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BattleFront.com Down For Maintenance...

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+1 , but usually I get mail from your address sales ....

That was until we changed servers most likely. With the new server comes a new mail server. If your email provider is set up to do greylisting, then this may slow down delivery of emails for a little time initially, because our new send-from location does not fit the "greylisting pattern" anymore. This will normally resolve itself within 24-48 hours. Our mail server is set up to handle greylisting. Sorry for the delay, but the best way to get this resolved is let the two servers do it between themselves. I am sure you'll get the email within a day.


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Hmmm, strange, customer account reset does not appear to work.

Nothing on my gmail account so far either.

Elmar- I just changed mine to gmail from verizon and got emails from BFC on both, so... ? Probably just being held by your provider I imagine.


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Martin is most likely right. With the move came a new IP address and OS, as well as more subtle stuff. From an ISP's point of view I think we're now seen as a brand new service. Greylisting would probably get screwed up. Heck, we were even having our own emails blocked from getting into our own inboxes for a while :D

We've got some ideas on how to get around this for those who are affected. But I think people should give it 48 hours before we try a work around. I'm asking for this because we have to manually do things on an individual basis and will need to set up some sort of organizational procedure so we do things efficiently.

And then there's this...

Mr. hacker himself was in here as well just a day or two ago, but the message was quickly deleted. Claims he's not a hacker but "a pro who analyzes security weaknesses in servers for a fee." Yeah, right.

LukeFF, you were one of the few who managed to see that. Lucky you :D The really sad thing is the guy probably believes what he says. He also said he was offended to be called a hacker. I also believe that too. As we all know, people can convince themselves of all sorts of things that aren't true.

BTW, the guy claimed that we were lying and that he has credit card information. The truth is credit card information goes from a customer's computer directly to our credit card processor via a 128bit encrypted SSL. The credit card processor simply tells us what the result is and we act accordingly (ship the product, send a decline message, ask for different billing info, etc.).

The credit card information itself never goes through our server in any way. Which is EXACTLY the way we want it :) Years and years and years ago this was not the case with small guys like us because the payment products we used did retain information in some way (even if just to process). Thankfully not long after we started up the storefront and processing software makers realized how absolutely reckless it was to have credit card info sitting on tons of websites and came up with the current method. And we all thank them for it!

Oh, and he also claimed to have people's login passwords decrypted. We're sure he managed to decrypt some of the very easy ones (this is not hard to do), but anything even remotely out of the ordinary wasn't. Now that we've reset all the passwords he could decrypt everything he has for all we care since not a single one of those passwords will work now.


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Re: new email problems.

The problems with some people not getting the email, not even to their spam folders, indicates one of these problems:

  • Some sort of DNS (name resolution) problem between new IP address and BFC's hostnames used for sending email. Note that the host in BFC's email sending is "www.battlefront.com", not "battlefront.com". That can easily lead to the reverse lookup of the new IP address not pointing to the thing that resolves www.battlefront.com forward. Many sites only accept mail from machines that have forward and backward resolution properly point to each other AND the hostnames used in email headers (From:, Sender:, From (path) etc) all most match that name scheme, too. This is most likely the cause but I'm too lazy to check right now.

  • The IP address that the new mail sender now lives on is blacklisted (previously used by actual spammers or belonging to a questionable organization).

  • The people now having problems were using mail receivers using greylisting but the new mail sending machine on BFC's end is broken WRT greylisting, namely it doesn't retransmit as requested via the SMTP protocol when greylisting is in use. And the old machine behaved properly, hence the sudden breakage for many people.

These three things make mail being rejected just when the machines start talking, that means there is no mail ever that could be placed in your spam/ folder either. Hence it's almost certainly one of the above.

The outgoing SMTP logs should indicate clear error messages for any of the above, though, but I don't know whether BFC gets those by their ISP.

My two Pfennig.

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Thanks for the suggestions, however none of these appear apply. We're not receiving rejections (which happens if we're being blocked) and we've already checked and the IP address we're using is not on any blacklists out there.

As stated above, we are likely getting hosed for now simply because we changed a ton of things (including our email server program) overnight. We're already starting to see customers getting emails, so we think things are working as they should. Not that we'd be surprised to find a setting wrong on our side, since we had to do so many things under immense pressure.


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The main password is not being sent to me I received the forum password right away but not the main one. My ISP is sympatico.ca and I logged in to web based email to check my spam/junk box and there were no Battlefront emails for the main password reset.

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The main password is not being sent to me I received the forum password right away but not the main one. My ISP is sympatico.ca and I logged in to web based email to check my spam/junk box and there were no Battlefront emails for the main password reset.

Same for me. My ISP is Optimum On Line - received the forum password immediately, have not received the main password.

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There are two different mail programs sending out the store and forum passwords. It seems the store one is causing more problems than the forum, but we have people who haven't received their forum passwords yet either.

The good news is that some of the people who reset their passwords on Saturday received them today.

What a PITA, eh? We all have better things to be doing with our time. Too bad the one guy who is responsible for this didn't think so.


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.. Three hundred and fifty years ago I was living in a cabin in the mountains and my primary heat source was a wood burning stove. I would haul dead trees out of the canyon below my house and cut them up with a hand saw. That was hard work, let me tell you, to draw on an inner energy source and motivate myself, I would imagine that I was sawing through the neck of someone I particularly disliked. I always felt very refreshed afterwards, very cleansed. And I never ran out of firewood.

I'm not surprised. You collect enemies the way more normal people collectstamps or teaspoons.

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Under the circumstances, you guys have done well. I appreciate all the hard work put forth in order to make us forum guys happy.

THANKS to Steve for getting back to me so quickly, THANKS to Moon, for all the hard work getting things up and running so fast, THANKS to all who have been running around like headless chickens so we can sit around and BS with eachother. :)

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Some 24 hours in I haven't had anything for my customer account.

I have a fair bit of access/control over this particular email address as it is part of a domain I 'own'.

As I can edit the white-list & blacklist, I have entered battlefront.com & www.battlefront.com in the white-list in the hope it will allow any msg sent to 'arrive'.

Now I have to wait & see...

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Add me as another who reset their Customer Account on Saturday and still have not received their new PW. The new Forum PW was received immediately. I have battlefront.com added already as a 'safe' sender. Next step - wait some more?

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The forum password resest link isn't working any more (the one linked from the main site), but after trying to log in I found a working link. Received that e-mail promptly, however the one from the main site hasn't arrived yet.

Since md5 is broken the man technically could have decrypted the passwords if they were stored md5. Not sure how long that would take though. Hope it will fry his cpu :)

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