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I've noticed that as long as there is nothing ahead of the tank once it gets on the bridge (i.e. on the other side between the tank and its movement end indicator) the tanks get across OK...unless they get distracted by enemy targets or they are fired upon. Then all bets are off because the AI goes into reactive behavior that does not seem to recall it is on a bridge and can't easily maneuver in any direction it likes.

Apart from the under fire situation, the other times I've had problems with bridges are few. One jeep crew that I gave a facing order to (meaning for the end of the move) insisted upon trying to face the jeep in that direction in the middle of the transit...looked like a DUI weaving all over the road and bridge. Also if traffic piles up on the far side of the bridge, the AI may try to work an alternative route for the vehicle on the bridge, again without considering that it is on a bridge at the time.

I'm not saying this answers all questions or that there is not some other bug here, but this is what I've seen so far.

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Coming under fire might have caused my two from yesterday, If they did it was light small arms fire that I didn't notice at the time, but it was possible. The problems really seem to kick in if the vehicle hits the parapet. In the one 105 incident it seemed to strike the parapet a glancing blow then try and turn back into the centre of the road and that was pretty much it.

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Yes, I've seen bumping issues come up with tanks in bocage roads too. They start to veer too close for some reason and then have trouble swiveling out of it. With a bridge it would obviously be worse in real life (since bocage can give a little but bridge abutments don't usually,) however the game engine really doesn't seem to know the difference when it comes to object avoidance. Still, its one of the smartest AI's I've ever seen for managing vehicle pathfinding under complex situations.

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At the moment, this is being looked at on the beta forum, and BFC is aware of the undesirable behaviour of AI squads firing on unbuttoned TC's from ranges all the way up to 250m and beyond. "Not desirable", in that there should be a cut-off range where unhidden AI squads have no realistic chance of damaging/killing the tank/TC, since AI squads are giving their positions away to a specific targeted unbuttoned tank, unnecessarily so and with (usually) deadly tank return fire.

This bug must surely be fixed - please! It's really beginning to tic me off!!

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Forgive me, I am at work, and do not have access to specific scenario names, etc. However, I am playing the "Road to" scenario, and am on the second mission (this all I have been able to play so far, so my experience is extremely limited). There is a stream between the U.S. forces and the Jerrys on the objectives. A bridge lies between. Here is where the problem begins. My engineers blew the obstacle, and proceeded to cross the bridge. They stopped and milled about in the center. Not healthy by the way. In any event, after that any movement command passed the far end of the bridge resulted in a waypoint that appeared underneath or to the side of the bridge. Confused by this I accepted the command, and the engineers (those that were left) promptly ran across the bridge and down the bank to the middle of the stream. Satisfied that they were at least out of the line of fire I repeated the task with an infantry squad under the cover of a smoke screen. Once again, every attempt to select a waypoint beyond the bridge resulted in a spot under the bridge or to one side. Once the turn began the platoon promptly ran under the bridge. Now for the next wrinkle. I can no longer select either formation. See them - yes. Command them - no. As the form of the battle was now lost I decided to experiment. I sent a tank across the bridge. I selected a waypoint, as before, beyond the bridge. The area where the waypoint actually appeared was the center of the bridge. I watched in interest as the tank approached. Suddenly it dropped beneath the bridge, and moments later popped back up. The next turn I once again selected a point beyond the bridge, again the waypoint appeared beneath the bridge. The tank commenced its move, dropping and popping back up a couple of times on its way. At the end of the turn it had managed to get to the bottom of the stream bed, where it too now sits un-selectable. Up until this event the game has preformed wonderfully. Any ideas???


I have that very same behaviour in a QB :(

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These bridge incidents. Are people plotting at level 6 , and driving slowly,having problems or is it people reporting a problem after the event when things have gone wrong [as opposed to all navigations of bridges].

With limited visibility and a wide vehicle crossing most bridges would not be done at speed I guess. I imagine a lot of old stone bridges in rural areas would be built for a horse and cart.

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Another vote for gun crews to be able to leave and come back. If the other side could use the guns, then it would be nice to have an option between spiking the gun and leaving or leaving it operable, but since AFAIK it's impossible to use captured weapons, leave and come back would work.

