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First Impressions (CM:BN Full Release)

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Just fiddled around with the game for a few hours. It's great. Excellent work. Bring on the grassmods

How is it that it has been released for better than twelve hours and we don't already have a sticky "mod request" thread? I have about half a dozen I'm salivating for.

Amazing, amazing game. The 1:1 infantry representation takes CMx1 and dials it up to 11.

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How is it that it has been released for better than twelve hours and we don't already have a sticky "mod request" thread? I have about half a dozen I'm salivating for.

Amazing, amazing game. The 1:1 infantry representation takes CMx1 and dials it up to 11.

I know! It's cool! I felt really bad when Germans landed a couple of mortar rounds right in middle of my platoon and killled a bunch of my little pixeltruppen. This new game really makes the randomness of war more apparent.
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Amazing, amazing game. The 1:1 infantry representation takes CMx1 and dials it up to 11.

Under sporadic fire, I advanced several squads across a large stretch of open ground. I did not see it at first, but then I noticed a soldier laying in the grass behind my advance.

Honestly, one casualty was a decent result here. Certainly I would have been happy with the equivalent result in CMx1.

But CMx2 is a wonderfully different experience and it was sobering to see the lone pixeltruppen face down. Everything just feels more real.

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I just took my first bite - QB, Warrior level, meeting engagement as axis. I purchased the forces fo me and let the game purchase for the AI.

Note to self - crank up the diffuculty, and don't buy elite stuff. Result was so ugly: Total victory to axis with no casualties at all. Score 1000 - 0:D

But what a great game! GJ BFC!

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Till now I`ve played all tutorial missions and did some long range tank fighting in the editor and i have to admit guys. From what i have seen till now very great job. for me its the best ww2 combat simulation i have seen till now. the long range tank fighting dont seems robotic at all and seems a lot more realistic than in cm1. and i cannot get enough of that suspensefull infantry bocage fighting. really great job!

only minor "bug" i have found was that infantry while moving inside the trench were sometimes jumping in and out even when under fire. seemed a bit strange. but maybe i am the only one who has seen this.

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There are two issues I have with it right now. The first is with QB maps. At first "over 300" sounds pretty good, until you break that down into maps for different types and sizes. We're at the mercy of people creating enough new maps.

The second is the accuracy of mortars. I just had a whole squad wiped out in a house to a few mortar hits - every one seemed to go through the roof. No discernable spread, and the building itself didn't seem to provide all that much protection.

Plus the old gripe about too much information being presented on distant targets.

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Was surprised to get my arse handed to me by AI on defense in a QB last night. Sent scouts team out which located a panther. Swung 3 sherms around the map to slip up on it from behind for rear / flank shots. By the time I got to the planned location, the panther had moved about 300 meters and turned around facing the spot where I intended to come out of the clearing. Roast.

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After 10 years absence I am very happy with the game. I am managing victories against the AI so far, though I get the feeling I am playing a fairly sloppy game. I seem to have units scattered all over the place and don’t know if this is more because of the 1:1 ratio, or whether I am not handling them as tightly as I used to.

Anyway: congratulations to the entire BF team: a long wait, but worth it.

One weird bug: infantry getting out of the trucks come through the sides with disembodied legs sticking through the canvas.

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One weird bug: infantry getting out of the trucks come through the sides with disembodied legs sticking through the canvas.

I had a similar effect when I shot up a PSW. As the crew was bailing I saw a head popping through above the second wheel. I had to laugh as it looked like some of Terry Gilliam's work. :D

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1. How do I place units? The top of the screen tells me to place units, but the manual doesn't tell / show me how to do that.

2. The quick keys list says I can delete the last waypoint using the backspace key. My iMac's keyboard has no backspace key. It does have two delete keys, the first two rows above the return key, the other (with a small x in an arrow pointing to the right) two rows under the f13 key. Neither deletes a waypoint.

3. How do you place a waypoint where you want it? (I'm using the demo, not the full game.) The cursor seems to point to a location on the map, but the waypoint always goes someplace else. [i want a squad to move down a road, hugging a hedgerow without trying to go through it, a simple task to order verbally, but a hard one to command in the demo.]

4. How do you clear a unit's orders and start over? The only way I've discovered so far is the obvious one of quitting the game and starting over.

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1. How do I place units? The top of the screen tells me to place units, but the manual doesn't tell / show me how to do that.

2. The quick keys list says I can delete the last waypoint using the backspace key. My iMac's keyboard has no backspace key. It does have two delete keys, the first two rows above the return key, the other (with a small x in an arrow pointing to the right) two rows under the f13 key. Neither deletes a waypoint.

3. How do you place a waypoint where you want it? (I'm using the demo, not the full game.) The cursor seems to point to a location on the map, but the waypoint always goes someplace else. [i want a squad to move down a road, hugging a hedgerow without trying to go through it, a simple task to order verbally, but a hard one to command in the demo.]

4. How do you clear a unit's orders and start over? The only way I've discovered so far is the obvious one of quitting the game and starting over.

1. Just use any movement order to place a unit anywhere within the setup zone. Some scenarios don't have a setup zone though, in which case you can't change your units initial placement.

