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CMBN Screenshot Thread

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The excessively brutal battle between Von Kleist and myself continues at Bois de Baugin. Another vignette to demonstrate the extreme lethality of this battlefield is shown below. In this scene PzShrk gunner Wolff decides to move along the edge of a woods line to avoid a firefight currently going on in the woods. Trying to take advantage of the distractions of the firefight and a smoke screen the Americans had put up, Wolff leaves the safety of the forest edge and ventures out into the field trying to move to an ambush position. Unfortunately things immediately spin out of control.

No sooner does he move into the field when an errant artillery round (his or mine I don't know) takes out his loader and causes Wolff to go to ground.


Seconds later the Sherman he had hoped to ambush comes barreling out of the woods nearly running him down in the process.


Amazingly Wolff gets his act together, shoulders his weapon and fires into the engine deck of the Sherman which has moved too quickly to allow it's weapons to traverse fast enough.


You can almost hear the intake of breath from the exposed TC as he sees the Shrek firing at close range.


Suck it up fella, the Germans may be on the ropes, but they are by no means ready to throw in the towel.


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Oops guess you should make sure your enemy is actually down before exulting in victory. In this case the Sherman was immobilized, but that gun was certainly still capable.


This is where Wolff met his end, we were unable to recover any remains.


On a side note we have received reports that Herr Probst has met his end on hill 144. Apparently he was struck down by a stray bullet in still another close range fire fight.

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The sounds of artillery and gunfire have quieted again at Bois de Baugin though the cries of the wounded can still be heard as the Americans clean up the battlefield they now own. Hats off to Von Kliest for a very well played, brutal and exciting game. We finally ceasefired with 3 minutes to go as he was busy shelling the last hill and would not likely be able to put in a ground assault before the timer expired. It likely would not have much impacted the results anyway. He has a major victory, but no way either of us was going to alter the VP stats enough to change that.

That being said, I have to say I have become very attached to Hpt Kaumeier and the men of 6th Kp. Though they suffered defeat in this battle, I am in no way disappointed at their efforts. These troops fought with a tenacity totally unexpected considering their overall experience, morale and leadership ratings. The final moments of their struggle are documented below.

Here we see the battered but determined Americans in the final assault on the Villa Compagne. The intensity of the fighting is evident in it's near destruction.


2nd Pltn commander Liebig enters the building from the rear for a last ditch stand as the Americans enter from the front.


The MP 40 is deadly in close combat fighting


Bazooka man and Bar gunner down, but Liebig is on his own, the squad meant to reinforce him is confronting Americans at the back of the Villa.


Unfortunately reloading takes just a bit too long as more Americans pour into the building.


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Meanwhile in the rear of the Villa, more of the pitifully few men remaining attempt to hold off an assault from the hay paddock. Notice that PF, there? Too bad that guy isn't with us much longer.


The Americans are spotted just as the team gets into position under fire.


Did I mention we were out of AT weapons?


The bloody exchange of casualties continues as 6th Kp refuses to relinquish the Villa while capable of resisting.


Even facing enemy armor, they are determined to push back the infantry assault.


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Aggressive to the point of being fanatic, the desperation of a last ditch defence and the chaos of battle is so intensely evident here, and these are not elite troops, but the battered remnants of 352nd Infantry division.


In this, my second defense of La Compagne I am finding myself intensely attached to this unit. They acquitted themselves well in the first battle, but in this one they fought like lions possessed.


Meanwhile in the orchard itself, 6th Kp HQ and a handful of men prepare to meet the Americans coming down from hill 146. Previously they had been preparing to launch an assault under cover of a smoke screen to try and gain the safety of the woods. The FO had been hit a few minutes ago and now all contact with the artillery batteries is gone.


Once again the grenades are flying and the MG team is hit hard.


Hpt Kaumeier with no time to consider other options prepares to make a last attempt to turn the Americans back not realizing the villa behind him is already being over run.


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Still the Americans keep coming, Kaumeier and his HQ team allow them to get a little closer.


Now! The preferred weapons for close combat, an SMG and grenades


The Americans go to ground faced with the unexpect fury of the defense


Finally Hpt Kaumeier is hit.


At this point only his radio operator and XO survive and promptly surrender. They are the only uninjured survivors of the last defence of La Compagne. On Hill 145 19 surviving members of 6th Kp have congregated for a last ditch stand. They have no artillery or AT weapons and no contact with higher command.