I've run in to troops staying submerged in rivers under bridges without drowning.

Along the lines of the armor cover arc, is there a way to prompt an AT team to use the tube against non armored targets? There's been times when I'd like to expend bazooka rounds on infantry targets or buildings, but mostly the team elects to engage with rifle fire.

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Another vote for gun crews to be able to leave and come back. ..... it would be nice to have an option between spiking the gun and leaving or leaving it operable ....

Is this thread an issue list for certain mechanic(s) in-game that is not working correctly, or as it should, or a wish list for features not yet programmed? There is a subtle difference, notwithstanding the fact that some here are defining their sought-after features, not yet reflected in CMBN, as an 'issue.' ;)

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Here are a few visual hang-ups that have a bit of influence on gameplay...

The .50cal. on the M20 does not rotate according to an assigned cover arc. This weapon station should be able to swing into position anywhere along a 360* field of fire - note the correct behavior exhibited by the M3 gunner/mount.

This is a disadvantage during any "quick draw" moments as the gunner must rotate in order to engage a target outside of the frontal arc as opposed to being positioned as desired by the player.


Infantry get cut off at the ankles when positioned in Independent Buildings. The player can still gain information about the unit via the UI, but it might be something to polish at some point.


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maybe you havent played too many games yet?

infantry firing at buttoned tanks is futile

especially at ranges over 100m

ive yet to see ANY effect the infantry have on doing so,apart from revealing their position and getting themselves killed.

its sheer madness.

ive stopped several games now because of this behaviour,being on the receiving end and the serving end.

its makes for a futile match up,forcing you to abandon any tactical use of infantry(without AT weapons)in an armour rich enviroment,and withdraw/retire them

ive got a MMG team firing at a Tiger out at 400m,in a current game,needless to say,they are now running for there lives,the ones still alive that is.

i point to the CMAK example of infantry holding fire,unless being ordered to fire on a tank,or, it gets into close enough in range to use explosives

i can accept firing on light armour perhaps,but on med/heavy tanks at long range aint in any SOP ive ever read.

most of the guys im currently playing are in agreement,that it needs a look at

it is useful in that it prevents them from unbuttoning and unleashing machine gun fire. but they should prioritise other targets over them and only fire at close distances.

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Infantry get cut off at the ankles when positioned in Independent Buildings. The player can still gain information about the unit via the UI, but it might be something to polish at some point.


And here I thought you were complaining because he's peeing on the carpet. :-)
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Might have been a rifle grenade, you know. Those things can mess you up if they get a lucky hit and they can be missed during a replay in WEGO, let alone overlooked during RT play.

I had a StuG shot at from 50m by a bailed tank crewman armed with a pistol. The result was a "Penetration" and a wounded gunner. The StuG was unbuttoned, so I can understand the shot gunner. The "Penetration" message was a bit disconcerting, however.

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And here I thought you were complaining because he's peeing on the carpet. :-)

That rug really tied the room together, man.


Admittedly, not a huge issue by any stretch.

It would be great if the M20 weapon station behavior got fixed up in v1.01 though. I tend to use light armor quite a bit, so the stuff a lot of folks find less glamorous tends to jump out at me pretty quickly.

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I had a StuG shot at from 50m by a bailed tank crewman armed with a pistol. The result was a "Penetration" and a wounded gunner. The StuG was unbuttoned, so I can understand the shot gunner. The "Penetration" message was a bit disconcerting, however.

I see penetrations from small arms on occasion. I could be wrong, but I think this is bullets going through view ports or vision slits.

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Grognard contributions:

1) Waypoints on bridges are definitely buggy. Placing a waypoint on a bridge often ends up in the water underneath. Also, selecting a unit near or on a bridge is difficult. I often have to orient the camera so the bridge is out of view and then select the unit.

2) Crew members of crewed weapons firing their small arms at random targets and giving away the position of the crewed weapon (bazooka, mortar, AT gun, MG) is definitely a frustration (as mentioned by others in this thread). The AI should limit this behavior to firing back when fired upon or to firing at VERY close enemy, not at enemy 100+ meters away.

