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So, who's disappointed?

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Originally posted by Steiner14:

Big disappointment.

1. US-centric view. Maybe i could live with the modern-warfare setting, if it is fun and really works.

But what i can't stand, is the US-propaganda-view. Everytime i switch on the TV, i could go mad, about all the lies, US, the West and the NATO.

Don't want to go into detail. I will definately not buy such a setting.

2. The story: sorry, but Syria is one of the most hatred countries by Israel. The jews will do everything, to throw it down. And that means, USrael will fight and bleed for it...

So to me this setting, that the ZOGs (US, NATO) would fight for one of the last really free and independent countries, is simply ridiculous.

An invasion in Syria to install a ZOG, that could be a realistic setting.

3. For the second game, it is only mentioned, that the campaign could be played from US-side. :eek:

I guess BFC underestimates the attractivity of the german side and overestimates the attractivity of the US-side by far.

BTW: BFC should NOT calculate, a module with British and German troops, in a near-east-setting will sell well. The oposition in Europe against the US is big and in Germany it is HUGE.

i.e.: everyone i know is happy, that the US are bleeding that much in Iraq. Most people i know, have big respect for the Iraqi freedom fighters. All people i know were happy that hurricane Katrina hit the USA and not another country (me included).

Only to give BFC a feeling about the potential attractivity of such a setting...


Ye gods...so much ignorance and hatred all crammed into one post...
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Originally posted by Steiner14:

Big disappointment.

1. US-centric view. Maybe i could live with the modern-warfare setting, if it is fun and really works.

But what i can't stand, is the US-propaganda-view. Everytime i switch on the TV, i could go mad, about all the lies, US, the West and the NATO.

Don't want to go into detail. I will definately not buy such a setting.

Good. Can you leave now?

2. The story: sorry, but Syria is one of the most hatred countries by Israel. The jews will do everything, to throw it down. And that means, USrael will fight and bleed for it...

So to me this setting, that the ZOGs (US, NATO) would fight for one of the last really free and independent countries, is simply ridiculous.

An invasion in Syria to install a ZOG, that could be a realistic setting.

That's it! Ignore the back-story! It's the only way that you can avoid the mind-control rays!

3. For the second game, it is only mentioned, that the campaign could be played from US-side. :eek:

I guess BFC underestimates the attractivity of the german side and overestimates the attractivity of the US-side by far.

You, of course, are privy to some kind of special market survey that BFC do not have.

BTW: BFC should NOT calculate, a module with British and German troops, in a near-east-setting will sell well. The oposition in Europe against the US is big and in Germany it is HUGE.

Well, the Germans are in Afghanistan and the British are there and in Iraq. You speak for your country, if you wish, but don't speak for mine. Even if you're right about the level of association, I don't want the association.

i.e.: everyone i know is happy, that the US are bleeding that much in Iraq. Most people i know, have big respect for the Iraqi freedom fighters. All people i know were happy that hurricane Katrina hit the USA and not another country (me included).

Sehr gut, mein Fuhrer, er I mean Mr. President *restrains right arm*

Seriously, do you and your friends consider all insurgents as the good guys? Even the ones who saw off people's heads with blunt knives? Many of those guys are simply criminals.

Only to give BFC a feeling about the potential attractivity of such a setting...


And to air a rather ugly personal agenda, AFAICT.

[edit]Andreas is right, of course, but I had some spare sarcasm to use up[/edit]

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Originally posted by flamingknives:

Well, the Germans are in Afghanistan and the British are there and in Iraq. You speak for your country, if you wish, but don't speak for mine. Even if you're right about the level of association, I don't want the association.

I feel the need to point out that he does not speak for Germany, but for the creepy neo-nazi community in Germany, which has nothing to say on behalf of the sane German people, who are still in a vast majority.

I don't know anyone who was happy about Katrina hitting at all, and I do not think I have come across anyone who thinks of the Iraqi mass-murderers as freedom fighters. At least noone who was willing to mention that while in the company of others.

All the best


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Originally posted by Steiner14:

i.e.: everyone i know is happy, that the US are bleeding that much in Iraq. Most people i know, have big respect for the Iraqi freedom fighters. All people i know were happy that hurricane Katrina hit the USA and not another country (me included).

Why do you hate like this? What is it that has been taken from you, or perhaps never been given, to make you want other human beings to suffer? Could you walk up to two parents standing by their sons grave, or too a daughter standing by that of here mother, and say you are happy to see their sun (Freudian slip, son) bleed or her mother drown?

Because that is what you are saying, you know that, don't you?

Somehow I hope you don't, because then some day someone you love or trust might make you see it.

On the other hand, if you do know, you will truly be looking into the abyss when you look into your bathroom mirror in the morning. The face and the cause of war.

