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I am confused about Combat mission Shock Force and its other modules like Marines, British Forces, NATO.

Are they (Marines, British Forces, Nato) like expansion of the CMSF game or can they stand alone? Also I noticed that there are new groups added in different modules. Does a certain faction exist only on certain module or does the game keep the groups and add new ones whenever they release a new module?

Is it like this?

For example:

CMSF: Syrian Army, US Army, Unconventional Forces

CMSF Marines: Syrian Army, US Army, US Marines, Unconventional Forces

CMSF British Forces: Syrian Army, US Army, US Marines, British Forces, Unconventional Forces.

CMSF NATO: Syrian Army, US Army, US Marines, British Forces, Canada, Germany, Dutch, Unconventional Forces

or is it like this one?

CMSF: Syrian Army, US Army, Unconventional Forces

CMSF Marines: Syrian Army, US Army, US marines, Unconventional Forces

CMSF British Forces: Syrian Army, US Army, British Forces, Unconventional Forces

CMSF Nato: Syrian Army, US Army, Canada, Germany, Dutch , Unconventional Forces

Also, does the latest module (NATO) have a replay feature? Because in some strategy games I do not have time to enjoy the beauty of chaos, the fire fights, the explosions because i am too busy thinking of what to do next. I think its really cool if after the battle you could watch how you did and how awesome the battle was.

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or is it like this one?

CMSF: Syrian Army, US Army, Unconventional Forces

CMSF Marines: Syrian Army, US Army, US marines, Unconventional Forces

CMSF British Forces: Syrian Army, US Army, British Forces, Unconventional Forces

CMSF Nato: Syrian Army, US Army, Canada, Germany, Dutch , Unconventional Forces

It's like this. The modules are all expansions; you need the base CM:SF game to be able to play them, and you need each expansion to be able to play with any new units introduced in them.

Also, does the latest module (NATO) have a replay feature? Because in some strategy games I do not have time to enjoy the beauty of chaos, the fire fights, the explosions because i am too busy thinking of what to do next. I think its really cool if after the battle you could watch how you did and how awesome the battle was.

There's replay in WEGO, but only in 1-minute increments; i.e. you can't replay the whole battle.

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As far as Im aware it goes like this:

CMSF: Syrian Army, US Army, Unconventional Forces

CMSF Marines: + Syrian Airborne, + US marines

CMSF British Forces: + British Forces

CMSF Nato: + Canada, + Germany, + Netherlands, + Extra Syrian Army?

You have to own the base game but the modules give the extra units and a new campaign/stand alone missions so if you own all the modules you can play any combination of forces you like.

Edit: To slow :)

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Welcome, myshikai, to the forum.

Is it like this?

CMSF: Syrian Army, US Army, Unconventional Forces

CMSF Marines: Syrian Army, US Army, US Marines, Unconventional Forces

CMSF British Forces: Syrian Army, US Army, US Marines, British Forces, Unconventional Forces.

CMSF NATO: Syrian Army, US Army, US Marines, British Forces, Canada, Germany, Dutch, Unconventional Forces

^ This.

Think of the modules as add-ons. To have access to all forces and to all the scenarios and campaigns, you need the base game (CM:SF) as well as all the modules.

does the latest module (NATO) have a replay feature?

When you in turn-based mode (aka WEGO), you can review the action of each turn as many times as you like.

Edit: Even slower! =P

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Oh and in case your wondering, if you download a scenario that requires an add-on you don't have. It will still show up in your scenario/campaign listing, but will be in red indicating which add-on is needed. So no worries, it won't screw anything up.

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The best answer I can give is that the game was designed to be expanded in the easiest, most compatible way possible. Others above have accurately described the forces available and that they can be played with in any combination on any side. Meaning, you can have US Army and Dutch Army on one side vs. Syrian Unconventional and Syrian Airborne on the other. Or US Army and Syrian Mech Infantry on one side and US Marines and British on the other. Whatever you want, no matter how crazy it is :D

You don't have to buy the Modules in order or at all. You could, for example, simply purchase the Base Game and NATO, or Base Game and British Forces. Or all four, it doesn't matter.

This extends to multiplayer as well. Meaning, if you play against someone they must have the same Modules for whatever is being played with. For example, if you wanted to play Canadian Army vs. Syrian Airborne *both* players would have to have British Forces and NATO (as well as the Base Game of course) because those forces are in separate Modules. If one player has Marines, but no Marines are in the game, then that Module isn't a requirement. It only matters which forces you play with.

Lastly, when we update game functionality everybody gets the improvements no matter what they own. That is because all the functionality is in the base game, not in the Modules. We do release updates to the Modules as well, but this is to improve the features specific to that Module. For example, perhaps a part of a Canadian vehicle is found to be incorrectly textured. We would release a patch for that. But if the game displays the Canadian vehicle hopping on its nose with its butt in the air (this happened in Marines Alpha!), then we patch the Base Game.

It all works very smoothly.


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Yes, the same open force selection philosophy will remain a feature for every CMx2 game.

No, not all combos are really all that politically correct. In CM:SF I don't think many would find comfort in having US Army and Uncon IEDs going up against US Marines backed up by Uncon suicide VIEDs. But imposing our own vision of political correctness would be even worse.


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Yes, the same open force selection philosophy will remain a feature for every CMx2 game.

No, not all combos are really all that politically correct. In CM:SF I don't think many would find comfort in having US Army and Uncon IEDs going up against US Marines backed up by Uncon suicide VIEDs. But imposing our own vision of political correctness would be even worse.


I like you made the game so versatile,it is a big help for most imaginative people.

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Hmmm, so let us say that I buy the base game (which is CMSF) and bought Marines and NATO. Can I play a custom map me using US Marines against Candian Forces? or if I have the base game (CMSF) and bought British Forces and NATO can i play as the British Forces against the Dutch?

If I am right then we can play any group against any group in a map as long as we have the module installed that has that group?

Just for kicks, does the NATO version has the automatic screenshot feature? Like we could press prtsc button everytime and it automatically saves that screen shot in a folder.

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Can I play a custom map me using US Marines against Candian Forces?

To play Americans against "Candians" with the fullest immersion, you'll need the South Park "hinged heads" mod pack for the Canadian army, together with "Blame Canada" .wav for the splash screen and Ryujin's HD Terrance and Phillip fart sounds. The Saddam and Satan uncon mods are also useful.

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I predict that once the NATO module is out, there will be more user-made US/UK/CF-versus-Germans scenarios than all the previous Blue-versus-Blue scenarios combined.

I agree. People will want to refight the North African campaign with 21st century weapons.

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Is there a possibility that there could be a "save replay battle"?

Anything is possible, but something like that would take some time to develop, time which is wiser spent working on more central to the game stuff. Ie. stuff that makes the game itself more gratifying, not just the aftermath. But, eventually, even the more peripheral features may get in, so it's not out of the question.

It would just require a lot of effort and testing time, since it's not technically trivial to record and replay so much data.

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