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Those (not so) backward Syrians--and their powerful friends

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I believe last year(?) there was a photo going around the net of a U.S. soldier captured by insurgents, bount & tied, posed in front of a banner with a gun pointed at his head. Eventually someone noticed that soldier's G.I. Joe kung fu grip feature! Someone had taken a 12 inch tall 'collector's' action figure and posed it for the picture.
Yeah, that was one of the funniest, yet saddest, things I have seen in a LONG time. Many people thought it was real, but a toy maker saw it and identified it as one of their action figures. Boy didn't that make the headlines smile.gif


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For those of you who think we have nothing better than that flying fossil of a Space Shuttle, please see the previously cited www.drboylan.com under Articles. There's a whole section there devoted to black project stuff. Also, there should be some stuff in the archives at www.alientel.com concerning a U.S. transatmospheric vehicle long in service and its connection with a secret space station up in orbit since the mid 1960s. Remember that 35,000 ft. runway at Area 51? A fully loaded B-52 needs only 15,000 feet. A little Google fu will produce much more besides the above.

As far as Nazi UFOs, the History Channel recently provided some good material and showed how the German scientists we captured who worked on them helped us build our own UFO type craft, which are depicted based on close up views by several independent and credible eyewitnesses. Sadly, the good stuff wasn't covered, just the jet and rocket types; things like the Thule tachyonator, Coler apparatus, etc. weren't. The Coler apparatus is one of those energy from the vacuum devices, and it appears that one such device, under continuous guard to prevent misuse, has been quietly and cleanly powering a Swiss meditation community at Metternithe for decades.

See Renato Vesco's INTERCEPT UFO for a detailed look at the conventional parts of the German tech base for these craft, together with evidence that the British continued the work and beat the U.s. to the operational punch. Vesco worked during the War on one of the projects and retired as the chief of Technology for the Italian Air Force in 1967. See also MAN-MADE UFOs 1944-1990 by Renato Vesco and David Hatcher-Childress.

The video "UFOs of the Third Reich Strike Back" should prove provocative, especially when coupled with a stack of blueprints of those craft from the German Research Project, and these do get into the supersecret tech reputedly carefully hidden at the end of the War, possibly at an Antarctic base. For that, please see my "Ice Puzzles" in ATLANTIS RISING No. 54 (www.atlantisrising.com) and the wholly independent (unknown to me when I wrote my article) "Nazi Secret Base in Antarctica" in NEXUS magazine (www.nexusmagazine.com) under Articles. One such craft in the video may well have been seen, albeit in stripped form, by a Technical Team member in Bavaria after the War. It was described as being "cylindrical and as long as a U-boat," with highly polished smooth skin, a hatch so tightly fitted as to be practically invisible, the flight instruments all smashed and the powerplant ripped right out of it.

Michael Emrys,

Concerning FDR and Churchill, may I recommend you obtain and read Paul Stinnett's DAY OF DECEIT?

Stinnett served with Bush Senior during the War

and has unearthed a trove of the most disturbing

evidence yet. Let's just say that what he uncovered not only contradicts the standard story, it shatters it, and that's with the Navy still refusing to declassify a bunch of radio intercepts from before Pearl Harbor and with many key documents mysteriously missing from the files. The History Channel did a program based on the book, but it was more of an appetizer than a full meal, for the meat lies in the extremely detailed logs, plots, eyewitness accounts, etc. he uncovered.


John Kettler

[ December 29, 2005, 09:20 PM: Message edited by: John Kettler ]

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Well I've been away for a while guys changing ISP's so now I am back i'll put in my tuppense worth.

Karl Popper, Nobel prize winning philosopher did a Classic piece of work decades back on the nature of scientific truth.

In it he pointed out that all we can really say is what we definitely know not to be true, things like at standard tempreture and pressure a lighted match won't set fire to a glass of water, so far so good.

However this left us with the problem of all the unknowns, especially at the edge, where we just don't know, If we take the line that if we cannot disprove it it could be true then anything is possible, and scientific progress stalls as every prospect has equal merit.

So what popper suggested was that we should look at probability not possibility.

Thus although we cannot prove without doubtthat at any moment people might not strt transforming in to ducks and flying off, all we do know and understand suggests that it is highly unlikely, in fact so unlikely that we dismiss it.

Now as someone who has doubts about some of Poppers work Ido in general follow his Philosophy and here I'll apply them to some of the things mentioned.

