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Vet crews could change a track in under half an hour, even on Tigers. These are things I think should be considered within the framework of this game, realism does not argue against it's presence - it demands it.

I think you're operating under the mistaken premise that most "immobilizations" are due to a broken track. Even if they were, you're also assuming that it's a small enough portion of track that the crew has enough spare links to repair it. And they aren't knee deep in mud. (Been there, done that, don't care to do it again.)

I, myself, don't see it as something that's broken enough to warrant a lot of attention. Maybe later on if the devs have nothing else better to do.

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I think you're operating under the mistaken premise that most "immobilizations" are due to a broken track. Even if they were, you're also assuming that it's a small enough portion of track that the crew has enough spare links to repair it. And they aren't knee deep in mud. (Been there, done that, don't care to do it again.)

I, myself, don't see it as something that's broken enough to warrant a lot of attention. Maybe later on if the devs have nothing else better to do.

Firstly, I have never claimed 'broken' - 'would be nice' is an adequate expression of my feelings here. I'm trying my hardest not to educate anyone, one would hope the grogs 'round here would be aware that every unit in a motorized division has it's own repair section - a small and relevant example I have at hand would be the 12th SS - which was formed with a recovery company for each of the armored battalions in it's Panzer Regiment. While mainly rear-echelon, elements followed closely on the heels of the armored columns ready to deal with any and all maintenance needs, if a repair was considered do-able within a space of four hours it was carried-out in situ.

So it's not just about tracks, but any minor damage - of course I would like to see recovery vehicles, bulldozers etc... why not? "Too hard" is an acceptable answer, "outside scope of game" is not.

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Expected Movement Path Information

It's kind of frustrating to plot a movement only to discover that the actual path the unit takes is silly or worse suicidal. Even worse for the WEGO player, being unable to do anything about it for 60 seconds except scream "STOP!" at the monitor.

I second that. It's very frustrating in WEGO games.

The code that analyses the path and modifies it is already in the game - vehicles DO chose their own path if they can't cross something. But they do it in the action phase, when I can't do anything to correct them.

Just make the same code to execute just after the path has been laid - BEFORE me hitting the GO! button...

Let it analyse and modify the path and let me to see how the vehicle will go - just after I plotted. I can then check and choose another path.

I'm absolutely ok to wait even few seconds for the path to be analysed. I believe I wouldn't even notice any delay for most simple paths, only maybe for those long and complicated ones - but this is worth it !!!

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...we have battalion-sized formations, four-hour battles, fields over two square kilometers in size, campaigns with carried-over forces, at what point exactly does the scope of CM become adequate to warrant the important tactical consideration of vehicle recovery?

I think a case can be made for campaigns where enough time has elapsed between phases to allow resupply, repair, and maintenance. Do keep in mind that a broken track due to battle damage (and yes I know that they also break without any help from the enemy as well) would likely also involve damaged wheels, return rollers, etc. This could involve serious repair work requiring several hours to perform, like overnight by a dedicated repair crew.


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Just make the same code to execute just after the path has been laid - BEFORE me hitting the GO! button...

My point too for draggable waypoints as they were in CMX1; maybe it wouldn't be possible for the first turn, but eventually in the successive ones you can at least check the AI plotted plans for your units, and if not being able to move the waypoints, at least delete them and try another plotting, but in this case it may also become a drag in itself, if I may say so...:rolleyes:

The point (again I'm punning) is closely related to the LOS, particularly in this very effective depiction and simulation of the hedgerow Country, since you should explore the terrain very closely to find the most favorable approaches and positions and plan accordingly...

I've just started playing this sim, but I have the odd impression it's driving you to plan less carefully, leaving a lot to the AI to resolve, but the results may be disastrous, since the consequences and effects of all actions considered are even more realistic than the old series' engine: at least then you were able to delude yourself in believing you were carefully executing your plans, albeit nothing was following them as it often happens in reality.

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I would like a movement command that allows troops to form up in a skirmish line instead of the strung out line which all the other commands use.

That would be nice. Absent that, in the meanwhile you can break your squads down into teams and have the teams advance line abreast. Not quite the same thing admittedly, but as close as you can get for the moment.

In any event, I prefer to have my teams advance in a staggered fashion anyway, with one advancing while the others provide overwatch.


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Do keep in mind that a broken track due to battle damage (and yes I know that they also break without any help from the enemy as well) would likely also involve damaged wheels, return rollers, etc. This could involve serious repair work requiring several hours to perform, like overnight by a dedicated repair crew.


On this point I agree 100% - I doubt it's very likely that a Panther's inside road-wheel could be replaced in-battle, or that a main-gun knocked out-of-kilter by shellfire could be remedied; there are clearly a lot of issues which would need to be looked at, and certain abstractions applied at the time the damage is incurred. That vehicle that lost it's engine - did it cut-out because a cable was sheared, or a hose got punctured? Or is the engine-block split asunder? Sometimes it really is just a case of the repair-section (rear-echelon maybe, but elements definitely travel with the combat elements) showing up in their truck with a few spares and 'hitting it with a hammer' for an hour or so, other times the vehicle is reduced to a collection of spare-parts.

I'm the kind of player who would go out of his way to rescue a broken-ass tank even if there was no guaranteed prospect of using it again immediately, just 'cause. I'm bemused that I'm the only one who wants to see something like this, wouldn't tow-able and repairable vehicles, and things like dozers and recovery vehicles (and bridging vehicles too) be neat?