The really intense portion of this scene was after this turn. While these men were surrendering I still had visibility in the woods. They are surrounded by GIs calling for them to surrender while the radio chatter from the now inaccessible batteries continued. You could almost imagine them calling "Hpt Kaumeier, come in! What is your situation? Have you held the Americans? Hpt Kaumeier?!".

This game has just way too much depth to explain in a review. I kind of get BFC being pretty unconcerned about how many reviews they get, even the good ones just don't get how rich this game is. You just have to play it.

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Really excellent posting. You are right on target about how deep and involved the action can be. You have to take the time to look for it though. By getting down with the virtual troops you can see so much. I can easily understand how you get attached to your troops. I've done quite a few AARs for CMAK/CMBB and always felt I was right in the middle with them, sharing their desperation and adrenaline.

Please keep posting. I agree with the previous posts. We really enjoy your insight and commentary, paired with the excellent visual shots.


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Ok, how are you guys getting these nice big photo's on this Site.

I finially have my screen capture working, I have photo pro for editing with.

But when it comes time to make them fit the format they want, by the time I reduce it to the size they want. the image is a blur. Not big enough to see a thing.

So what is the trick, they dont appear to be a link, but maybe they are.

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slysniper, they are embedded pictures hosted on other sites, in effect links. What you need to do is first upload your pics to an appropriate photo hosting site (Photobucket is a commonly used one). Then when you are posting here, you click the little button in the bar above where you're typing that looks like a yellow picture of a mountain under a sun (or something, it's called 'Insert image' when you hover your mouse pointer over it). Then you get a popup into which you paste the link to your pic which is easy to get from your hosting site. The pic will then be loaded into your post for all to see! :)

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Ok, how are you guys getting these nice big photo's on this Site.


So what is the trick, they dont appear to be a link, but maybe they are.

People are uploading their full size pictures to an image sharing site such as:http://imgur.com/ or http://www.smugmug.com/ and then copying the url to the specific picture between IMG tags in the post editor. Use the picture button in the tool bar and paste your image into the dialog that pops up.


Alternatively you can upload your pictures to your own web site and copy the url to the picture in the same way. It should look like this in the editor (without the spaces around the IMG tag):

[ I M G]http://www.lesliesoftware.com/forforumposts/picbutton.jpg[/ I M G]

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Haha, this is just a perfect example of how asking two people the same question will get you two completely different answers, in the best possible sense. Just compare the two previous posts in answer to slysniper's question, one by ian.leslie, one by myself. We're both saying in effect the same thing, but going at it in completely different ways. I don't think our two posts share more than a handful of words between them. Made me smile :)

Cheers to ian.leslie and I hope at least one of us helped you, slysniper!

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Thanks guys, I am determined to get some shots on here after all these years. Words just do not tell the story always. I have one story I just have to tell but want it in photo's

LOL I read the couple posts already answering you. Just to speak for myself, I followed the directions on the thread from Sergei. It is very clear and has loads of good suggestions.

I personally use Imgur. When you click on a pic in your gallery it has a link you can simply copy to post in the forum. I typically write want I want to post in notepad and copy the links where appropriate. I then paste all that into a reply and do a preview to make sure it looks as I desired.

It actually is a pretty simple process when you get used to it and the next thing you know you are posting 17-20 pic threads :D Good luck and looking forward to seeing the story.


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Thanks once again guys. I did it, did not post the shots here but on another thread I started. Went pretty smooth but I wanted to circle the rounds in the photo and could not find the feature to do it with. I am using paintshop photo pro X3, where should I be looking to find a outlined circle at, I thought maype in shapes, but they appear to be solid. ???

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I guess the clip is showing how tough a Stu is!

Poor guys inside: just when they decided it was time to get out of there, they

took a wheel hit!

And it's showing some wonderful realism: shots rebounding as molten metal and landing "poof" in the nearby field: awesome. And it's showcasing the fantastic sounds that accompany!


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Thanks once again guys. I did it, did not post the shots here but on another thread I started. Went pretty smooth but I wanted to circle the rounds in the photo and could not find the feature to do it with. I am using paintshop photo pro X3, where should I be looking to find a outlined circle at, I thought maype in shapes, but they appear to be solid. ???

I am not a Paint Shop user but most drawing programs let you control how the shape is drawn and what it is filled with. Look for a mode or settings for the elipse tool after you select it that will allow you to select no fill which should then give you just a line drawing of an elipse. I found this that might be fore an older version but look at the settings description for "Strokes style" and "Filled style"


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