OK The Philadelphia project or whatever, I read about it years back and i've always taken the view that they were probably doing work on advanced DeGuassing, for magnetic mines or even as a means or attempt to foil radar.

And well they put to much electricity in to a metal hull and set fire to the wiring, probably killed some people and electricuted some more etc. No time travel no invisibility no aliens.

Are Aliens , time travel and invisibility all possiblely involved YES.

Are any of them in any way probable, NO

If you live in a one dice world then you get six possibilities, one to six all the same.

If you live in a two dice world you get thirty six possibilies, but the chance of a two ( in in thirty six) is only a sixth of getting a seven (six possibilities).

If for something to happen six events need to happen in a row and the chance is 9 out of 10, then you get a chance of about 53 % ( 9*9*9*9+9+9)/(10*10*10*10*10*10)

But if the chance is only 1 in 10 for each then you get 1 in a million.

I've know doubt that using electromagnatism you can get a flying sauser to fly, but to get it to hover you need enogh power to light a samll city and even then if it leaves the magnetic field it falls like a stone.

In theory and indeed it practice it is possible, but the probability of turning it in to a practicle flying machine is virtually nill, so yes you can make a tinfoil saucer rise in a strong field in your garage, but for a fraction of the enegry you can produce a far more spectacular and effective saucer in your back yard, it's called a frizbee.....

As to the 8mm Plasma weapon. I think the most probable candidate is something like a Shmel or one of the later generation soviet single shot AT rounds, and although Steve and I tend to have slightly differeing views on Irans involvement in Iraq, something comming across from the East with or without offical Iranian sanction is "Probable".

Some new and unknow advanced technology super weapon is " possible" but not probable.

So there.


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Originally posted by John Kettler:

Remember that 35,000 ft. runway at Area 51? A fully loaded B-52 needs only 15,000 feet. A little Google fu will produce much more besides the above.

The paved shuttle landing runway at Edwards is 17,000 ft. long and has a five-mile overrun into a dry lake bed.

As far as Nazi UFOs, the History Channel recently provided some good material and showed how the German scientists we captured who worked on them helped us build our own UFO type craft, which are depicted based on close up views by several independent and credible eyewitnesses. Sadly, the good stuff wasn't covered, just the jet and rocket types; things like the Thule tachyonator, Coler apparatus, etc. weren't. The Coler apparatus is one of those energy from the vacuum devices, and it appears that one such device, under continuous guard to prevent misuse, has been quietly and cleanly powering a Swiss meditation community at Metternithe for decades.
The History Channel has long since descended into pop science/history BS. Please don't bring up the History Channel here.

The video "UFOs of the Third Reich Strike Back" should prove provocative, especially when coupled with a stack of blueprints of those craft from the German Research Project, and these do get into the supersecret tech reputedly carefully hidden at the end of the War, possibly at an Antarctic base. For that, please see my "Ice Puzzles" in ATLANTIS RISING No. 54 (www.atlantisrising.com) and the wholly independent (unknown to me when I wrote my article) "Nazi Secret Base in Antarctica" in NEXUS magazine (www.nexus.com) under Articles. One such craft in the video may well have been seen, albeit in stripped form, by a Technical Team member in Bavaria after the War. It was described as being "cylindrical and as long as a U-boat," with highly polished smooth skin, a hatch so tightly fitted as to be practically invisible, the flight instruments all smashed and the powerplant ripped right out of it.

My first reaction would be that you could not choose a more stupid location for aerospace research than Antarctica, but I thought to give the article a look...


Nice website.

Concerning FDR and Churchill, may I recommend you obtain and read Paul Stinnett's DAY OF DECEIT?

Stinnett served with Bush Senior during the War

and has unearthed a trove of the most disturbing

evidence yet. Let's just say that what he uncovered not only contradicts the standard story, it shatters it, and that's with the Navy still refusing to declassify a bunch of radio intercepts from before Pearl Harbor and with many key documents mysteriously missing from the files. The History Channel did a program based on the book, but it was more of an appetizer than a full meal, for the meat lies in the extremely detailed logs, plots, eyewitness accounts, etc. he uncovered.

Mr. Stinnett's book has been widely, and convincingly, rebutted.

Stinnett, Robert. Day of Deceit: The Truth about FDR and Pearl Harbor. New York: Free Press, 1999.

According to Macartney, AFIO WIN 47-99, 25 Nov. 1999, Stinnett supports "the old revisionist conspiracy theory that FDR 'encouraged' the Japanese to attack Pearl Harbor because he needed to overcome isolationist pressure that was keeping the US from going to Britain's aid in the war against Hitler."