Anyway.. back to the various "in CMx1 it was better" stuff that thread was all about before. :)

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I would like a movement command that allows troops to form up in a skirmish line instead of the strung out line which all the other commands use.

Agreed, but it shouldn't be a specific command, but a 'status' variable - i.e. you choose a type of formation - line, column, scattered etc, and they hold that formation for whatever movement order you give them. Yeah, this - it's pretty important - BFC I will forgive you if this gets in before bulldozers :D

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I'm the kind of player who would go out of his way to rescue a broken-ass tank even if there was no guaranteed prospect of using it again immediately, just 'cause. I'm bemused that I'm the only one who wants to see something like this, wouldn't tow-able and repairable vehicles, and things like dozers and recovery vehicles (and bridging vehicles too) be neat?

Anyway.. back to the various "in CMx1 it was better" stuff that thread was all about before. :)

Well, considering I am the kind of player who even in a PBEM will send units to tend to the wounded just because, I can't argue with that. However I would see that as more appropriate once the tank is no longer quite in the frontline. Would I do it if it were included...maybe. I just am not sure that I would see those repair units showing up during the hour to a couple hours that I have units shooting at each other. On the other hand, being able to change a shot up jeep tire...hmmm... Armor covered arcs first!

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Well, considering I am the kind of player who even in a PBEM will send units to tend to the wounded just because, I can't argue with that. However I would see that as more appropriate once the tank is no longer quite in the frontline. Would I do it if it were included...maybe. I just am not sure that I would see those repair units showing up during the hour to a couple hours that I have units shooting at each other. On the other hand, being able to change a shot up jeep tire...hmmm... Armor covered arcs first!

I doubt the QB win-at-all-costs (respect, no offence to a playa) crowd will waste points on these kinds of things, leaving it up to scenario designer to decide when it's appropriate to include something like a recovery platoon - if one was designing a maxxed-out set-piece armour battle that lasts four hours and continues for days in a campaign, you might decide that it would be a totally valid addition to the scenario; particularly for the Germans, who really depend on quick turn-around to keep an attack rolling.

It hasn't happened to me... but if your guys can't change a wheel on a Jeep at least once, that's kinda broken ;)

(edit) p.s. read it all :)http://www.lonesentry.com/normandy_lessons/index.html

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I meant these Blasters, im being silly.

That picture is of a British Sterling SMG wih the stock folded and fitted with some sort of optical sight (surely the most useless addition to a useless weapon).

First you want obsolete swords not issued for nearly a century, then its SMGs not developed until after the war. Get a grip man!

P.S. Peoploe forget just how small a budget Lucas had for the original Star Wars - imperial storm troopers carrying SMGs, sheesh.

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That picture is of a British Sterling SMG wih the stock folded and fitted with some sort of optical sight (surely the most useless addition to a useless weapon).

First you want obsolete swords not issued for nearly a century, then its SMGs not developed until after the war. Get a grip man!

P.S. Peoploe forget just how small a budget Lucas had for the original Star Wars - imperial storm troopers carrying SMGs, sheesh.

Some of them had MG-34s!


...or Lewis Guns!!


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That picture is of a British Sterling SMG wih the stock folded and fitted with some sort of optical sight (surely the most useless addition to a useless weapon).

First you want obsolete swords not issued for nearly a century, then its SMGs not developed until after the war. Get a grip man!

P.S. Peoploe forget just how small a budget Lucas had for the original Star Wars - imperial storm troopers carrying SMGs, sheesh.

Some of them had MG-34s!


...or Lewis Guns!!


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As I generally only look at the compass once at the beginning of a battle to see which way the wind is blowing, this really is just a 'would be nice' feature. I find the compass a little unintuitive as you have to read the direction according to an arrow that is not pointing in the same direction as the camera.

I'd like a compass where the cardinal directions etc. moved so that they pointed in the same direction as the camera - North at the top, you are looking north - East at the top, you are looking east, etc.

I actually made a mod to do this with the one major problem that when you rotate the camera to the left, the moving overlay part of the compass turns counterclockwise and vice versa. To overcome this the East and West positions have to be reversed, which is unintuitive to look at itself.

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Well it's already probably asked in this thread, so, if is it the case, i'm sorry...

A friend and I we are doing a serie of scenarios based in 101 div. combats in very realistics map (at least as realistics as possible) based in google earth maps.

The actual editor it's a powerfull tool that makes possible to built really nice maps, but we miss some important stuff (in our opinion) anyway.

In example:

- high fences, already present in cmx1. It's very common in this environement, especially to both sides of roads. You can simulated it with high bocage but, in this case, it's not passable for vehicles and infantry (but by "doors").

- low wall plus high fence: very common in urban environement. It will provides cover as a low wall and hide as a high fence,

- low wall plus high fence and ¿railings?...

- Sunken road with high fences in both sides...: it's posible to simulated it deeping the tiles of road and having bocage to both sides, of course, but the result is not as claustrofobic as it could be. It's also posible to built really narrow roads in others ways but without sink the road.

- And... well at least one type of french tank, somua, renault or so...

You know, dreaming is free...

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'Hunt' could be dropped as a special movement order. Instead there would be a switch (or two) that could be applied to a movement point (like target arc).

One would be: stop & engage when target available - this would replace hunt

Two may be: stop & disengage when encountering new contact - useful for scouts.

This would cleanly separate movement from behaviour and allow some new tactics.

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