comments, which causes me a loss of sales and profits, I have a right to take legal recourse and can take them to court. If I can prove that the comments are made in malice and intent to do harm and is not just comments voicing a opinion, then they might be liable for my losses.

but that is in a country where laws are in place to try and protect my interest.

Personnally I think his intent is just that, it goes beyond just wanting to give his opinion. But we do not seem to think that these actions are wrong, plus we have those that want to even defend such actions. Easy to do with a enviroment that has no real recourse.

So every review on every site, no matter where in the world will have his fine words. Will it truly be about the game or is it about his personnal war with this company. So none of this on this thread will change that, so drop it.

A waste of my time already that is for sure. The few laughs was not worth it.

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Mord, change the record mate. It's getting boring hearing the same thing over and over.

Also, you need to be pulled to one side by the moderator here for that outburst. About time you grew up.

I'm plenty grown. LOL and hey, man, at least I haven't spent the last four years posting hundreds of thousands of words about a company and game I hate...you might wanna pass that "grow up" line on to MD, himself...You know, next time he is twisting my words or saying stuff about other people here, basically just for liking something that he feels is beneath his WWII authority.

That first post btw wasn't aimed at you as much as it might have sounded... I don't know you much nor have any reason to dislike you or anything so, if it felt that way, my apologies.

Other than that, why should I be reprimanded for speaking my mind about him, whether he can defend or not defend himself?...I've been here a long time, always been a pretty positive, friendly and help minded guy...My actions and contributions to this community speak for themselves...Maybe, if he hadn't been such a jerk off all those times I would've kept my mouth shut...but he was/is, so I didn't.


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Mord, you ignorant slut! Bagged-out, dried-up, slunken meat like you and Michael Dorosh know the rules. If you want a copy of CM, sign on the dotted line. Oh, but let's all shed a tear for poor Michael Dorosh. There was only testimony that he had sexual intercourse over forty times with another man while living with actor Lee Marvin. But I suppose that sort of fashionable promiscuity means nothing to you, Mord, who hops from bed to bed with the frequency of a cheap ham radio. But hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn, and Michael Dorosh, like a screeching, squealing, reptatious swamp sow is after BFC's last three million dollars. I guess what you and Michael are saying is that when you're on your backs, the meter is running. Well, please spare us, and tell us the rate's at the top. Then we can choose which two bit fanboi tarts and bargain basement sluts to shack up with.

Okay so I stole that from Dan Akroyd and weekend update...doesn't mean it isn't true. My apologies to Mord, British Tommy, BFC and the world in general including Michael Dorosh, but this thread just made me think of Point/Counterpoint and after that it was too late to do anything but borrow that.

NOW can we move on?

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I don't know Mr. Dorosh, but from everything I hear about him he sounds like someone who actually loves the game. People generally avoid and become indifferent about things they don't like. Someone who continuously goes out of his way to find reviews on CM to make a comment about it comes across as someone who likes, and may in fact be obsessed with the game, but is very bitter about whatever happened with him here. My 2 cents on someone I don't know!

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Oh, he loves CM. But it is the stalking, threats and restraining order kind of "love". Bitter what happened to him here? I know why he is banned, and as others will no doubt confirm he could have been banned a dozen times over well before that. No-one ever got as many breaks as Dorosh. So no, not bitter about what happened to him here, just generally bitter. And maybe bitter about what happened to what in his noggin is his game.


Don't see the point of complaining about a lack of DDs. What are we supposed to simulate with them?

The thrilling waddling slowly to the shore, defenceless? Or since this is so far just covering the US side of things, them being flooded and sinking? Or are we supposed to be interested in the implications of collapsing the screen before combat?

Essentially nothing of what CM simulates makes any of the DD aspect of a DD relevant. If you mean to simulate DDs in combat, ordinary Shermans are entirely adequate.

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Thanks for the link to the review.

The game stands on its own quite nicely. The fact that one can download a demo and get a good feel for it speaks much more loudly than any supporter/detractor can. As far as I know BF/BTS has always encouraged/recommended potential customers to try their demos prior to purchasing their games; that act alone gives them more credence than bitter grogs (thanks for the term whoever introduced it) in my book.

Now, off to read the review...

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I imagine Sheldon in "The Big Bang Theory" sending off catty letters to game reviews complaining about his once-favorite computer game not factoring Max Planck's constant into the game engine... though he had instructed them to!

Thanks, could you pass the paper towels so I can clean the coffee off my workspace?

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