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What would you like to see in the British module

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Can I suggest a thread where we can suggest equipment/orbats for the forthcoming British Module?

I would hope the following equipment is present

Challenger, Warrior, Saxon, FV432 Series, Mastiff, Vector, Viking, Jackall, Panther, Striker( + Swingfire), Spartan, Piranha 5, Quad Bike & Trailer, Schimitar, Fuchs, Sparton, WMIK, Snatch Landrovers, 81mm Mortar,51mm Mortar, FS70, AS90, 105mm light gun, MBT LAW,

Bedford 4 tonners

As for orbats

A Gurkha battalion, Patrols platoon, TA Battalion, Milan2 platoon, SF GPMG Platoon

Any others people can think of?

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Can I suggest a thread where we can suggest equipment/orbats for the forthcoming British Module?

I would hope the following equipment is present

Challenger, Warrior, Saxon, FV432 Series, Mastiff, Vector, Viking, Jackall, Panther, Striker( + Swingfire), Spartan, Piranha 5, Quad Bike & Trailer, Schimitar, Fuchs, Sparton, WMIK, Snatch Landrovers, 81mm Mortar,51mm Mortar, FS70, AS90, 105mm light gun, MBT LAW,

Bedford 4 tonners

As for orbats

A Gurkha battalion, Patrols platoon, TA Battalion, Milan2 platoon, SF GPMG Platoon

Any others people can think of?

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There's been a couple of threads on the subject.

Saxon is out of service, but it's rubbish anyway.

Striker and Swingfire are out of service.

Piranha V isn't in service (by a fair way).

Fuchs is an NBC recce vehicle and not really appropriate for a CM setting.

FH 70 is out of service.

Bedfords are being replaced by MAN trucks

Establishments -

Milan is out of service, so there's no need for a Milan platoon.

GPMG platoons are part of a battalion structure anyway.

Battalion establishments that you'd need:

Light, Mechanised and Armoured infantry

Heavy and Medium Armoured Regiments

RM Commandos

Air Assault Battalion

Para Battalion

Formation Recce

Various brigade assets and Royal Artillery Forward observation parties.

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How will airpower work? Most of the time in a campaign like the invasion of Syria, the Brits would have to rely on American airpower. However, Britain does have a limited amount of carrier-borne airpower of her own. It used to be the Harrier but I'm not sure what it is now. Then again, as the invasion is launched from Iraq, some Eurofighter "Typhoons" might be based there. If simulating American airpower in support of British troops, would we have to include all the US airpower options (F15, F16 etc) in the British Air Support TO&E? Maybe we could mix and match TO&Es - i.e. pick Brit ground forces and FAC, then add air support from the SBCT TO&E?

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Prince Harry

This guy has guts! and the Brits can be verry proud of him.

(well, he will be in the game but for security reasons you never know when and where ;) )

now seriously i would like to see:

The Regiment with their older customized Landrovers 110 and the newer HMT 400 DPV

cant wait for the new module!

I guess i would even buy a CMSF "Pontificia Cohors Helvetica" -Module on release day if the halberds are modeled well :D

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It would be amusing to have bagpipes stowed in Warriors assigned to Scottish regiments, that when assigned to one trooper gives a 50 percent bonus in morale and attacking :) But in reality, even the Scots probably are not crazy enough to use them in combat. Nah, they probably are. :)

Id like to see 22 SAS as well, but in fairness they probably are outside the scope of the game. Their primary role is recce. They HAVE performed attack roles, particularly in Afghanistan, but at least as far as the scenario of the game is concerned, they probably would be out of place. On the other hand, with the equipment in the game already, you can probably simulate them relatively accurately in scenarios. Though Im guessing the M16s might be a problem....

Gurkhas at least in terms of orbat would be identical to any other light role infantry battalion. Using the Gurkha knives in combat would be interesting, but as bayoneting doesnt seem simulated at the moment, I dont think they would get the chance to use them.:(

Correct me if Im wrong, but isnt Striker being withdrawn from service? I know some of the older Swingfire rounds were being destroyed in the bristol channel as early as 5 years ago.

