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What's a CM forum without the Peng Challenge?


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

So, what say you desist from this annoying 'Messiah' bit (which, frankly, lad, is just pissing people off, especially me), and help me write...a Greater Story.

In that case I'm a messiah, too. With long robes, and a halo.

A bright, colorful, sparkling halo, just for Little Emma.

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Bard, simmer down there my friend. I know you are a man of words... many words... great soviet effing hoards of useless git sodding words, but as you know I myself have tried the word thing with 37 mm frequently and to no avail. Lay your words aside and try the boot or a sharp stick in the eye. NO NO NO not your OWN eye you ninny! 37s eye(s). Or you could try a .357 between his eyes. That would work for me too. Hell, hammer blows to each and every bone in his body would be good for me too, but that seems like it might be a bit exhausting for the hammerer. I sure don't have the energy, and I know a lazy bugger such as yerself isn't up to it. Maybe there's a serf or a squire around who could be put up to it. Or maybe a whiffler would do us a solid and dispose of our phony-baloney 'messiah.' All I know is words won't do it. We need action, swift sharp violent action. Not crucifixion mind... too much in his line of un-reality if you know what I mean. No. I think a single bullet to the back of the head and a shallow grave is really the best we can do for everyone involved.

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Hey, Yeknod!

The call has come; all battle-donkeys to sign up for Bren-tripod duty.

Go to the Bren-Tripod thread and ask for the Ass-at-arms (Dorosh) and he'll equip you with the proper Bren-tail... or whatever...

Nows the time for all good quadropeds to come to the aid of... what?

Yeah, yeah, I'm going....

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I wave my front hoofs at ye!

I trot off because I choose to, not because I happened to spontenously combust... well... it did speed up things a little but still... aaaaiiioooowww... the flames... the flames...

In any case I've been evicted from better Peng threads... in fact... I was the first to reply to the moron who named this hallowed ground "Cesspool".

As I recall, my reply was the immortal words; "Sod Off, Baldrick."

I mean, it just goes to shoe doesn't.... what... oh,.... alright, I'm going, I'm going....

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

One one side of the coin, we have your basic, garden (gnome) variety freaks of nature; your erudite quadrupeds, your Australians, your erzats Scots, your tired, poor and huddled masses yearning to be free, your Texans, Utahians and northern Lutherans, your Kiwis, mangoes and plums (Oh My!). Whilst on the other side of that self-same coin, we have... me. In all my pristine loveliness.

Must be a bloody big coin then?

And I'd like to point out that one person's 'pristine loveliness' is another's 'Whoa, how hideous! It's so hideous it makes me want to BARF!!!!'.

[ September 02, 2005, 06:16 PM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

One one side of the coin, we have your basic, garden (gnome) variety freaks of nature; your erudite quadrupeds, your Australians, your erzats Scots, your tired, poor and huddled masses yearning to be free, your Texans, Utahians and northern Lutherans, your Kiwis, mangoes and plums (Oh My!). Whilst on the other side of that self-same coin, we have... me. In all my pristine loveliness.

Must be a bloody big coin then?

And I'd like to point out that one person's 'pristine loveliness' is another's 'Whoa, how hideous! It's so hideous it makes me want to BARF!!!!'. </font>

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Originally posted by BradLats:

Actually, I think it would be good to get rid of the Peng rubbich altogether. Has never served a contructive purpose and only chews up BFC resources. These should be locked or deleted as soon as they appear.

Oh, my, my, my...

Dear Brainless,

Like we should listen to you? First off, you're another one of them goobers from Oddstralyuh and you work for the government!

So, you're like what... the town dog catcher?

No, lad.. BFC will never listen to one such as yourself. We here in the MBT, serve a useful purpose.

1) We identify potential troublemakers, such as yourself, so that BFC can monitor your every movement. (Was that a car door being closed quietly outside, you just heard? Have you noticed any faint clicking on your telephone while making calls? Think nothing of it. It's all in your imagination.)

B) We provide BFC with an ever ready force of semi-psychotic ne'er do wells, who are willing to jump into the middle of a flame war and hammer lock the offending individuals without a care for our own welfare in a moment's notice. And we do it for nothing. Well, other than that we get any new games they might come up with three months before they're offered to the rest of the community... for FREE!

III) If given the choice, would you rather we were in here or outside where we could run rampant through all the threads, naked as the day we were born, arms and legs flailing, genitals flopping wildly...

Is this something you really want to wish on the rest of the community?


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Originally posted by Mace:

And I'd like to point out that one person's 'pristine loveliness' is another's 'Whoa, how hideous! It's so hideous it makes me want to BARF!!!!'.

And I'd like to point out that one person's Gyro filler is another's love interest!

Wait... somehow that didn't come out quite right...

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...or outside where we could run rampant through all the threads, naked as the day we were born, arms and legs flailing, genitals flopping wildly...
Boo, I think it's about time for your beddy-byes. Take the little brown teddy tonight. Give the big orange one a rest, he's still sore from last night.

Night night. Sleep tight. (That will give the neighbourhood thugs chance to sneak up to your bedroom and smack the living daylights out of you).

..genitals flopping wildly! Really.


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Actually, I think it would be a good idea to get rid of the Peng rubbish altogether now, all together now, altogehter now... 1 2 3 4 can I have a little more 5 6 7 8 9 10 I love you...

Yes, I suppose we should all just drink the coolaid and die gasping and blue-lipped now that we've been told what a waste of bandwidth we are. Such a clever, insightful fellow. Why didn't WE think of that a long long time ago? Shucks. Now I feel all dumb and stuff. Like I've precious moments that I could have put to some good use, maybe even done something to make MrLabrats ... labatts... blarfat... oh bugger, BradLats' life carefree and easy the way its supposed to be. Heck, in just the time it has taken me to write this I could have shaved his back for him, or washed some of his poo-poo undies or given him a full body massage with release while his laundry was in the dryer... but NO! selfish evil wicked me has instead WASTED valuable BFC bandwidth with my feckless verbal meanderings and things and stuff like that there.

