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Carbide Carbide Scenario

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Thanks for owning up, Mr. Mc. I don't know whether I want to beat your brains out with a large haddock or buy you a succession of very large drinks. Probably I want to do both, but as I can't do either I shall just have to content myself with cold sounding words of thanks.

Thank you for giving us a beautifully crafted, carefully balanced, frustrating, oh-FFS-where-did-that-come-from inducing and enjoyable scenario on a really spiffing map. I dread to think how long it took you to make this masterpiece, but I am very grateful for all you time and effort.

The game was nearly spoiled by the bridge problem. My 105 Sherman got stuck on the East Bridge for no known reason and then disappeared. The icon was there but no sign on or under the bridge of the tank. I managed to squeeze a half track past this bit of ghostly armour but when I tried to get another Sheramn past it that got stuck too. So my follow on forces had to take the long detour via the ford. Aggravating but not your fault and not as it turned out critical. Hopefully BF will sort out the bridge bug soon.

Thanks again for a really, really good scenario.

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Thank you for giving us a beautifully crafted, carefully balanced, frustrating, oh-FFS-where-did-that-come-from inducing and enjoyable scenario on a really spiffing map. I dread to think how long it took you to make this masterpiece, but I am very grateful for all you time and effort.

Thanks again for a really, really good scenario.

I second this. The map and the (same) one for Huzzar is one of the very best maps out there. I've been building successive mods/scenarios and changed the river to the Vire and added larger hills, but still, its the basic map that keeps drawing me back to do variations in the editor.

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Thanks for owning up, Mr. Mc. I don't know whether I want to beat your brains out with a large haddock or buy you a succession of very large drinks. Probably I want to do both, but as I can't do either I shall just have to content myself with cold sounding words of thanks.

Thank you for giving us a beautifully crafted, carefully balanced, frustrating, oh-FFS-where-did-that-come-from inducing and enjoyable scenario on a really spiffing map. I dread to think how long it took you to make this masterpiece, but I am very grateful for all you time and effort.

The game was nearly spoiled by the bridge problem. My 105 Sherman got stuck on the East Bridge for no known reason and then disappeared. The icon was there but no sign on or under the bridge of the tank. I managed to squeeze a half track past this bit of ghostly armour but when I tried to get another Sheramn past it that got stuck too. So my follow on forces had to take the long detour via the ford. Aggravating but not your fault and not as it turned out critical. Hopefully BF will sort out the bridge bug soon.

Thanks again for a really, really good scenario.

Well thank you sir! :) Glad you had such a memorable time with it. Yup the map took a while - one reason why Huzzar was an extended version of this map (with several modifications) as the creation of these maps in Normandy is very time consuming - all these bloody hedges! :) Plus the AI Plans took a while to nail down. I've played it myself (although not finsihed as our PBEM was broke during a chnage in an early beta) but yeah I feel your pain (I was the US playing against ASL veteran's Germans).

Cheers to the others for the kind words :)

Cheers fur noo


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...Huzzar was an extended version of this map (with several modifications)...

That's what I thought. I haven't played on them yet, but I spent some time examining both over the last few days. Clearly there are family resemblances, but differences as well. BTW, I thought that having a few burning vehicles on the Huzzar map already at the beginning was a cool touch.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I played a bit of Carbide Carbide as Germans, but my opponent botched his setup and surrendered early.

In any case, this scenario is well set up. Nice big map, and setup zones that allow full freedom to the flanks, but echeloned to the rear. Very nice. Will try Huzzar!

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  • 1 month later...


I'm currently playing Carbide Caride as Germans in a PBEM game. I'm having to run my guys ragged on this map, slowly retreating and trying to cover key locations from penetration. I feel like if I let any US soldiers over the swamp/stream ditch, I will be screwed.

For those of you who have played as Germans, what kind of defense did you play with?

Did you scatter your forces in relatively independent ambush positions or did you concentrate your forces in solid defensive zones? Did you attempt to keep the US from crossing the swampy stream at all costs or did you let them cross and then engage them afterward?

I'm just wondering how others handled this scenario for Germans since it can seem like such a fruitless strugle for the German side at times.

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I've played this as the US against the Germans in a PBEM and my opponent played a blinder with using small groups using hit and run tactics and ambushes. I think if you stay put as the Germans once the US ID your position you will be whamped with arty - best keep moving so sounds like your doing the job. It's not easy as the Germans for sure but keep hitting and keep running. The map is large enough :)


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Yeah it is a great map. So beautiful that when I loaded it, I had show my wife.

