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US Rangers not in TOE?

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Yes, but only slightly. You may not realize how frustrating it can get sometimes...


Cheer up...there will be miles upon miles of posts of guys trying to out WWII each other, soon enough. Nothing says the BFC boards like two guys violently going toe to toe for 300 posts over a sprocket. You'll get what you seek...oh yes...ohhhhh yes.

So, anyway...I really hated that one guy in Hogan's Heroes...what was his name? Klink? His leadership abilities were not up to par compared to most POW camp commanders in 44....


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Just curious, but what is the barrier to inclusion of the Ranger Battalion beyond the reorganization* of the US Army Infantry Battalion? We have all the needed assets, do we not? (I know the Boys AT rifle is missing, but that was seldom if ever used in Normandy.)

*I understand that doing the new org, even if it is just changing the structure around, is a barrier in and of itself, I'm just wondering if there is something more.

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I want LRDG in the game. Little known fact but they were actually largely responsible for the complete destruction of the Luftwaffe by raiding airfields deep in Germany itself. Paddy Mayne personally destroyed 249 FW190s in the Rhineland. Who knows how many he blew up in other parts of the Reich.

Hell throw in the OSS and SAS.

Maybe Delta Force too (you know... an "early version" with just silencers, no NVGs or thermals)

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*I understand that doing the new org, even if it is just changing the structure around, is a barrier in and of itself, I'm just wondering if there is something more.

For Rangers in particular? It's pretty much not wanting anything more on our plates that needs to be supported through the testing process. There is so much TO&E in the game now that our legions of testers have not even touched some of them, which means we still have bugs in what we already have that need to be worked out. Introducing new TO&E at this point, no matter how theoretically simple, is not an option.

One of the traditional problems we've had with "easy" TO&E changes is that they generally aren't. Often times there is some sort of critical piece of equipment that crops up and then we're faced with abandoning the new Formation or investing more time than we had allocated. Which then introduces all kinds of potential sources for additional "gotchas" that cause even more delays.

We got hit over the head with this BIG TIME when doing the NATO TO&E. At the start the new equipment needs looked modest. But when we got into it we found that stuff we thought we could share turned out to have minor differences which required new models instead of just new textures.

I'm not saying Rangers would be like this, but until we invest a pretty good chunk of time we won't know for sure. And that's time we don't have at the moment.


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I want LRDG in the game. Little known fact but they were actually largely responsible for the complete destruction of the Luftwaffe by raiding airfields deep in Germany itself. Paddy Mayne personally destroyed 249 FW190s in the Rhineland. Who knows how many he blew up in other parts of the Reich.

Er, I think you mean the SAS, don't you?


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So, anyway...I really hated that one guy in Hogan's Heroes...what was his name? Klink? His leadership abilities were not up to par compared to most POW camp commanders in 44....

It isn't that he lacked leadership qualities, it's that he saw that the war was lost and he was positioning himself for an easy transition to Allied occupation.



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I want LRDG in the game. Little known fact but they were actually largely responsible for the complete destruction of the Luftwaffe by raiding airfields deep in Germany itself. Paddy Mayne personally destroyed 249 FW190s in the Rhineland. Who knows how many he blew up in other parts of the Reich.

Sorry, but do you have any source for that ?

Sounds a bit strange...destoying 249 FW190 by raiding airfields in germany (behind enemy lines).

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We got hit over the head with this BIG TIME when doing the NATO TO&E. At the start the new equipment needs looked modest. But when we got into it we found that stuff we thought we could share turned out to have minor differences which required new models instead of just new textures.


And we love you guys for it. :)

If I'm not wrong at least Ranger uniforms should be no different other than the Ranger patch, right?

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So it's come to this...people posing as grogs who get their history solely from war movies. I guess it had to happen. The human race is doomed.


Don't dispair Mikey, The WW2 nature of this game will drag back all the old combat mission crowd. I have never had complaint in the knowledge of CM Beyond Overlord players :D

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As opposed to your first hand experience during WWII.Or was it WWI you were in you grumpy old bastard.

Oh, the stories he could tell you about the Peloponnesian wars. ;)

Meh on the elitism. I believe we are here for the entertainment value of the Second World War. To that end Saving Private Ryan isn't as irrelevant as the readers of the top shelf of historical reference works would like to think.

For instance, without it and films like it WW2 would be that unpleasant moment in time humanity would rather forget. But instead, we think it cool and fun. Films did that.

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Just wanted to throw in that I think Rangers are worthwile for adding in a later module if possible. Theres so much goodness in the base game that there is no need to get them in there even though they ran around Normandy - but so did SS and FJ.

Anyways, as has been mentioned before, they fought for the Omaha Beachhead, including Grandcamp, and then at Brest - among many other engagements. And most of all, their TO&E is unique and fun!

Steve, any plans on doing an OST Battalion in one of the later modules?



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Sorry, but do you have any source for that ?

Sounds a bit strange...destoying 249 FW190 by raiding airfields in germany (behind enemy lines).

lol I was just trollin... surprised anyone believed any of that hahaha.

LRDG AFAIK only operated in North Africa. And Michael LRDG and SAS cooperated on the airfield raids in North Africa... though it was LRDG that started the whole thing. SAS joined in riding with them after their first mission by parachuting in was a total disaster.

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So it's come to this...people posing as grogs who get their history solely from war movies. I guess it had to happen. The human race is doomed.


What? WWII didn't end when the leadership of the Nazi state died in a cinema fire??

C'mon man! they wouldn't start a movie with "Once upon a time..." if it wasn't true.

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