Heck I could probably have fed several orphans to sharks, or some other useful community service instead of blabbering on and on about how Mr Bush should be running this country and Oh, they don't make very good beer in the States do they and instead of helping right thinking people who have met a lot of wrong thinking people and are convinced that the vast majority are right to convince others just how correctly they are rightly thinking about the wrong thinking people, well I've squandered that valuable opportunity posting here.

I think we should do a very big group apology to everyone, with special attention paid to MrLabrats special needs and make sure that as soon as a new Pengy thread is started it gets locked down and locked down HARD, with prejudice and limes and maybe a dash of Angustora bitters.

Of course Boo you have it all wrong, bassackwards once again that the thread is a commmunity service. "Bah!" and "Feh!" I say, the service would be for you, and JoeBob and The Bard and some a them other fellers to get down on your rotten stinking knees and BEG MrLabrats' forgiveness for wasting his valuable time and for making his lips move while he reads this thread. We are all of us useless gits who at worst should be jailed and at best should be given the choice of hanging or disemboweling, and you KNOW that its true. We've bamboozled these poor grogs long enough with our "we do BFC a service by keeping all the dreck in one place" lie. After all, that's what the off-site political forum is for.

No, It's time we faced facts and packed it in. Our time here is over. Thank you MrLabrats for pointing that out to us. You git.

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Originally posted by BradLats:

Actually, I think it would be good to get rid of the Peng rubbich altogether. Has never served a contructive purpose and only chews up BFC resources. These should be locked or deleted as soon as they appear.

Nah, as long as we continue to annoy the heck out of the right-minded, we'll always have purpose.

Now don't let the exit sign fall on your head on the way out. You might break it.

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Originally posted by BradLats:

Actually, I think it would be good to get rid of the Peng rubbich altogether. Has never served a contructive purpose and only chews up BFC resources. These should be locked or deleted as soon as they appear.

Well, having given deep consideration to yer posting I have to say that you are, of course, entirely right. Yes, one can't really begin to find anything at fault with yer point of view. Masterfull, incisive and just damn well argued.


Stamp on 'em I say. Stamp on every one 'em. Delete 'em, throw 'em away, wash 'em down the plug 'ole, EXTERMINATE.

Laddie, I like yer spew. It has venom and bile and just the right oranged-coloured chunks. Yer just the person we need and would just fit right in with the rest of us. Yes, yes... brother, come to us and hate us more!? Don't keep it in, let it all out, let it sway in the wind, land and burgeon into the most glorious flower of yer hate so that we may take snippings and dance around shrieking at yer incarnate offalation of pure, unsullied detestation.

Besides, yer rather cute as well and I'd like to watch yer get spanked. Hard. In a harness.

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Originally posted by BradLats:

Actually, I think it would be good to get rid of the Peng rubbich altogether. Has never served a contructive purpose and only chews up BFC resources. These should be locked or deleted as soon as they appear.

































































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Originally posted by Seanachai:

And I remain an Olde One of the Peng Challenge Thread.

Your claim reads like the pitiable mewling of a Homeless person concerned about his possession of a shopping cart taken out of the K-mart parking lot.

You dumb bastards. You newcomers. You stupidly glorious halfwits.

Do you know what this Thread has been to me?

I started this goddamn thing. It was glorious. My gods, it was glorious. I Challenged Peng. And when I did, Berli showed up, and told me I was a feck.

This Thread has been there through my job loss, my re-employment, my second job loss, the death of my sister, and everything in between.

I'm so fecking old that my family worries every day over the fact that I have no Health Insurance. I'm not insurable.

And so, you tell me, you're the 'Messiah' of the Peng Challenge Thread?

So, when are you going to make me smile? Going to let me know that nothing bad is going to happen to my nieces and nephews? My friend, Small Emma?

You're a good lad. I'm after giving you a new deal. I'm not going to live forever, don't you know. So, what say you desist from this annoying 'Messiah' bit (which, frankly, lad, is just pissing people off, especially me), and help me write...a Greater Story.

1: My ‘claim’ has been blessed (only once admittedly) by a far greater (well somewhat greater anyhow) power than both of us.

2: I of course know that the One thread was started by you… like the cockerel who is so very proud of being a cockerel & happily informs everyone of it’s cockerel like nature you almost never fail to mention that you started the One Thread.

3: You know my father is no great philosopher but once when I was young & small we were on the bus together with a complete lunatic spouting nonsense at both of us… upon leaving the bus I must’ve said something ‘judgmental’ & my Dad turned round & said “It takes all sorts”… I believe as an admonishment, I’m not overly sure… either way I’ve taken the message to heart.

4: If I am the saviour of the MBT it is only the MBT that I can save… I’m afraid.

5: I thought I was helping to ‘write a greater story’ even now I’m planning several miracles which’ll help boost our serf numbers no end… I know that you used to try to boost our numbers even once getting yourself tried or some such for recruiting tournament players!

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

Or maybe a whiffler would do us a solid and dispose of our phony-baloney 'messiah.' All I know is words won't do it. We need action, swift sharp violent action. Not crucifixion mind... too much in his line of un-reality if you know what I mean. No. I think a single bullet to the back of the head and a shallow grave is really the best we can do for everyone involved.

I suppose I should say “Peng why have you forsaken me… again” but I suspect that this is just some kind of test which hopefully I’ll pass with flying colours.
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