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CM:BN/MBT. A Peng Challenge Thread Production

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Bloody hell. Page two. PAGE FLIPPIN' TWO!!

Just goes to show how badly things go downhill when you leave the Oddstraylyuns in charge.

Oh yes, oh yes, nice attempt to cover up for your countrymen's failings Stuka but we know the truth, don't we?


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Page 2, really? Back in year 2 BJ [before Justicar you pervs] this would of never happened. Both Boo and Joebob slacking off as it were. Oh sure, Joebob will come up with an excuse like work, or he was with one of his Mormon wives. You know, making up an excuse like an Emrys caught playing veteran while his opponent plays Iron mode. Oh, I am sorry Boo, i forgot your computer isn't from this century. You haven't seen the beauty of CMBN personally yet.


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Oh yes, oh yes, nice attempt to cover up for your countrymen's failings Stuka but we know the truth, don't we?

If it was possible to have any clue as to what the hell drug addled ramblings you are going on about it might be pertinant on my part to comment.

As it is, you're clearly off your head. I'm prepared to wager that you wouldn't know the truth if it drove to your house in a H1 Hummer, danced the Can-Can on your front lawn wearing a daring low-cut Joe Xhia number, stripped and bit you on your pimply arse. You wouldn't have a clue would you?

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Oh crap... I've stumbled into and posted onto a Peng thread. Oh sweet jesus...

Indeed you did, and to make matters worse you're a GooberNational with whom we have as little truck as possible ... in fact we prefer not to even have car with you lot.

And to make even those miserable matters worse you've prominently posted a link to scenario design for CMSF and the bloody links don't work!

What's the good of you then, eh?


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Or a bike?

To be fair the CMSF manual link, well it is an Aussie who hosts it - blame Australia.

<feck, where's the back door...>

We always do, but that's no excuse.

Fix the link, send me the data so I can see it or we'll not give you the map to get out!


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... this was pretty funny.

No it wasn't. And the fact that you said so is indicative of one of two things: either you are a total bald-faced liar or you have absolutely no discrimination. On further reflection, it is clear that those two propositions are not mutually exclusive. So, Joe the schmoe, you are a liar with no taste, let alone a proper sense of humor.

There! It needed to be said and I've said it. Further revelations on your low character may be forthcoming.


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Radley is writhing face down in a pit

Bright steel bayonets are clenched in my mitts

Pond Scum all trussed up with thick ropes and strings

These are a few of my favorite things

When the Boo bites

When that Joe stings

When I'm feeling sad

I simply remember my favorite things

And then I don't feel so bad

Cess Pooling Aussies and dear Michael Emrys

I drygulch them all with a sock full of pennies

Watch Joe Shaw fly off a cliff with no wings

These are a few of my favorite things

When the Boo bites

When that Joe stings

When I'm feeling sad

I simply remember my favorite things

And then I don't feel so bad

Men in white coats take MrSpkr away

Oh my goodness what a beautiful day

The demise of you all such happiness would bring

These are a few of my favorite things

When the Boo bites

When that Joe stings

When I'm feeling sad

I simply remember my favorite things

And then I don't feel so bad

That was truly horrible. Doesn't scan at all. I would point out in detail all the things that are wrong with it, but I haven't all day to squander on such a loser. I'll just say that what you should do is gather all your "creative" works into a pile, liberally soak them in gasoline and then toss in a match. Then you should throw yourself onto the resulting conflagration.


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Just like to pass on that 6AM has come and gone in Western Australia and either God in his infinite wisdom has spared the Australia (who else is going to clean up after you lot?), the RAPTURE set it's watch wrong or it is a total sack of ****e.

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Evidently, we all missed out on the Rapture. Myself? I was grilling some tasty chicken when 6PM rolled around. I yelled in the window, "Rose?" She said, "Yeah?" And I said, "Just checking".

I needed to know if I should make two salads.

I think it's telling that you made the assumption that the Lady Rose would among those saved while you'd be left behind to deal with the inevitable zombie hordes.

Also accurate ...


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In my ongoing CMBN battles (eat your heart out Boo Radley) I continue to bask in the glow of MrSpkr's toasty M3 and I've completed the initial setup of my fight against NG Cavscout ... he's toast too but just hasn't realized it yet.


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