The History Channel web site carries a lengthy rebuttal to Stinnett's thesis: Philip H. Jacobsen, "'Day of Deceit': An Analysis by a Veteran Navy Cryptologist," http://www.historychannel.com/discuss/index.html [substantially the same review is also available in Cryptologia 24, no. 2 (Apr. 2000), 110-118]. With no small touch of sarcasm, Jacobsen notes that "through his exceptional foresight, unique expertise and diligence, Stinnett was able to see through [President Roosevelt's] monstrous conspiracy and its cover-up to reveal its details to us some 58 years later when all previous efforts by revisionist conspiracy theorists have failed and all the participants are dead and cannot defend themselves....

"[Although] Stinnett came up with many new documents not generally known to be available..., these documents do not add anything new to the question of who knew what and when. In his zeal, Stinnett misinterprets not only these documents but comes up with new meanings for the plain words and characterizations of well accepted documentation already available in this Pearl Harbor arena."

Jacobsen declares Stinett's theory to be unproven and an "impossibility," and makes his conclusion clear: "No U.S. officials knew beforehand of the Japanese plans to attack PH or discovered that the Kito Butai was on its way to Hawaii."

Clark comment: Jacobsen's review deserves to be read in full to get the flavor of some of the "gross omissions, errors and misinterpretations that Stinnett had to assemble to try to make his revisionist conspiracy theory seem plausible to the uninitiated."

See also Philip H. Jacobsen [LTCDR/USN (Ret.)], "Foreknowledge of Pearl Harbor? No!: The Story of the U.S. Navy's Efforts on JN-25B," Cryptologia 27, no. 3 (Jul. 2003): 193-205.

Prados, Washington Post, 5 Mar. 2000, X7, concludes that "Day of Deceit furnishes a frustrating and ultimately unsatisfactory rendition of the months before Pearl Harbor."

For Zelikow, FA 79.2, the author's most sensational nuggets of evidence "are premised on the false belief that American intelligence had broken the Japanese naval code before the attack.... Stinnett never fashions his nuggets of research into a coherent argument, much less a convincing portrait."

Brooks, NIPQ 16.1, finds himself unable to accept Stinnett's thesis in the face of too many unproven assumptions.

Similarly, Budiansky, Cryptologia 24.2, sees the author "recycl[ing] all of the arguments familiar to readers of the Pearl Harbor revisionists." It has been "establish[ed] unambiguously that ... no current decryption at all [of the Japanese naval codes] was taking place at the time of Pearl Harbor."

Carpenter, IJI&C 14.2, comes down on the other side of the issue of the credibility of the author's work. The reviewer concludes that he is "inclined to agree with" Stinnett's conclusion. Similarly, Barkin and Westerfield, IJI&C 14.3, believe that "Stinnett's highlighting of Japan's vulnerability to the U.S. Navy's direction-finding and traffic-analysis strengths is impressive." They seem to accept that information that would establish U.S. government culpability is still being withheld. Philip H. Jacobsen [LTCDR/USN (Ret.)], "No RDF on the Japanese Strike Force: No Conspiracy!" International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence 18, no. 1 (Spring 2005): 142-149, takes strong issue with the thrust of this review

Zimmerman, I&NS 17.2, produces a critique of Day of Deceit that is second only to Jacobsen's (above) in laying to waste any credibility that Stinnett's work might seem to have. Zimmerman declares flatly that "none of the book's major assertions can withstand critical scrutiny," and proceeds to demonstrate the fallacies in those assertions. This "Review Essay" also provides an excellent overview of "Revisionist" historiography.

[ December 29, 2005, 08:43 PM: Message edited by: akd ]

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Peter Cairns,

The degaussing coils (aka deperming coils) are normally used to reduce the magnetic signature of a ship's metal hull as a countermeasure against magnetic mines. Larger vessels can carry the entire apparatus as a built-in, but smaller vessels have it done in a special facility called a deperming basin. In the referenced application, though, they are part of the equation necessary to trigger hyperdimensional phenomena, which, as I understand it, is all about rotation and orthogonality. For more on that, see the Preston Nichols books, also the huge MATRIX II and MATRIX III from Leading Edge Research (www.trufax.org).

Interestingly, if you look at the various saucer designs, read the accounts of crash recoveries and the like, one common thread is rotation, be it anything from a slowly rotating rocket or jet propelled massy rim on some of the German designs, a much faster geared scheme on the Aztec craft, or even what appear to be superconducting coils on others.

