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British module suprise

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I bought CMSF about a year ago and thought it was so good I bought the Marine module within a few days. I noticed a little bit of difference in the gameplay but it was the extra Sryian units that I thought made the biggest impact and was very happy with my purchase.

So when the British module was released with out any new Syrian units I decided to pass up and wait for CM Normandy. Anyway at the moment I have a fair bit of time to play some games and decided to really get stuck into CMSF. Most of scenarios I played it was edge of the seat stuff ( WEGO player which I find adds to the tension and gives me time to way up what to do, something I'm sure a trained commnader knows on the fly and I'm def not one of those)...infact its the only game that can make me actually jump when a tank goes up! Having such a good experience I decided being a Brit I should try out the British pixel troops and I have to say the whole game has taken another turn for me. You have to play the game differently and take things into account that you didn't really need to (well not much) with the Americans. It feels a more even conflict. More personnel again,....whether its because I'm a Brit or you feel the fight gets up close and personnal.

So to some it up it proves for me the game engine works well. There is a difference in tactics needed between fighting with the Americans and fighting with the British which I expect is true in reality. I haven't played as the Sryians but I imagine it also feels different fighting either of these two.

I am now going to buy the NATO module aswell.....an addition I was going to pass up on untill playing the Brit module over the last few days. This game has now reached classic status for me like he first series. Roll on NATO and Normandy.

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A lot more for your money than BFTB. ;)

Tell me about it! There are also two other new releases due out that NWS are selling for $29.99 and one of them on its own will give me just as much enjoyment let alone two!

BFTB has dropped of my radar...sunk by a price torpedo

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I´m really happy to hear it! :)

Thanks for posting your impressions. It was a lot of work for the whole team but also a huge pleasure to do the British Module. I´m sure everyone involved in it feels happy to read a post like yours.

We all tried to make the UK module as British as possible and not to let anyone down in that respect.

I think the module has that special feel to it. From the models, the art, sounds, the TO&E, the campaign and missions.

I´m quite sure you will enjoy the NATO module as well. It has just SO MUCH cool stuff in it, it´s unbelievable. Plus there will be quite a few new additions for the red side this time!!! ;)

Of course these modules wouldn´t be worth much if they were not to be played on a platform like CM:SF. Like you said, the game is a classic! Which, by the way, will improve a lot more with CM:N.


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CMSF has really come into it's own. I got it right away, shelved it for a couple updates. Picked it back up after the Marines module and then bought the British module right away. Left it again for almost a year and then sat back down with it a couple months ago and it is almost all I play. It has just become an awesome game. Now if PaperTiger, SnakeEye and the Phantom (among others) would crank out a new scenario every couple days....heaven. ;)

On a side not Wodin; I find it interesting that NWS sells BFTB for $69, but Matrix can't? WTF? Just sayin.

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thanks for that and welcome aboard. I would love to crank out one quality stand-alone each month. That's definitely doable. But it won't happen until after the NATO module is out. Then I'd like to do just that.


Just hearing authentic Scottish accents in the game, as well as Brummy and Liverpuddlian makes the Brit module a unique experience for me. The voice acting is somewhat more impassioned than the rather robotic US voice acting. And the Jackals are my absolute favourite vehicle in the game. Webwing did a fantastic job of creating them.

When we finished working on the Brit module I was a bit disappointed and didn't really care about NATO. However, I have to say that the NATO kit will probably knock people out once again. If someone were to hold a poll sometime after the NATO module is completed to see which BLUE force provided the best experience, I wouldn't be surprised if one of the NATO groups was the top pick...

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I couldn't agree more!

I've been floating around these forum's since the original CMSF came out, and absolutely love the game! I waited quite a while for the original to be patched before having a good go with the scenario's, and have to admit to never having played one of the campaign's.

I bought both the Marine's and Brit modules after playing the brilliant demo (especially the Brit scenario - I got a right hiding off the Syrians!!!) and will of course buy the NATO module as well. I'm waiting until I get all the modules so I can experience the 'war' from all sides simultaneously :)

Now, I know this is controversial but I really couldn't care less about the WWII version! It's just been done to death, I'd much rather see more hypothetical scenario's.

That is of course just my opinion, and I bet I end up with it in my collection when its released!

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Just hearing authentic Scottish accents in the game, as well as Brummy and Liverpuddlian makes the Brit module a unique experience for me. The voice acting is somewhat more impassioned than the rather robotic US voice acting. And the Jackals are my absolute favourite vehicle in the game. Webwing did a fantastic job of creating them.

I love the british voices, was playing a game and a scimitar got hit and the crew bailed and what did i hear but "everybody oooot!". Yes the voice acting is miles better than the base game, which if im not mistaken just uses the CMx1 sounds.......

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I love the british voices, was playing a game and a scimitar got hit and the crew bailed and what did i hear but "everybody oooot!".

GeorgeMc doesn't just design great scenarios :D The man has many talents.