3) Adjustable waypoints, as in CM1, would be a godsend. Having to re-plot a long waypoint-string is a pain. Yes, I know RT players don't plot long waypoint-strings, but WEGO players do.

4) Adjust Fire doesn't reset the countdown to FFE. After adjusting fire on a mission which has entered the Spotting phase, I might get a message saying it will take 4 minutes to adjust fire. Meanwhile the spotting rounds continue to fall on the old target and FFE commences on the old target. If there any rounds left, FFE then continues on the new target. This makes no sense whatsoever, since the same spotter is communicating the spotting results and the adjust request to the indirect fire unit. More sensible behavior would be that an adjust fire request cause spotting to cease, followed by a delay, followed by spotting for the new target and then FFE on the new target.

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I see penetrations from small arms on occasion. I could be wrong, but I think this is bullets going through view ports or vision slits.

Maybe so, but my heart skips a beat whenever I see that Penetration tag pop up over one of my tanks. To find it was due to some lone pistoleer banging away at my tank was WTF funny (except for the injured StuG gunner).

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Infantry firing small arms on armored vehicles,with no realistic chance of success

Its not a bad idea though to let inf fire on armor to keep the vehicle buttoned while hopefully your plt sgt takes other steps to get a bazooka or faust ready.

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I want to keep a thread where all discovered and acknowledged game meachanic issues are listed so we don't have to see new threads popping up all the time. Makes it easier for everyone.

Here are those that have been seen so far.

Case: Off Map Mortar Innacuracy - Mortar Artillery fire has often very bad accuracy.

Status: Acknowledged and being looked into. Problems could arise when the Spotter called FFE even without having seen the spotting rounds

Case: Trees of Steel - In some cases where tanks are standing in front of a tree they will keep firing into the tree when ordered to fire at the enemy. The trees are almost indestructuble and will take a lot of rounds.

Status: Acknowledged and being looked into.

Case:Building provide very little cover to inf.

Status: Unknown?

Case: Infantry in buildings open fire through walled windows.

Status: Confirmed and being looked into.

Case: Reversing Rhinos. Rhino tanks will force bocage even when reversing.

Status: This is a TacAI limitation. It's on a list of things we want to address, but there's no specific patch in mind for a fix.

Case: QB AI loves AT guns

Status: Picking logic gets a bit confused when it has a limited budget. The AT Gun issue is a separate one and that should be fixed for v1.01

Let me know what other game mechanic issues have been acknowledged and I'll keep the original post updated.

Maybe its just me - I've been introducing myself to the game by playing lots of Quick Battles (but I'm in a campaign and several battles already also).

In QB my Germans seem very brittle. They run almost immediately although I select "veteran." Is this an issue.

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Maybe its just me - I've been introducing myself to the game by playing lots of Quick Battles (but I'm in a campaign and several battles already also).

In QB my Germans seem very brittle. They run almost immediately although I select "veteran." Is this an issue.

I'm no expert, but although you're selecting "Veteran" which reflects their experience, you can also select their "Motivation" level - perhaps you're getting randomly assigned "Low" or "Poor" motivation which could explain their running-away behaviour.

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Small arms firing at tanks: I have a problem with this too. In a recent QB a MG opened up on a tank at 450 mtrs. It kept firing at the tank the next 3 minutes, while the infantry squads that walked besides the tank were ignored. (After the 3 minutes the last of the MG crew was killed by HE from the tank. The enmey had no casualties). This seems to be typical behaviour.

Bridges: In Hussars! I noticed that sometimes the vehicles did a little zig-zag just before and just after crossing the bridge. This while there was just one waypoint, and they were traveling along the centre of the road. (The bridge is also a bit lower then the road, this might influence the path?).

Infantry in houses: In a current battle my infantry in (stone) buildings on the ground floor are subjected to air burst artillery. Each air burst killed 2-3 men from the squad, destroying 3 squads in 3 or 4 minutes. Viewing how ong the airborne in Arnhem (for example) survived being shelled in the houses they covered in, this seems a bit excessive.

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