I saw a brief piece in a physics journal once, which described a fascinating experiment. Take a gyro. Say it weighs 1 kg at rest. Spin it clockwise at 20,000 rpm. Still weighs 1 kg. Spin it counterclockwise at same speed. Voila! Weighs less than 1 kg!

Please look up T. Townsend Brown and a guy named Bahnsen for details on early electrogravitic experiments (Stan Deyo's books have some great stuff on both, including many pictures); see also a guy named Lyne (wrote, inter alia, SPACE ALIENS FROM THE PENTAGON, whose premise is that the UFOs we see are based on captured German designs derived from Tesla technology). He has a most provocative photo of what seems to be an electromagnetically hardened gyrocompass from such a craft. Bought at a Los Alamos surplus sale, the thing has a prominent swastika smack dab atop it.

Power sources are all over the place, including

nuclear reactors (famously the Cash-Landrum case, also Paul Bennewitz report to Senator Domenici) high density electrical storage

(lots of reports of UFOs tapping power lines, including one which may've caused a huge blackout), zero point energy (Thule tachyonator, Coler apparatus), exotic elements like 115 (Bob Lazar Sports Model), etc. If you can generate a lot of power, you can generate electrogravitic antigravity.


John Kettler

[ December 29, 2005, 09:17 PM: Message edited by: John Kettler ]

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Shall have to address the Stinnett rebuttal later--after article's finshed.

Good (and funny) catch on my sadly flubbed NEXUS magazine link, though. Have fixed same. BTW, I didn't say the Germans were doing aerospace research there, but that they moved the good tech there after it was already developed, leaving the crummy low tech to be "discovered" by the Allies. Antarctica, specifically Neuschwabenland, was German territory from the 1930s until at least the end of WW II with a large scientific and military presence there.


John Kettler

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Ack, why am I debating this. I feel ashamed.

"Those events that are most important are hardest to understand, because they attract the greatest attention from mythmakers and charlatans."

-Holger Herwig on the German conspiracy theory response to the First World War

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Originally posted by akd:

Ack, why am I debating this.

Because it hurts! And you want to make the pain go away!

I am off now to impress my colleagues with my newfound knowledge about antigravity devices in the B2 bomber!

Best regards,


PS: As long as there are more people trying to sell me books about ET tech than people trying to sell me said ET tech, I doubt the existence of the latter. Sorry.

PPS: Re: "You can read about those and other exotic craft at www.drboylan.com under Articles." I can also read Science and, in particular, Janes, where they sometimes come up with better stuff than the alien scientists!

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Originally posted by John Kettler:

I saw a brief piece in a physics journal once, which described a fascinating experiment. Take a gyro. Say it weighs 1 kg at rest. Spin it clockwise at 20,000 rpm. Still weighs 1 kg. Spin it counterclockwise at same speed. Voila! Weighs less than 1 kg!

Should be easy enough to reproduce this experiment. Reproducibility is very important in science, as you probably know.

Meanwhile, more pictures of nazi ufos, now in Antarctica:


Originally posted by Rollstoy:

PS: As long as there are more people trying to sell me books about ET tech than people trying to sell me said ET tech, I doubt the existence of the latter. Sorry.

Good point. smile.gif
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In other news:

AMERICA faces invasion by an armada of Nazi flying saucers -- launched from a secret underground base in Antarctica where they've been housed since World War II!

That's the horrifying claim of a National Security Agency source, who says global warming is to blame.

"Because of excess greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the Antarctic ice is rapidly melting -- depriving German scientists, SS officers and their families of their sanctuary,' declares the source.

"Their 'final solution' is to conquer America."

The source claims that images collected by U.S. spy satellites reveal that at least 420 of the menacing saucers, each about 90-feet in diameter, emerged from the now-partially exposed base and are hovering over the continent -- waiting to attack.

"Radio messages we've intercepted and decoded suggest that each saucer is packed with enough super-advanced weaponry to destroy 10 American cities," warns the source.


From Weekly World News. Sounds like a trustworthy source. Good thing the Germans never learned the Enigma code was broken, otherwise we wouldn't have any knowledge of this menacing threat.

The article is from June, I guess the saucers are still hovering over Antarctica. :rolleyes:

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It's quite funny when someone makes what's supposed to be a German technical drawing and they don't use German characters in it.

Why would a German spell a word with "ue" or "ae" when they have the proper characters "ü" and "ä"?