"Yes, dear", she said.

But one of the best bits about the scenario was...


I'm playing as the US against the AI and I think that, for better or worse, the scenario is pretty much wrapped up. Then I find I'm in the middle of a German counter-attack and I'm trying to get my mauled and disorganised force into some kind of defence. (Which is always a challenge as I always play against the AI and, therefore, tend to be on the attacking side - so a bit inexperienced at defending)

I think the first I knew there was a counter-attack on was when a PzIV rolled at speed straight into a field pretty much among my force who thought they were mopping up. That Sherman's tracks had decided to give up in exactly the right place. But then it was relentless until the game finished. One of the most exciting few turns of CM ever (since 2003).

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm playing this escenario now and I have some questions:

- The target secure objectives: Do I need troops there? How many troops? In all the three objectives? Or only in one or two objectives?

- The exit zones: I can go for any of these three? Do I have to leave with all the units? (exception of those in the secure areas objectives)

Thanks for help and answers. Greetings from Spain... !Ay caramba!

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Sorry mate just picked this up.

I assume you are playing as the US? If so then all you have to do is:

Seize and secure a crossing point over the river.

Continue south and exit this Area of Operations to seize the town of COUTANCES.

So all you have to do is seize a bridge crossing then drive for one of the exit zones (not the town of COUTANCE os off the map).

I suspect why many players (US) are finding this hard is they are stopping and trying to clear the Germans out of the small village - you don't have the force for that but you can punch your way through a very narrow corridor and get a victory that way. Good luck mate :)

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I suspect why many players (US) are finding this hard is they are stopping and trying to clear the Germans out of the small village - you don't have the force for that but you can punch your way through a very narrow corridor and get a victory that way. Good luck mate :)

Aha! Now it makes sense. I was one of those who though he needed to clear the town to accomplish the mission.

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Aha! Now it makes sense. I was one of those who though he needed to clear the town to accomplish the mission.

Yup :) This is an exit battle for the US - so grab a crossing and hold it, push on through and exit as many units of the map. Coutance is the village OFF MAP not the one on the map. Getting into a knife fight with the Germans in the on-map village would be bad. Very bad :D

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Hey George! Is the light fog meant to be battlefield smoke & dust? Otherwise I´d wonder about the very dry ground setting. Also with cool temperature and early in the morning I´d rather expect damp to wet ground. Not that it matters, ...just nitpicky again. :)

Well spotted :)

It's intentional - but from a gameplay POV. I found setting the ground to damp that the Shermans could bog down. Given it seemed at the time (when designing this) that it happened often I changed the ground to very dry. Unrealistic I know but it solved the bogging issue whilst keeping the atmospherics :)

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In open fields fog will tend to make the grass damp but not do much to the underlying soil unless it is a real pea soup lasting more than a few hours. Under trees can be a different matter as the fog will condense on the leaves/needles and drip onto the ground below. I expect that in Normandy during the month depicted, morning mist would not have effected ground conditions much unless it had rained heavily during one or more of the immediately preceding days.


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  • 2 months later...
Sorry mate just picked this up.

I assume you are playing as the US? If so then all you have to do is:

Seize and secure a crossing point over the river.

Continue south and exit this Area of Operations to seize the town of COUTANCES.

So all you have to do is seize a bridge crossing then drive for one of the exit zones (not the town of COUTANCE os off the map).

I suspect why many players (US) are finding this hard is they are stopping and trying to clear the Germans out of the small village - you don't have the force for that but you can punch your way through a very narrow corridor and get a victory that way. Good luck mate :)

**** SPOILERS***

OK so as the Americans I managed to hold a bridge and drive quite a bit off the map but still the Germans showed as the victors? I got no points for exiting stuff? (I lost 3 shermans and had 2 left active on the map, the rest exited.) We did a CF so maybe this is a feature and you only get points if you complete the game to the end?

I got 379 points vs the Germans 779 (200 for bridges and rest for kills on me)

I will post proper review later when I have more time.

Great game and we both enjoyed it. I played 1st time as Germans and stopped the Americans dead. Second time to prove that Americans could win I managed to wipe the German defenders on the bridge by farm and then exit numerous shermans and half tracks and some infantry....

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