And welcome aboard too to Hairy Pie. Like me, you'll probably be more excited about the prospect of playing CMSF2 than the WW2 game. Modern Era combat set in a temperate climate with fire, variable weather, and not to mention a new RED opponent.

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I love the british voices, was playing a game and a scimitar got hit and the crew bailed and what did i hear but "everybody oooot!".

GeorgeMc doesn't just design great scenarios :D The man has many talents.

And welcome aboard too to Hairy Pie. Like me, you'll probably be more excited about the prospect of playing CMSF2 than the WW2 game. Modern Era combat set in a temperate climate with fire, variable weather, and not to mention a new RED opponent.

Oh blimey...I'm really looking forward to WW2 and all its modules...then we have CMSF2! Woohoo...however will this come after all the modules have been released for the WW2 game? Another question is this being made before the East Front game or after or is the East Front not on the cards?

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however will this come after all the modules have been released for the WW2 game? Another question is this being made before the East Front game or after or is the East Front not on the cards?

Trying to predict any sort of timetable for the releases is a very risky business! :D

However, the idea is to have WW2 game (and modules) being developed at the same as CM:SF2 (and modules).

For instance, right now you have 3 different games being developed at the same time. CM:SF(NATO module), CM:N (Main game) and CM:A (Main game).


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Sure, we can have the Canadians with their own voices. The question is, which ones? The diversity of Canadian accents is one thing, but then there's the whole French thing too :D My vote is to have half the voices be in rural Québécois and the other be in Newfie. Of course we'd have to make special Command and Control modifications to simulate none of them being able to understand what the other is saying :D


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Oh blimey...I'm really looking forward to WW2 and all its modules...then we have CMSF2! Woohoo...however will this come after all the modules have been released for the WW2 game? Another question is this being made before the East Front game or after or is the East Front not on the cards?

There will definitely be East Front. Good chance the first release in that series is Bagration.

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Sure, we can have the Canadians with their own voices. The question is, which ones? The diversity of Canadian accents is one thing, but then there's the whole French thing too :D My vote is to have half the voices be in rural Québécois and the other be in Newfie. Of course we'd have to make special Command and Control modifications to simulate none of them being able to understand what the other is saying :D


Ha! You got that right.:D

We can always settle for ye plain ol' English tho with a little touch of Franglais.:D

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Is CMSF2 a new engine or the same engine with updates?

If its a new engine I hope to god it gets released in a good condition because poor old CMSF got such a bad press at first it put me off from buying it for a long time and it was only because I decided to check out the winner of the user made video that I realsied what it may have in store if I bought it. It was pure off chance...if i hadn't decided to check out the video I still wouldn't own it and I would miss out on what I consider the best game I've played since CMBB or Close Combat 2.

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I think that as the game progresses, scenario designers get more experienced, so the overall game experienced improves.

I have to say the maps in the British module were top notch, and the fact you had to do some pretty hectic defence missions was a nice change.

Two maps that really stood out for me was the second blue defender mission, and the mission where you chose to go south or to Damascus. The level of detail/realism in these maps just added a whole new level to the game.

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Webwing, will the Canadians in NATO have their own voice files or use the American ones? I never liked hearing Canadians with a southern drawl in CMBO/CMAK.

We will probably use the US voices BUT with files named for Canadians. This way players can mod them whichever way they want.

Is CMSF2 a new engine or the same engine with updates?

Will be based on the CM:N game, with all the improvements in that game.


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Nice to see someone trying out the latest bits and loving the game. I sometimes get the feeling that a proportion of the remaining 'CM haters' out there haven't touched the game since basegame patch 1.07 or thereabouts. It a fair bet that if they despise the game engine as much as they claim they did not purchase the Marine and Brit modules! :)

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<OUCH!> Let's not go poking at the hornets nest, MikeyD, especially in such a welcome thread too. Besides, there will come a time nearer the Normandy title's release when at least some of them will start posting here again so, at least from our part, let bygones be bygones.

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Just wanted to add to the British module/CMSF lovefest. I never got a chance to play the 1.0 versions of these games, so my opinions of them are not slighted by buggy or inadequate initial releases. When I bought the modules and patched to 1.21 I played a truly amazing strategy game -arguably the best ever made. I was really worried about wasting my money with the expansion modules, how much of a difference could adding marine units make, I thought.

Well I was dead wrong, the quality of the missions reached an apex in the expansion modules, as CMSF was a very experimental and avantgarde game, the mission makers didn't really know what they were doing (i dont mean that in a negative way, i just mean that they had no point of reference). Its obvious that they mastered their art with the expansion modules - the missions are insanely better, everything ranging from terrain, to variety, consistency, to challenge, to briefing. The expansion modules are worth every penny, they add so much to the game and are not just a "unit pack" as I originally thought.


And I love the maneuver warfare experience of the British module - Crossroads anyone?

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