OK, no more nazi ufos today. I'm off to read some crackpot science. Energy from vacuum? Of course, no problems at all. But how do you create vacuum without energy input? :rolleyes:

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google or after reading the twaddle on www.alientel.com * best try the public library

Originally posted by FAI:

I'm better of searching for free science-fiction publications in the Internet. Anyone knows where to start?


* "We believe that if you use the web unprotected, you will end up in their pockets used as CANON FODDER. They play all sides against the middle: country against country, religion against religion, race against race, cleric against cleric, priest against rabbi, and while everyone is fighting with everyone else, they supply the technology, the fuel, the energy, the entertainment and everything else. We're all so gullible we haven't realized that they have the help of ALIEN ANTHROPOLOGISTS who are using and have been using the "royal family" of American Energy, to control the minds and businesses of everyone in America, blacklisting those who gripe about it. We have discovered that even the PCs made by most manufacturers today contain technology that may have been adapted by Alien Back Engineering, modeled from a weapon designed to transmit signals directly to your brain through your eyes, ears and skin, leading to enslavement and infirmity intended to make you progressively weaker, immoral and ill, requiring expensive medical treatment and expensive pharmaceutical therapies. There's big money made by the major brands who market reverse-engineered "ALIEN DISEASE TRANSMISSIBLE ENSLAVEMENT ELEMENTS"™ in their PCs."

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Oh boy... now you guys have gone into Top Secret areas you should not have. We've got our own network of learned people who have passed onto us millions of pages of documentation of the Syrians having saucers that can deploy sharkes with frik'n laserbeams on their heads. All the Syrians need to do is figure out how to put the laserbeams on something more practical for an arid environment, like dogs or camels, and they'll have the world by the balls. Thankfully, they have for some reason not figured out how to do this conversion. Therefore, the world has not yet see the terrible power of the saucer and its deployable wonder weapons. So we won't be putting it into CM:SF, nor are we going to show you any of the documentation we have. That's just the way conspiracy theories work, OK?


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Peter Cairns,

I blew it on the British in Antarctica title. The series is in three parts, is called Britain's Secret War in Antarctica and is by James Roberts.

Quite a read and heavily footnoted!


If you look at the 35,000 ft. Area 51 runway, you'll find it terminates in a mountainside. Isn't that interesting?


Good question! Can't answer it, but I have seen photos and photocopies of German newspapers from the 1950s full of info on wartime German saucer projects like the Schrieiver Flugkreisel, but also some using Junkers Jumo 004 jets, V-1 pulse jets,

or even rockets to spin the rim, with separate ones for forward propulsion.

If you're serious about the vacuum energy question, then you need to start thinking of it as being an incredibly energy rich sea, rather than emptiness, for from this concept all else flows.

Bearden wrote a stack of books rigorously describing and characterizing the New Electromagnetic Theory that we should've had from James Clerk Maxwell's work, had Heaviside et al. not so simplified the critical equations that most of the potential was lost. More recently, he wrote ENERGY FROM THE VACUUM. If you're a student, you can get a copy free at www.cheniere.org Even if you don't want the book or books, there's plenty of material on that site to explain the real nature of the vacuum. Fair warning! It's deep!


Sorry, but you don't get to dictate what I talk about. I used that example because I figured some here might actually have seen it, a likelihood vastly higher than, say, having seen a specific old 80s MUFON journal or any number of rarer sources. There are lots of sources who have seen and even guarded U.S. saucer type craft, though, and they go back to at least the late 1960s. One of the main sources on the History Channel program was a then magazine publisher for the Air Force, and he was invited to see the highly advanced craft and write about them. He was even given some illos of the them. Later, though, permission was rescinded and the illos were taken from him.


Funny, but only PART of the logbook disappeared!


I can see how you'd find that more than a bit offputting, but even cursory investigation into electronic mind control, never mind any overtly ET add-ons, can and will give you dyspepsia. Big time! For openers, search for Dr. Raune Kilde, former chief medical officer of Finland. Her statement on what's already being done and how incredibly vulnerable our brains are to it should prove revelatory. If you decide to really get into it, though, may I suggest MATRIX III available from www.trufax.org It's 1000+ pages on every aspect of multilevel, multimethod based societal mind control, from the subtle to the gross, and it does get into the alien projects.

Steve, love those laser sharks! The Syrians, though, aided by Russian and Chinese genetic scientists, have figured out how to make a laserheaded land shark, a real plus in an arid region and without all that bothersome water to contend with. Saucer combat radii are rising accordingly.


Water wings are available for amphib work.


