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Everything posted by BradLats

  1. Can someone give me an easier site to get these trailers from? Either the download fails toward the end, as on the Australian mirror, or the US mirrors do not connect or freeze. The many layers of rubbish to go through to get to the trailers each time is also very annoying. Please, I wish to view what Battlefront is supporting. I trust their judgement. This is not the first time I have had this problem of thrying to get to preview material. Please Battlefront, make a more direct link to download material.
  2. Actually, I think it would be good to get rid of the Peng rubbich altogether. Has never served a contructive purpose and only chews up BFC resources. These should be locked or deleted as soon as they appear.
  3. Yes, a quick battle generator would be a good addition.
  4. Does anyone have the clash of titans senerio based around the battle of Kursk? I don't seem able to find it anymore.
  5. In a PBEM game I have a vetran 210 mm russian arty spotter. A handy assest I figured. Until I went to use it. The delay time.. 27 mins. I have seen some long delays, but 27 mins for a vetran. Not much use in a 30+ turn game.
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