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I have a couple of suggestions for the opfor force booster:

The ZSU-23-4 Shilka, the ZU-23-2 AAA gun (these would be mainly for anti ground fighting, but coding for shooting/blocking choppers would be a plus), an unamored truck (a Ural or something, a Ural with a ZU-23-2 mounted on the back would be a neat addition too), re-enforced trenches/buildings and more defensive structures would be a big plus too.

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In fact, Shilkas would be almost useless in an anti-air role unless the enemy was very close. They have a range of about a mile, and can even be taken out with an A-10As cannon, which just out-reaches it (designed to?). The pilot fires at maximum range and breaks off before coming too close. With maveriks and helicopter equivalents the shilka has no chance unless it is clever and keeps its radar off for an ambush. Even then the target may fly right over and not be in range, depending on tactics(?). I guess it would serve to delay/distract the aircraft.

Tunguskas are a different story, though they can still be combated with mavericks and a skilled pilot.

Shilkas would be effective against ground targets though.

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What I dont want is cheesey Cockney accents, get a real Brit or Brits to do the voices.


By Cheshu, he is an ass, as in the world: I will

verify as much in his beard: be has no more

directions in the true disciplines of the wars, look

you, of the Roman disciplines, than is a puppy-dog.

Enter MACMORRIS and Captain JAMY


Here a' comes; and the Scots captain, Captain Jamy, with him.


Captain Jamy is a marvellous falourous gentleman,

that is certain; and of great expedition and

knowledge in th' aunchient wars, upon my particular

knowledge of his directions: by Cheshu, he will

maintain his argument as well as any military man in

the world, in the disciplines of the pristine wars

of the Romans.


I say gud-day, Captain Fluellen.


God-den to your worship, good Captain James.


How now, Captain Macmorris! have you quit the

mines? have the pioneers given o'er?


By Chrish, la! tish ill done: the work ish give

over, the trompet sound the retreat. By my hand, I

swear, and my father's soul, the work ish ill done;

it ish give over: I would have blowed up the town, so

Chrish save me, la! in an hour: O, tish ill done,

tish ill done; by my hand, tish ill done!

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Everybody else is thinking big, I'm thinking small. I'd like to see that Brit sniper rifle, the L96 I think its called. Very pretty weapon, I've got an ex-Marine nephew who actually bought one for about the price of a good used car! Uses it to shoot the centers out of quarters on the target range.


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I want David Becham lofting grenades into windows with his precise curling shot. British pub building with Paul Gazza inside. Beer tiles instead of water. Red double decker buses instead of trucks. Beatles in menu music. And a bonus mission with British vs Syrian suicide cabs.

I can guarantee the London Cabbies would win that one. :)

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Id like to see 22 SAS as well, but in fairness they probably are outside the scope of the game. Their primary role is recce. They HAVE performed attack roles, particularly in Afghanistan, but at least as far as the scenario of the game is concerned, they probably would be out of place. On the other hand, with the equipment in the game already, you can probably simulate them relatively accurately in scenarios. Though Im guessing the M16s might be a problem....

SAS use Diemaco C6 and C7's instead of M16's, but you'd had to be really anally retentive to point that out.

Wait a minute.....

Gurkhas at least in terms of orbat would be identical to any other light role infantry battalion. Using the Gurkha knives in combat would be interesting, but as bayoneting doesnt seem simulated at the moment, I dont think they would get the chance to use them.:(

Instead of the knives, make all slopes passable to them - after all, their idea of a gentle stroll is a walk through the Himalayas! Perhaps make them more difficult to suppress as well, Gurkhas seem to pay scant idea to the concept that incoming fire might actually hurt them...

Correct me if Im wrong, but isnt Striker being withdrawn from service? I know some of the older Swingfire rounds were being destroyed in the bristol channel as early as 5 years ago.

Agreed, as far as I know it has been withdrawn.

The new variant of the SA80A2 with the RIS foreguard, ACOG with holosight on top of it replacing the SUSAT, and the vertical foregrip should defo make an appearance - front line troops in Iraq and the Stan have that now. How about the thermobaric warhead for the Hellfire as an air support option?

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