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I was reading one of The Capt's posts in the long AAR thread, and he mentioned he really likes to use Stuarts. I have never had much success with them in CMAK and in preparation for CMBN would like to ask:

1. How do you use them?

2. To which purposes are they most suited?

Thanks in advance!

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Well for the desert it is one of the fastest tanks you can roll up with and it still has it´s punch.

So if the Germans advance with less than their "70 to 80 uparmored-front" tanks you can still hurt them even at a distance. (but be sure to better outnumber them ;) )

Not to forget their light AA-ability...

In Italy I use them as "oneway"-reconnaissance, vehicle hunters or for infantry support, and because of their hailing MG-fire and canister shots they still can itch those Landsers.

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Unfortunately, CM players love to fill scenarios with Panthers, Tigers and 88s. Plus players tend to be insanely aggressive using their armor. That weighs against the M5A1 Stuart in the game. In a more 'typical' engagement scenario with German machinegun emplacements and mortar crews to contend with Stuart shows its utility.

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For the use of: running rings around Big Cats and playing peek-a-boo behind buildings, and otherwise resetting their target timers.

Gamey? Yes. Funny? Priceless.

I was able to do that once. My opponent was not quite so amused.

I actually drove around a Panther twice while its turret tried to track the M5. I eventually was able to plug a few shots into its engine compartment, brewing it up.

It was my last tank and his last tank so it was done out of desperation on my part not an intentional strategy. Sadly he never played me again after that.

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In CMx1 the Stuarts could be game winners. Keep one or two back out of the way until you are sure out have sorted out the enemy's armour and AT guns, then roll them out. Three MGs, plus the 37mm pop-gun, were more than enough against infantry and, this is the crucial bit, they were usually very cheap. Half-tracks witha .50 cal MG could be used in the same way.

Gamey, yes of course, but it is a game.

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In CMx1 the Stuarts could be game winners. Keep one or two back out of the way until you are sure out have sorted out the enemy's armour and AT guns, then roll them out. Three MGs, plus the 37mm pop-gun, were more than enough against infantry and, this is the crucial bit, they were usually very cheap. Half-tracks witha .50 cal MG could be used in the same way.

Gamey, yes of course, but it is a game.

I saw a German military instruction (and propaganda) film where they employed half-tracks in exactly that manner: mopping up enemy infantry.

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I love Stuarts. Their gun might be tiny but it's ROF is brutal and if it manages to catch enemy armour in the flank it can do some damage to all but the heaviest tank.

I have always had this nasty habit of sending AC or light tanks hurtling down the road at full speed, preferably at the start while my opponent is busy getting in to position. Not infrequently I catch the opponent unprepared. Thus an otherwise marginal armoured vehicle goes on a rampage in a close quarters engagement. Which is what Stuarts do best.

Even if it doesn't succeed, I tend to come away with a good idea of what the opponent has.

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I find Stuarts very useful for securing flanks and as a quick reaction force if the opponent decides to do something stupid.

I don't find them specially useful for tactical reconnaissance, though. I will rather do that with dismounts or with something that has a reasonable chance to withstand a frontal hit, like Panther or Jumbo.

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In CMx1 the Stuarts could be game winners. Keep one or two back out of the way until you are sure out have sorted out the enemy's armour and AT guns, then roll them out. Three MGs, plus the 37mm pop-gun, were more than enough against infantry and, this is the crucial bit, they were usually very cheap. Half-tracks witha .50 cal MG could be used in the same way.

Gamey, yes of course, but it is a game.

Weren't they used in exactly this way in the Pacific against the AT-backward Japanese Army right through the end? And in addition to the 37mm AP and HE which can sort out pretty much any field fortification you have that handy canister round! And then there's the GMC and flamethrower variants too.

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I use the Stuarts for one-way recon as well, but they are amazing for sneaking a round into the rear of a Panther or PzIV. At night, if you have a decent idea as to where enemy infantry AT and AT-Gun assets are, they are perfect for screaming into the rear of enemy Armor groups, and destroying them. The rate of fire is epic, and that gun is very accurate.

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Unfortunately, CM players love to fill scenarios with Panthers, Tigers and 88s. Plus players tend to be insanely aggressive using their armor. That weighs against the M5A1 Stuart in the game. In a more 'typical' engagement scenario with German machinegun emplacements and mortar crews to contend with Stuart shows its utility.


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I use the Stuarts for one-way recon as well, but they are amazing for sneaking a round into the rear of a Panther or PzIV. At night, if you have a decent idea as to where enemy infantry AT and AT-Gun assets are, they are perfect for screaming into the rear of enemy Armor groups, and destroying them. The rate of fire is epic, and that gun is very accurate.

I'll just go ahead and make the assumption that the "one-way recon" people haven't tried CMSF or the demo. I'll just go ahead and let you know that this tactic will most likely not work for you anymore. With the relative spotting system in place now, The Stuart who so nobly sallies forth at top speed into the hinterland will probably not even see the tank or even first shot on your screen. Usually when ever I try this tactic in CMSF, the first thing I see is the Humvee pop with a cloud of smoke, possibly followed by flames and the black pillar of total-crew-death. If a crew member survives, the game might show the tank/AT weapon/crew that blew you away, but only for the amount of time it takes their machine-gun crews to slaughter you indiscriminately. So not a lot of recon to be gained, other then "Don't go there!"

I suppose if you use a whole platoon of them for a real charge of the light brigade, the other tanks may identify and return fire on whatever devours the first of their kind in a spectacle of flame and consternation, but they won't necessarily identify any other units(unless they are also shooting at them, and even then thats not a given).

Keep in mind I always play on Elite, so the spotting is a lot more rigorous then the other difficulty settings (except Iron of course). Maybe this tactic works then.

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In CMx1 the Stuarts could be game winners. Keep one or two back out of the way until you are sure out have sorted out the enemy's armour and AT guns, then roll them out. Three MGs, plus the 37mm pop-gun, were more than enough against infantry and, this is the crucial bit, they were usually very cheap. Half-tracks witha .50 cal MG could be used in the same way.

Gamey, yes of course, but it is a game.

Yep, Stuarts are definitely useful. Cheap, great against infantry, and give the big cats fits with their speed.

I have no problems with gamey. If you want exactly historical, get a history book.

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I'll just go ahead and make the assumption that the "one-way recon" people haven't tried CMSF or the demo. I'll just go ahead and let you know that this tactic will most likely not work for you anymore. With the relative spotting system in place now, The Stuart who so nobly sallies forth at top speed into the hinterland will probably not even see the tank or even first shot on your screen. Usually when ever I try this tactic in CMSF, the first thing I see is the Humvee pop with a cloud of smoke, possibly followed by flames and the black pillar of total-crew-death. If a crew member survives, the game might show the tank/AT weapon/crew that blew you away, but only for the amount of time it takes their machine-gun crews to slaughter you indiscriminately. So not a lot of recon to be gained, other then "Don't go there!"

Good overwatch is the solution to that. Of course that in turn depends on having some good terrain to overwatch from. In the desert that could be a problem.


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