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CM:Normany needs to be delayed!


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Urgent!! BF.C, read this!

The next game needs to be held up. That's right, stop the nutrients from going into the jar. We need to ensure that CM:Normandy does NOT ship with the same scenario interface that is in CMSF.


If you REALLY need to know why, then you must be some sort of programmer who enjoys reading hexadecimal. Or something.

Seriously, the scenario interface is a kludge. It is functional, I'll give you that, but that is all it is.

First, the scenario interface screen does not even allow the full scenario name to be read. You can type more characters as the title of a scenario in the scenario editor than the interface reads. The result is chopped off names. Not even a sidescroll is available. C'mon, attention to detail guys. Either cut the number of characters the scenario editor allows, or add the number the interface can display. Hint: sidescroll bars.

Second, why can I only select "NEXT" and "PREVIOUS"? Functional? Yeah, but clunky. Why not a scroll bar? Hey, I see one over here on the right side of my current screen. Can I send it to you to use?

Third, adding the ability to SORT the scenarios would be a boon. A huge boon. I dream of sorting by TITLE, by AUTHOR, by SCENARIO DATE, by DATE CREATED, by FORCE TYPES, by SIZE, by COMBATANTS, by TIME OF DAY, et cetera. Hell, I even bet there's some sort of industry award for scenario interface which you could win by making something like this.

Imagine scrolling through your list of scenarios and seeing which ones you've ALREADY PLAYED? Or, and this is really stretching it, seeing which ones you've played and HAVING AN ENTRY WHICH TELLS YOU YOUR SCORE FOR THAT SCENARIO?

"Ooh, "Allah's ak Bar, and His Favorite Drink", that's a goodie. I've played it 8 times, averaging a tactical victory as Blue. I wonder if I can do better?"

Finally, being able to delete scenarios from within the interface could be useful, especially if it could delete savegames.

The strength of these games hinges around the infinite number of scenarios available to the player. We now have a seriously good game with v1.10. However, we are hobbled by a crippled scenario interface. Imagine if you actually had a few hundred scenarios in your scenario folder?

In sum, the attraction of these games is the number of scenarios; the weakness is how the player accesses the very same scenarios.




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Haw! I've got to laugh at the hyperbole. Kludge? Crippled? Might as well dredge up the old 'fundamentally flawed" while you're at it! Perhaps "Could always be better" or "Additional functionality is preferable" would be a less apocalyptic way of making the same point. I've complained about/commented on aspects of the interface, myself. But it didn't reach the point of hyperventilating. After all, navigating CMSF is not the same level of madness as trying to figure out Excel :eek: :rolleyes:

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When I read the suggestions here for a revised interface, my mouth started drooling as my eyes rolled up into the back of my head, just like Homer Simpson seeing a doughnut.

Yeah, the ideas brought up here were THAT good.

I'd be thrilled if even half of them were accomplished.

Let's hope that they make it so!

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CM:WW2 should be delayed as long is needed to make it the flagship wargame of Battlefront. Polished CMSF engine, new quick battle system, a semi random map generator(?), water, bridges, ATs, mortars, new TCP/IP modes, balanced and humanly paced combat...I'm drooling already. Some extra care with the atmosphere and graphics and, really, what can go wrong and keep it away from near perfection?

Possibly the above suggestions heh. Seriously, I hope they take note and update the scenario listing as well. Size, type of battle, designer, vs AI or H2H, all should be more organized and helpful.

P.S Also, can we get that amazing pin up girl menu interface mod from CMBO as a default? :D

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Eh... OK. We'll delay the launch of Normandy for this, but not for the new QB system. We gots our prioriteez straits, yessereebob :D

Seriously, any number of features could be improved significantly. It's always been true, and always will be true. Can't go running around with our heads cut off every time one is identified or we'd never release anything ever.

I'd like to improve the UI for handling file management. Should be possible without pushing CM: Normandy until 2011 :D


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Thanks for recognising a little tongue-in-cheek when you see it.

Hyperbole? Over-reacting? I have NO idea what you guys are talking about... ;)

But, seriously, there is a lot of room for improvement in the scenario interface. If you go beyond the idea of simple FILE MANAGEMENT and instead open up your view of the scenario interface to include PLAYER'S GAME EXPERIENCE MANAGEMENT (is that a clunky title? :) ), you could set the bar. Again.