John Kettler

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Originally posted by John Kettler:

Peter Cairns,


If you look at the 35,000 ft. Area 51 runway, you'll find it terminates in a mountainside. Isn't that interesting?

It does not terminate in a mountain side. Doubtless you'll claim the Google images have been altered from the "real" images you saw or believe you saw.


[ December 30, 2005, 09:58 PM: Message edited by: akd ]

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Until the "free energy from vacuum"-people put up their findings for peer review and repetition by other scientists I'll put their findings on the "Cold Fusion"-shelf. a.k.a "things that would be really nice if they worked but they don't".

We have an established method in science, it might not be flawless, but that's what we demand today. Reproducability and peer review. Without those components, new findings won't be accepted, no matter how happy everyone would be if they worked.

How to spot "free energy scams":



I know, the formatting on those pages are horrible.

From the last link:

How to deal with skeptics and detractors:

There are a number of approaches to deal with self righteous people who like to point out your flaws of reason, lists of previous victims, etc. out on the internet:

* Label your detractors as CIA agents, or stupid or part of the great conspiracy.

* say they are unqualified unless they are experts in your crazy theory.

* try to restrict your message to newsletters and limited forums where the skeptical voice can be filtered out.

* in a public forum deaden the audiences interest with tons of distracting counter "information".

* try to delete their pages from the search engines, or bury their objections in enough distractions to make people avoid the debate

* trying threatening your detractors with lawsuits - it will make some of them shut up

* give up and only try to market to people too old or stupid to get on the internet. - or try selling to the Amish or more stupid ethnic groups.

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is too good to be true.
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Please don't put words into my mouth. It's rude! That said, the picture you present is head and shoulders better than the tiny grainy ones I have in a few books here, with vastly better detail. What I saw previously looked like it went out across the salt flats and into what looked like a substantial elevation. Such, sadly, are the perils of halftoned low-res imagery printed in small size on normal paper. Do you by any chance have an image of the other end of the runway?


There have been International Cold Fusion (ICF) conferences held annually ever since Pons and Fleischmann first announced their discovery, and their work has not only been replicated in other labs, but has been surpassed. Attendees include top energy researchers from around the world and many inventors, too. Some of the devices, such as the Patterson Cell, have been prominently featured at power generation conferences normally attended by utility company types and wowed the attendees.

For an insider's story on how MIT hot fusion scientists abreacted to and did everything possible to discredit cold fusion and its inventors, please see now deceased Ph.D. Gene Mallove's seminal work FIRE FROM ICE. He worked in the MIT Press when cold fusion first came to light. His outrage at the gross violations of the tenets of free and open scientific inquiry by the hot fusion types led to the book. Several countries are going hammer and tongs on cold fusion and related technologies, notably that technology "nonentity" Japan and the equally cutting edge India. P&F when last seen were in a first class lab in France. While you pooh pooh the various technologies, U.S. and international patents have been awarded for a bunch of devices, but not one says overunity or free energy in its title, for to do so is the kiss of death at the patent office. Bearden and colleagues have a patent for a beastie called MEG, and you can read about that at his site.

For an overview of some of the emerging energy technologies and their forebears, please see

"Clash of Geniuses: Inventing the Impossible" available from www.atlantisrising.com or by calling 1-800-228-8381. Less than $30 will get you the DVD, shipping and handling included. The single best periodical I've found on the new energy technology was founded by Gene Mallove and is called INFINITE ENERGY, and the site is www.infinite-energy.com I believe a free issue is available upon request. If so, I urge you to get yours. The articles are deep, detailed, and richly sourced. One piece by Bearden on Over Unity Motors, for example, ran two pages or so, with three more pages providing all-encompassing citations, in double columned small type, from the most credible scientific and mathematical sources available--Physics A, German advanced math periodicals, Hibbert, Poynting, Feynman, etc. Some articles are fairly easy reads, but for others you'll need not just math and physics, but organic and inorganic chemistry, molecular biology and more. ICF proceedings and videos are available through the magazine, too.

Please note that in replying to you, I have not employed even one of the tactics or approaches against which you inveigh. To the contrary, I have been the very soul of reasonableness and civilized discourse about the topic at hand. In closing, I'd like to note that the previously hot fusion only DOE has this year finally begun to fund investigations into what are now being called LENRs (low energy nuclear reactions), sonofusion, etc. Tabletop LENR experimenter kits are available, too.


John Kettler

[ December 31, 2005, 05:15 AM: Message edited by: John Kettler ]

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