Chills me to the bone it does, and makes me question, just like yesterday and the day before that, this hobby, interest, fascination, passion that I have.


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No, off topic it was. I guess I see too much of this stuff at work. Some times one needs to let of steam. Then again, it's what we are dealing with whether we like it or not.

The thing I am really, really looking forward to is to see how BFC has changed the overall feel and pace of play. How will troops react to fire? How will communications be handled? Ah, you know the whole package, the feel with a capital F. Doesn't matter where or when.


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Guys, I am Turkish and if Steiner is a neo-nazi he would probably hate me as well.


What he says about Syria is true. Syria is only Israel's hit list. If US decides to have a go, she will be alone - again.

And,I am not a oh for those of u who doesnt know where turkey is . we are a secular muslim multi party democracy since 1923, (and dont want to be liberated). And with over 700 years of peaceful coexistence with jews and 45 years of solid military alliance with İsrael we are not really 'antisemitic'. so if u want to have fire,u should know these before sending the salvo.

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Originally posted by retkit:

What he says about Syria is true. Syria is only Israel's hit list. If US decides to have a go, she will be alone - again.

Actually no, Syria is on alot of hit lists. Now can we drop this politics bull**** and focus on the game?
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umm I have to say this - missed some posts above, while agreeing with Steiner on the issue of Syria, and thinking the whole Iraqi op is a shambles , I do not support the maniacs who kill hundreds of peaceful ordinary people.

However, the whole Iraqi operation is really really a mess. One wonders if any good will come out of it for anyone involved apart from Bush and his rich friends.

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Originally posted by retkit:

However, the whole Iraqi operation is really really a mess. One wonders if any good will come out of it for anyone involved apart from Bush and his rich friends.

Be that as it may - no good will come of political discussion on this board.

Then again, this thread could do with a mercy bullet, err padlock, anyway.

All the best


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The core client base of BFC is WW2 fans
That's because their first suite of great games were about WWII. If the first suite had been done on Japan vs China, the core client base would be there. Good on them for trying to expand, instead of stagnating.

WWII is my favourite period, but modern warfare is interesting too - will try it out.

[ October 09, 2005, 07:02 AM: Message edited by: acrashb ]

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I am disappointed not so much for the modern aspect, but definately, I would of rather world war 2.

But for the US centric campaign, why create a definate attempt to put one perspective on a game.

Having my wife coming from that part of the world, concerns me, how many games out there are whether developers know it or not creating a good 'US' verus evil 'Arabs' atmosphere and a US only option to me, promotes this attitude.

Perhaps I am a bit more sensitive to this, then other people.

As for the modern game I still consider getting it but would ask BFC to review the US centric campaign.

I do think if you do go the US only option, you might be suprised about the level of dropped international sales, but I could be wrong.

[ October 09, 2005, 06:04 AM: Message edited by: Ardem ]

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I thought Steiner learned his lesson a while back...

Now that I think about it, I would have loved a 1973 Middle East War(or Yom Kippur War, before it became a politically-incorrect title) simulation. Excuse my ignorance, but would it be possible to mod something like that off the CMSF engine?

Oh, and, before this thread gets locked, can a Finn tell me how to say "Hi, mom!" in Finnish?

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Originally posted by Steiner14:

BTW: BFC should NOT calculate, a module with British and German troops, in a near-east-setting will sell well. The oposition in Europe against the US is big and in Germany it is HUGE.

i.e.: everyone i know is happy, that the US are bleeding that much in Iraq. Most people i know, have big respect for the Iraqi freedom fighters. All people i know were happy that hurricane Katrina hit the USA and not another country (me included).

People like you and your apparent friends make me sick
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I am still disappointed, but now it is because of the slight hangover headache I have this morning. Never fear though, coffee is on the way!

How about a sing song

It's got to be a neo-nazi morning

stomping around impotently about those jews

and the way they control America

Hitler told me so I know it's true



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I'll reserve final judgment on the title until at least the demo, but what really concerns me about this annoucement is the narrowing of the games. To put that into some kind of context, from the information given the second game might be Omaha to St.Lo, with modules for Juno to Carpiquet and Sword to Caen. The broad scope and the open nature of CM just got that much more restricted. The whole modding aspect seems to have been encroached upon, too, which is a concern for the community aspect. But we'll all just have to wait and see, and hope for the best.

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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

The choice of US centric for the main titles is simply because that is what the vast majority of gamers want. Since sales keep us in business, we can not ignore this fact.


I'd dispute that statement totally. If you'd said that that's what the vast majority of US gamers want then I'd agree, but to say that the vast majority of all gamers in the whole world want to play US forces then I'd say you were wrong, or at least I'd be extremely surprised if you weren't wrong.
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