How many guys reading this have simply been running through the battles alphabetically?

I've downloaded some scenarios from CMMODS (a HUGE "thank you" to the scenario designers!!) and, frankly, I'm not sure which ones they are when I access the scenario interface. Original scenario? New one? Played? Unplayed? Too bad if I'm playing the "G" scenarios and have downloaded one that starts with "A". I'll probably never get back to the "A".

Implementing a sorting system would be huge leap forward. Of course, that would entail having information about each scenario available to be sorted. That was the purpose of my list. The simplest information would be "did I play this one to a conclusion before?" Then add more information about each scenario to make it sortable. The more, the better.

A multi-level sort would be the most beneficial. I'm looking for a scenario with US Army, any opponent, night, US attacking, M1 Abrams, which I haven't played before. Click. Oooh, look! There are 3 scenarios to choose from! Or, click, and nothing available. Time to fire up the editor/QB and make a new one.

File management? Bah. It is a doorway. When I click on "Battle" I have given you my entire screen real-estate to use. My entire computer is dedicated to the experience of the upcoming game. I have given myself over to your game. The FIRST thing I need to do is CHOOSE the nature of the game experience. The interface could be so much more than just an alphabetical list of all the files.

That first scenario interface click is the beginning of the game, NOT pressing the "start" button within the game interface. Start it off with a bang, not a whimper.

Now, for those who thought I was a bit over the top, c'mon guys, it was MEANT to be a bit over the top. And see what it got us? Steve has admitted the release date for CM:Normandy is now December 2010, due to the QB system, and Normal Dude (a Beta Tester) has violated his NDA and let us know that the Bren tripod WILL be included. Hah! Sometimes you NEED to poke a stick in the hornet's nest. ;)



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and Normal Dude (a Beta Tester) has violated his NDA and let us know that the Bren tripod WILL be included...

I believe the violation was in order. Let's further violate it: The NATO Module will include Finns, who can throw explosive pine cones and hold M240s in each arm. In the British module, any squad inactive for more than thirty seconds goes into tea brewing animations. And finally, in Normandy the campaign WILL involve flying saucers with Panther turrets.

(Psst, I am a Strategic Command beta tester, not Shock Force... ;) )

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The "Proposed" Bren Gun tripod is NOT accurate! I have over 200 pics of what an Actual Bren Tripod looks like. The CMSF Normandy "style" (if one can refer to that abomination as such) is not even a close approximation of a REAL Bren tripod. Frankly, this is a deal breaker. Why can't BFC get anything RIGHT?

By the way does NDA stand for "Noticeable Demented Ass" or what?

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As for a CM Normandy, who really needs another game ? ;)

Just got Marines Module "locked, loaded and launched." A modular success and jollification jolt increase. Up way too late playing RT with ... come to think of it, "explosive pineapples" would be a nice feature in MM!:)

"Implementing a sorting system would be huge leap forward." Ugh. 3 Cheers!:D

Sorry, inactive for more than thirty seconds so into my tea brewing animation.


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Hmmm, it really doesn't take much to throw a discussion totally off the rails, does it? One mention of "tripod" and it all goes pear shaped. ;)

Back to the main topic: a BETTER interface for the scenarios.

How about color-coding scenario titles?

How about other subjects with which to sort scenarios?




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Steve et al.,

The masses have spoken. It is clear from reading the overwhelming responses to this thread that there is a groundswell of support. I fear a grassroots consumer movement to boycott CM:Normandy unless the scenario interface is revised! ;)

Seriously, though, with the idea of BF.C hosting downloads that will only increase the number of scenarios the average player has on their hard-drive. Do NOT think about the interface as a way to manage files: think of it, as I mentioned, as the entry to the player's view of the game.

Make the interface easy to use, flexible, powerful, slick, and graceful. It is a reflection upon the game. Make it anything beyond merely functional.

Again, for emphasis, once I click on the CMSF icon to start the program, I am devoting my attention, my time, my computer, and all the rest, to your creation. The very first step in entering the game is that scenario interface. Make it a joy, not a task. Make it a tool to help me, not a "file management" tool.

If no industry award actually exists for scenario interface, I hereby pronounce that I will create such an award. :)



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