2. The key 2 rows above the return key (on a US keyboard, just above the return key on some over keyboard types) is the backspace key, not a delete key (edit: Apple labels it "delete" for some reason, but it does work as a backspace key). When typing text, the backspace key deletes what's before the cursor, as the name implies, while the delete key deletes what's after the cursor... And backspace definitely should delete the last waypoint of the selected unit.

3. In the game, the map is divided in 8x8 m squares, called action spots. When you are giving a movement order to an infantry unit, the action spot where they will go is highlighted in a yellow color. For squads, 1 or 2 adjacent action spots usually get highlighted too (in red colors), because squads include 2 or 3 teams each and try to spread out over as many action spots. When you get your mouse cursor next to a hedgerow/wall/whatever, you'll notice that you can highlight half an action spot just next to the hedgerow: if you click there, the unit will take position along the hedgerow. Repeat a bit further down the same hedgerow: the unit will follow it.

4. The backspace key deletes the last movement order, the delete key deletes the firing order (including cover arcs, orientation, etc).

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1. How do I place units? The top of the screen tells me to place units, but the manual doesn't tell / show me how to do that.

2. The quick keys list says I can delete the last waypoint using the backspace key. My iMac's keyboard has no backspace key. It does have two delete keys, the first two rows above the return key, the other (with a small x in an arrow pointing to the right) two rows under the f13 key. Neither deletes a waypoint.

3. How do you place a waypoint where you want it? (I'm using the demo, not the full game.) The cursor seems to point to a location on the map, but the waypoint always goes someplace else. [i want a squad to move down a road, hugging a hedgerow without trying to go through it, a simple task to order verbally, but a hard one to command in the demo.]

4. How do you clear a unit's orders and start over? The only way I've discovered so far is the obvious one of quitting the game and starting over.

1. If the scenario has a set-up zone (not all do; the demo tutorial does not). If it does, you'll see it as a highlighted area of the map. You can move units within the setup zone by selecting them and issuing a move order to wherever you want them to be. They'll move instantly.

2. Sorry, I can't help with Macs. I still can't get past the one-mouse button thing. Where the delete key is way beyond me.

3. The waypoint will snap to a grid location. This confused the heck out of me, too. Ignore it, it's a very general location. You'll see that the location you ordered the move to has highlighted spaces, these highlights are the specific positions your pixeltruppen will occupy. You can fiddle with these locations by clicking, e.g., next to the hedgerow and fine-tune by issuing a "face" command. I believe, however, that if you're moving troops down a road that is bounded by hedgerows, they will automatically choose to walk next to one row or the other, and not straight down the middle of the road.

There is a bug in the demo that makes the highlights hard to see; in the full version (in most instances) they are MUCH more apparent.

4. You can clear a target command by issuing a new one or by hitting the space bar, which will pop up a menu that will include "clear target." More generally, you can clear orders by deleting all waypoints.

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I just friggin love CM:BN so far. Finally we have something that quite obviously blasts CM1 out of my hard drive!

Sure I have bought CM:SF and all the modules to support this second coming, and I was misled to play it in real time after the Tac AI was so stupid in the first versions that you had to baby sit it all the time - making the beloved WeGo impossible. Vehicles going in weird paths, units acting like they where mad/suicidal etc. I suspect that the latest patches of CM:SF is also this good but to me it was a hallelujah moment finally going back to WeGo with confidence that my troops would act OK, and having the playback which is naturally completely unrealistic - but it's just so nice to replay that Panther penetrating hit from 10 different angles ;)

A big thanks to you guys who did this. I really hope some big gaming sites review this and give it the score it deserves so you can get some deserved payback for all your efforts. The graphics are now actually so good that it will not get axed for it and the new comers to the series may stay long enough to realize how good this game really is!

EDIT: And I love that manual too!

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I'm going to have to get the hang of the artillery system. I seem to excel at getting it to land precisely on my own lines.

Really enjoyed it last night, though, and looking forward to getting back to it after work today. A bit bleary eyed today, and I'm not sure my colleagues would understand that I was up too late trying to preserve Barkmann's corner.

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It's a shame the demo doesn't say the units are already placed. The text at the top of the screen says, "Setup Phase. Place units and give commands."

A few responses have said you place units by giving movement commands. How do you distinguish between movement commands for placing units and movement commands for actually moving? Is there some way to tell the game engine you're done with placing the units and now you're giving them commands?

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It's a shame the demo doesn't say the units are already placed. The text at the top of the screen says, "Setup Phase. Place units and give commands."

A few responses have said you place units by giving movement commands. How do you distinguish between movement commands for placing units and movement commands for actually moving? Is there some way to tell the game engine you're done with placing the units and now you're giving them commands?

Movement commands inside the setup zone places the unit, movement commands outside of the setup zone result in movement waypoints.

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I only have the demo now but will be ordering the full game next week. I love this stuff but just wish I was a better grog.

So I'm playing the demo and the family dog comes into the room with a piece of paper hanging out of her mouth. I remove the paper and notice it is a note from the Mrs. Anxious to start the next turn I hurriedly read the note which says, "I'm in the bedroom and will know in 5 minutes if you're surrendering to me or that stupid game you're playing." I wrote a one word response, placed the paper back into the pooches' mouth and sent it to the bedroom. Seconds later the wife yells out, "Wadda ya mean 'NUTS!' ?"

Can't wait to get the full game and the future Bulge release.

Excellent Job Steve and Company.

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